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George H. Thomas 1,422 6 Browse Search
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U. S. Grant 610 4 Browse Search
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 480 0 Browse Search
United States (United States) 412 0 Browse Search
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) 390 4 Browse Search
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Hornady (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
pt., mail-carrier on Indian River, 19 Davis, Jefferson, persuades S. to retain his commission, 30; President, C. S. A., visits Atlanta, 231; relieves Johnston, 231; desire for aggressive campaigns, 234; promises to give protection to Georgia and to drive Sherman out, 309-311, 318, 322, 331, 338; Sherman's defiance to, 309, 310 Davis, Maj.-Gen. Jefferson C., in march to the sea, 317 Dean, Widow, 225 Death, foreboding of, 141 Debs, Eugene V., leader of riots at Chicago, 498 Decatur, Ala., Federal possession of, 167, 194, 197; necessity for railroad guards near, 197; as base of supplies for Sherman, 304; possible movement by Sherman toward, 311; proposed movement for Thomas toward, 317, 319, 322; Hood's probable movement via, 318; possible siege of, 319, 321, 322 Democratic party, attitude on President Johnson's impeachment, 415 Denver, Colo., proposed strike of trainmen at, 509, 510 Department of Arkansas, repeal of orders concerning, 451 Department of Justic
Rolla, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
; difficulties of his campaign, 38-43; returns to Springfield, 39; solicitude for the loyal people of Missouri, 39, 42; battle of Wilson's Creek, 39, 40, 42-47, 141, 363, 364; letter from Fremont, Aug. 6, 1861, 39, 40; ordered to fall back toward Rolla, 40; letter to Fremont, Aug. 9, 40, 41; retires to Springfield, 41; consultation with and reliance on Sigel, 42, 43; desperation, 42-45; wounded and killed, 44, 45, 47, 141, 364; supported by the clay-bank element, 87, 90 M McAllister, Carot to, 334 Rock Springs, Wyo., massacre of Chinese at, 509 Rocky-Face Ridge, military operations near, 124, 126, 129 Rocky Mountains, the, development of the country west of, 491 Roddey, Brig.-Gen. Philip D., on the Tennessee, 318 Rolla, Mo., military movements near, 37, 38, 40, 42, 47, 48, 65; retreat from Wilson's Creek to, 47, 48 Rollins, James S., memorandum furnished to, by S., 89-91; relates anecdote of Lincoln's reception of a Missouri delegation, 108 Rome, Ga., milita
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
and Curran Post Office, 38; difficulties of his campaign, 38-43; returns to Springfield, 39; solicitude for the loyal people of Missouri, 39, 42; battle of Wilson'sto fall back toward Rolla, 40; letter to Fremont, Aug. 9, 40, 41; retires to Springfield, 41; consultation with and reliance on Sigel, 42, 43; desperation, 42-45; wont at Vicksburg with men and supplies, 64, 70, 71, 90, 98, 110, 232, 233; at Springfield, 65; hindered from active operations, 65, 66; attitude toward Curtis, 65, 66e, 430 Sigel, Col., Franz, commanding Missouri troops, 37, 38; ordered to Springfield, 37, 38; retreats from Newtonia to Springfield, 38; junction with Lyon and SSpringfield, 38; junction with Lyon and Sturgis, 38; battle of Wilson's Creek, 42, 43, 47; Lyon's confidence in, 43; takes over command from Sturgis, 47; protests against Sturgis's reassuming command, 47 of a destructive campaign in, 339 South Chicago, labor riots at, 498 Springfield, Mo., military movements at, 37-41, 43, 46, 47; S. at, 65 Spring Hill, Tenn.
Roanoke (United States) (search for this): chapter 32
movement by Sherman against, 332; Sherman's ambition to share in its capture, 347; various plans for the capture of, 358; S. commanding at, 395, 397, 400, 418; Grant at Peabody Fund meeting at, 413 Richmond Dispatch, the, quoted, 401 Rifle, the, supersedes the bayonet, 145, 146 Rio Grande, the, Sheridan ordered to, 379; proposed inspection tour by S. to, 380-383 Riots, tactical dealing with, 495, 504, 505 Rives, Judge, declines office of chief justice of Virginia, 396, 397 Roanoke, the river, Sherman's proposed movement to, 334 Rock Springs, Wyo., massacre of Chinese at, 509 Rocky-Face Ridge, military operations near, 124, 126, 129 Rocky Mountains, the, development of the country west of, 491 Roddey, Brig.-Gen. Philip D., on the Tennessee, 318 Rolla, Mo., military movements near, 37, 38, 40, 42, 47, 48, 65; retreat from Wilson's Creek to, 47, 48 Rollins, James S., memorandum furnished to, by S., 89-91; relates anecdote of Lincoln's reception of a Mi
China (China) (search for this): chapter 32
Chief of staff, the office of, 410 Chile, threatened war with, 489, 490 China, violation of treaty between the United States and, 509 Chinese laborers, maChinese laborers, massacre of, in Wyoming, 509 Cincinnati, O., S. ordered to purchase arms at, 48; S. at, 345 Cipher code, the, 232, 233 Cipher despatches, the art of decipheribor riots of 1894, 494, 495, 497, 500-503, 506;, 507; orders S. to suppress Chinese massacres, 509 Clinton, Mo., military movements at, 37 Cogswell, Milton, river, Sherman's proposed movement to, 334 Rock Springs, Wyo., massacre of Chinese at, 509 Rocky-Face Ridge, military operations near, 124, 126, 129 Rocky les, July 2, 1894, 496; orders to Martin, July 3, 1894, 497; action at time of Chinese massacre in Wyoming, 509-512; his interpretation of the Pacific Railroad Acts,Col. John B., letter from Fremont to, Aug. 6, 1861, 39 Wyoming, massacre of Chinese in, 509; obstruction of railroads in, 512 Yankee, what constitutes a, at We
Independence, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ip with Lane, 80, 81; scheme to expel disloyal persons from Kansas, 82; interview with S. at Kansas City, 82; Order No. 11, 83; his politic actions, 83, 84; at Independence, 84; inspection of his district, 93; denies rumors of expulsion of Union families, 93 Expediency, the value of, 7 F Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Meadads in, 512 Illinois, the Schofield family removes from New York to, 1; Rev. James Schofield's mission work in, 1; the labor riots of 1894, 493 et seq. Independence, Mo., Ewing and S. at, 84 Indiana, a young soldier representative of, 155, 156; to be called on for militia, 322 Indian Bureau, the, the Modoc outbreak and,y, 80-83; forbids Kansas and Missouri militia crossing the border, 82; interview with Ewing at Kansas City, 82; at Westport, 83; one measure of success, 84; at Independence, 84; modifies Ewing's order, 84; interview with Mayor Anthony, 84; efforts spread disaffection among his troops, 85-87; enforces marital law in Missouri, 85, 9
New Madrid, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ing possession of the, 171, 195 et seq., 201, 203, 205, 206 National credit, the maintenance of, 529-534 National Guard, the, 522 Nature, the laws of, 532-534 Negroes, question of recruiting, in Missouri, 73; question of suffrage for, 373, 374, 376; status after emancipation, 367-376, 446 Negro suffrage, forced upon the South, 396 et seq. Negro troops, enlistment of, 90, 92, 99 Neuse River, bridged by S., 346 New Hope Church, Ga., military operations near, 143 New Madrid, Mo., mutiny among troops ordered to, 84, 85, 87 New Market, Tenn., S. retires on, 115 New Mexico, obstruction of railroads in, 512 New Smyrna, Fla., S. at, 19 Newton, Maj.-Gen., John, battle of Resaca, 140 Newtonia, Mo., military movements at, 38 New York, a forbidden trip from West Point to, 7, 8; S. leaves for Liverpool, 385; Gen. Scott removes his headquarters from Washington to, 406, 469; Sherman's fondness for, 542 New York Herald, quoted, 386, 387 New York Times,
Grant (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
S., 346; concentration at, 346, 347 Gordon's Ferry, Tenn., proposal to obstruct roads at, 211 Grand Hotel, Paris, S.'s speech at, 386, 387 Granger, Brig.-Gen. R. S., proposed concentration of his troops on the Chattanooga railroad, 194, 197, 203; possibilities of his holding Decatur, 197; detained at Murfreesboroa, 197; Sherman advises that he threaten the rear, 199; expected at Murfreesboroa, 205 Granny White Turnpike, Tenn., military operations on, 244, 245, 264, 268-270 Grant, Col. Frederick D., on Gen. Grant's esteem for S., 543 Grant, General Ulysses S., charges against, 61; operations on the Mississippi, siege and capture of Vicksburg, 63, 70, 71, 90, 98, 110, 232, 233; reinforced by S. at Vicksburg with men and supplies, 64, 70, 71, 90, 98, 110, 232, 233; returns troops to S., 70, 90; relations with S., 70, 109-111, 115, 117, 118, 198, 237-240, 252, 293-297, 337, 346, 361, 379-382, 389-391, 414 et seq., 419-421, 439, 440, 482, 541-543; commanding Military Div
Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
, S. joins Battery D at, 19, 20; service at, 19-25; breakdown of mail service to, 20, 21 Fort Clinton, N. Y., an adventure in the ditch of, 4 Fort Dearborn, Ill., 454 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Grant's strategy at, 358; capture of, 516 Fort Fisher, N. C., capture of, 346 Fort Hamilton, N. Y., artillery practice at, 458 Fortification Appropriation Act, Sept. 22, 1888, 459 Fortified lines, question of carrying by assault, 127, 128, 142-148 Fort Jupiter, Fla., occupation of, 24 holding the line of the, 311, 312, 315 Tenure-of-Office Act, the, 411, 412 Territorial strategy, 358, 359, 517 Terry, Maj.-Gen. Alfred H., service on military court with Thomas, 277 ; trip by Grant and S. to visit, 294, 295; captures Fort Fisher, 346; in military conference at Cape Fear River, 346 ; visits S. at West Point, 446; relations with S., 446; proposal to appoint him superintendent at West Point, 446, 447; on board of review of Fitz-John Porter case, 461; his military educat
Tullahoma (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
f the Atlanta campaign, 162; reports to Sherman, 164; marches toward Savannah, 165; ordered to Tullahoma, 165; ordered to Johnsonville, 165, 166, 288-290; ordered to command at Pulaski, 165, 166; comle of Jonesboroa, 157, 158; courage, 158; ordered to reinforce Thomas, 158, 164, 317, 322 ; at Tullahoma, 164; ordered to Pulaski, 165; meeting with S. at Pulaski, 166 ; telegram from Thomas, Nov. 13and Franklin, 279; at Pulaski, 252; telegram from Thomas, Nov. 8, 1864, 284, 290; marches from Tullahoma to Pulaski, 288; ordered to tight Hood at Pulaski or Columbia, 290; at Athens, Tenn., 319 S190-199; 206-208, 225, 284, 285, 290, 307, 308, 315, 319-322, 325, 326, 330, 344; orders S. to Tullahoma and Pulaski, 165-167; orders S. to Nashville, 165; faults in his instructions to S., 166, 167; Troy, N. Y., burial of Gen. Thomas at, 429 Tuileries, the, S.'s presentation at, 392 Tullahoma, Tenn., Stanley at, 164; S. ordered to, 165; necessity for railroad guards at, 197; S. ordered to
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