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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for W. D. Pender or search for W. D. Pender in all documents.
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chancellorsville . (search)
Report of Pender's division. by Major Joseph A. Englehard, A. A. G.
[As General Pender was killed, and GGeneral Pender was killed, and General Trimble, who succeeded to the command, very badly wounded, the report of the division was, by order of General Lee, m vember 4, 1863.
Major,--The Light Division of Major-General W. D. Pender, consisting of the brigades of Brigadier-General pressing the enemy within a short distance in front.
General Pender sent his Assistant Adjutant-General forward to General distance of the troops in front.
About four o'clock General Pender ordered an advance of the three brigades, with instruc he enemy, throwing in confusion somewhat the line.
Major-General Pender, with portions of his staff, and General Scales, th hed, forcibly expresses the sentiments of all who knew General Pender, and had watched his career as a soldier.
This lament s line.
General Trimble, with portions of his own and General Pender's staff, being with and taking immediate command of th