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Tybee Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
to Martin, July 3, 1894, 497; action at time of Chinese massacre in Wyoming, 509-512; his interpretation of the Pacific Railroad Acts, 510; letter written in 1865, 530; secures payment for his troops, 530; Grant's last thoughts for, 543; relieved from controversies in Missouri, 543; promotions for service, 543 For details of the battles of Franklin and Nashville, and the antecedent movements, stands, and engagements see Brentwood; Columbia; Duck River; Franklin; Harpeth River; Nashville; Pulaski; Spring Hill, and the names of the various generals engaged therein, as Cox; Hood; Smith, A. J. ; Stanley; Thomas, etc. Correspondence with: Bates, E., Sept. 29, 1863, 93: Bigelow, John, Feb. 25, 1866, 392: Blair, F. P., Aug. 13, 1862, 59: Broadhead, J. O., 107, 108: Carney, Thomas, Aug. 28, 29, 1863, 79, 80, 82: Chase, S. P., May 7, 1865, 373, 376: Drake, C. D., Oct. 24, 1863, 100: Gamble, H. R. (1863), 72, 73: Grant, U. S., Dec. 27, 1864, 252-254; May 10, 1865, 373-376; Jan. 24, 1866,
New Market (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ational credit, the maintenance of, 529-534 National Guard, the, 522 Nature, the laws of, 532-534 Negroes, question of recruiting, in Missouri, 73; question of suffrage for, 373, 374, 376; status after emancipation, 367-376, 446 Negro suffrage, forced upon the South, 396 et seq. Negro troops, enlistment of, 90, 92, 99 Neuse River, bridged by S., 346 New Hope Church, Ga., military operations near, 143 New Madrid, Mo., mutiny among troops ordered to, 84, 85, 87 New Market, Tenn., S. retires on, 115 New Mexico, obstruction of railroads in, 512 New Smyrna, Fla., S. at, 19 Newton, Maj.-Gen., John, battle of Resaca, 140 Newtonia, Mo., military movements at, 38 New York, a forbidden trip from West Point to, 7, 8; S. leaves for Liverpool, 385; Gen. Scott removes his headquarters from Washington to, 406, 469; Sherman's fondness for, 542 New York Herald, quoted, 386, 387 New York Times, cited, 293, 294 Nickajack, Cox secures position on, 144 N
John (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
Pierre G. T., possible movements by, 199, 311, 321, 322; Thomas's ability to defeat, 288; proposal that Thomas take the offensive against, 311, 312; westward movement, 321; proposed inveiglement of, across the Tennessee, 322 Benham, Capt., reports condition of Gen. Blunt's district, 93 Benicia, the, S. returns from Hawaii on, 431 Bennett's House, N. C., capitulation of Johnston at, 335, 351-353 Bentonville, N. C., battle of, 346 Bible, the inspiration of the, 8, 9 Bigelow, John, U. S. Minister to France, 383, 384, 391, 392; letter from Seward, Nov. 4, 1865, 384; share in the Mexican negotiations, 391, 392; letter from S., Feb. 25, 1866, 392 Big River, military operations on the, 51 Black Point, Cal., S. at, 188 Blair, Maj.-Gen. Frank P., Jr., S.'s friendship with, 31, 138; patriotism and courage, 31; introduces S. to Fremont, 48, 49; opinion of Fremont, 49; movement favoring his succeeding S. in command in Missouri, 59, 60; correspondence with Halleck, Aug. 11-12
Hawaiian Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ration, 423 Hartsuff, George L., ill luck in Florida, 25; organizes the Twenty-third Army Corps, 25; intimacy with S., 25; wounded, 25; death, 25 Hascall, Brig.-Gen. Milo S., battle of Kolb's Farm, 132, 133, 135 Haskin, Capt. Joseph A., commanding Company D, First Artillery, 20 Hat Island, sports at, 428 Hatch, Maj.-Gen., Edward, anticipates Hood's advance, 167; in the Tennessee campaign, 201; despatch to Thomas. Nov. 20, 1864, 201; sends troops to Nashville, 205, 206 Hawaiian Islands, a trip to the, 431-433; question of annexation to the United States, 431; Americans and American interests in, 431-433; decay of the people of, 432 Hayes, Rutherford B., creates the Division of the Gulf, 447, 448 Henderson, Senator J. B., letter to S., April 7, 1864, 117; urges S. to whip somebody anyhow, 117; letter from S. to, April 15, 1864, 117-119 Herron, Maj.-Gen. Francis J., at Wilson's Creek, 62; marches to Blunt's assistance, 62; battle of Prairie Grove, 62-64; acts o
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
29-534 National Guard, the, 522 Nature, the laws of, 532-534 Negroes, question of recruiting, in Missouri, 73; question of suffrage for, 373, 374, 376; status after emancipation, 367-376, 446 Negro suffrage, forced upon the South, 396 et seq. Negro troops, enlistment of, 90, 92, 99 Neuse River, bridged by S., 346 New Hope Church, Ga., military operations near, 143 New Madrid, Mo., mutiny among troops ordered to, 84, 85, 87 New Market, Tenn., S. retires on, 115 New Mexico, obstruction of railroads in, 512 New Smyrna, Fla., S. at, 19 Newton, Maj.-Gen., John, battle of Resaca, 140 Newtonia, Mo., military movements at, 38 New York, a forbidden trip from West Point to, 7, 8; S. leaves for Liverpool, 385; Gen. Scott removes his headquarters from Washington to, 406, 469; Sherman's fondness for, 542 New York Herald, quoted, 386, 387 New York Times, cited, 293, 294 Nickajack, Cox secures position on, 144 Ninety-Fifth Ohio Infantry, in battle o
Varina Farm (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ille, 165, 288; before Columbia, 168; near Spring Hill, 171; driven from Spring Hill, 172; at Thompson's Station, 173; attacks the column retreating to Franklin, 174; in the Tennessee campaign, 191, 193, 228, 308; battle of Franklin, 221-223, 228; harasses Thomas, 289; possibilities of his reaching Kentucky, 300; raid by, 310; on the Tennessee, 318-320; at Eastport, Jackson, and Paris, 319; capture of gunboat by, 319; at Johnsonville, 320; failure to damage Sherman's communications, 338 Fort Brady, troops sent to Chicago from, 501 Fort Capron, Fla., S. joins Battery D at, 19, 20; service at, 19-25; breakdown of mail service to, 20, 21 Fort Clinton, N. Y., an adventure in the ditch of, 4 Fort Dearborn, Ill., 454 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Grant's strategy at, 358; capture of, 516 Fort Fisher, N. C., capture of, 346 Fort Hamilton, N. Y., artillery practice at, 458 Fortification Appropriation Act, Sept. 22, 1888, 459 Fortified lines, question of carrying by assault, 12
Hawaii (Hawaii, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ance of supplies in, 288; Thomas to have command over, 317 Alexander, Col. Barton S., trip to Hawaii with S., 431 Alexandria, Va., provisional government of Virginia at, 394 Allatoona, Ga., m Benham, Capt., reports condition of Gen. Blunt's district, 93 Benicia, the, S. returns from Hawaii on, 431 Bennett's House, N. C., capitulation of Johnston at, 335, 351-353 Bentonville, N. great earthquake of 1871, 430, 431; obstruction of railroads in, 512 California, the, trip to Hawaii on, 431 Campbell, Congressman, 11 Campbell, J. A., assistant adjutant-general, Department of45 Lovejoy's Station, Ga., Hood's rendezvous at, 159 Lunalilo, King, ascends the throne of Hawaii, 432 Lynnville, Tenn., proposed point of concentration of Thomas's troops, 201 Lyon, Brig.ees of, 413 Pearl River, examination of the harbor of, 432 Pennock, Rear-Adm., takes S. to Hawaii, 431 Pennsylvania, the Confederate invasion of, 234; delays in calling out her reserves, 525
Omaha (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
a, obstruction of railroads in, 512 Northern Ohio Democrat, the (of Toledo), cited, 293-295 Northern Pacific Railroad, military protection on the line of the, 510-512 O Oahu, a trial to, 432 Ohio, possibilities of Hood's invading, 305 Ohio River, fears of Hood's reaching, 295, 300 Okeechobee, Lake, military operations at, 23-25 Olley's Creek, Cox forces the passage of, 441 Olney, Atty.-Gen. Richard, report of, cited, 493; approves S.'s order of May 25, 1894, 509 Omaha, military station at, 454; S. at, 509 Oneco, Wis., S. teaches school at, 2 One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Indiana Volunteers, a young straggler from the, 155, 156 Opdycke, Maj.-Gen. Emerson, in battle of Franklin, 177-181, 229; the meed of praise due to, 179-181 Oregon, visit of Sherman and S. to, 430; the Modoc Indians in, 434-437 O'Reilley, Thomas, member of anti-Scho-field committee from St. Louis to Washington, 58, 59 Otis, Brig.-Gen., commanding Department of the Columbia, 51
Keokuk, Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
, 37 Kansas City, Mo., S. at, 81-83; Lane agrees, but fails, to meet S. at, 81, 83; interview between S. and Ewing at, 82 Kelton, Utah, a trip to, 430 Kenesaw, Ga., military movements near, 133, 143; Johnston's withdrawal from, 136; Sherman's assault and repulse at, 142-144, 340 Kentucky, apprehended invasion of, by Hood, 163, 185, 193, 259, 260, 300, 303, 305, 316; possibilities of Forrest's harassing, 300; Thomas to have command over, 317; to be called on for militia, 322 Keokuk, Iowa, S.'s marriage at, 489 Kilauea, a trip to the crater of, 431 Kilbourne, Mrs. George E., 489 Kilbourne, Miss, Georgia, marriage of S. and, 489 Kilpatrick, Maj.-Gen., Judson, with Sherman in Georgia, 285 Kimball, Maj.-Gen., Nathan, his troops at Spring Hill, 173; at Franklin, 175; placed between Duck River and Rutherford's Creek, 214; movement to Franklin, 216; battle of Nashville, 263 King, Brig.-Gen. Rufus, entertains S. at Rome, 393 Kingston, Ga., Sherman at, 320
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
from Tennessee, 114. Parrott guns, 50 Parsons, Col. Lewis B., conducts transport arrangements for the Twenty-third Corps, 345 Partizanship, dangerous, 540, 543 Party politics, a detriment in the War Department, 407 et seq. Patriotism, of the American soldier, 183; a valuable kind of, 360; true, 481; professional, 539, 540 Peabody Fund, Grant at meeting of trustees of, 413 Pearl River, examination of the harbor of, 432 Pennock, Rear-Adm., takes S. to Hawaii, 431 Pennsylvania, the Confederate invasion of, 234; delays in calling out her reserves, 525 Pensacola, Fla., possible movement by Sherman to, 312, 332 Petersburg, Va., siege of, 313, 329; Sherman's plan of marching against, 347 Philadelphia, assembly of the Society of the Army of the Potomac at, 429 Phrases: Anonymous or unassigned: If digging is the way to put down the rebellion I guess we will have to do it, 155 If you were half as scared as I am, you would run away, 45 It is all right, boy
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