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George H. Thomas 1,422 6 Browse Search
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Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
te, the, 338 Pilot Knob, Mo., military movements at, 51; S. at, 51; Col. Carlin commanding, 51 Pittsburg, Pa., S. ordered to purchase arms at, 48; S. at, 345 Pittsburg, Fort, Wayne, & Chicago Rail-road, riots on the, 499, 500 Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., C. F. Smith ordered to, 361 Platte County, Mo., reported expulsion of Union families from, 93; troubles in, 105 Plumb, Preston B., U. S. Senator, aids in establishing artillery and cavalry school at Fort Riley, 427 Plummer, Col Franklin, 215; arrives at Nashville, 220, 221, 254; proposed movement to Franklin, 220, 221, 223; proposed movement to Brentwood, 221, 223-225; battle of Nashville, 242-246, 250, 254, 268-270, 272, 291 Smith, Maj.-Gen. C. F., ordered to Pittsburg Landing, 361; the question of precedence over Grant at Shiloh, 361 Snake Creek Gap, military operations at, 125-128 Society of the Army of the Potomac, assembly of, at Philadelphia, 429 Soldier, the value of his life, 182, 183; the duty of
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
, 223-225; S. proposes to stand at, 223-225; proposal to send Steedman to, 225; S.'s arrival at, 226; military operations near, 264, 270 Bristol, Ill., the Schofield family in, 1 Broadhead, Col. James O., attitude on emancipation, 90; supersedes Dick as provost-marshal-general, 96, 97; letter from S., 107, 108 Buchanan, James, a bet on the election of, 8 Buchanan County, Mo., alleged arming of disloyal persons in, 105 Buell, Maj.-Gen. Don C., Thomas's service under, 189 Bull Run, Va., battle of, 525 Bull's Gap, held by Longstreet, 115, 116 Bureau of Engineering, prepares plans of sea-coast defense, 484-486 Bureau of Ordnance, prepares plans for sea-coast defense, 484-486 Burnside, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose E., at Knoxville, 113, 114; wreck of his army, 113, 114; ordered to join the Army of the Potomac, 116; Fitz-John Porter's despatches to, 462 Bushwhackers, in Missouri, 78 Butler, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin F., demand that he relieve S. in Missouri, 94; the Presid
Buchanan (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ston negotiations, 351,352 Brentwood, Tenn., request for ammunition to be sent to, 187; proposal to send Smith to, 221, 223-225; S. proposes to stand at, 223-225; proposal to send Steedman to, 225; S.'s arrival at, 226; military operations near, 264, 270 Bristol, Ill., the Schofield family in, 1 Broadhead, Col. James O., attitude on emancipation, 90; supersedes Dick as provost-marshal-general, 96, 97; letter from S., 107, 108 Buchanan, James, a bet on the election of, 8 Buchanan County, Mo., alleged arming of disloyal persons in, 105 Buell, Maj.-Gen. Don C., Thomas's service under, 189 Bull Run, Va., battle of, 525 Bull's Gap, held by Longstreet, 115, 116 Bureau of Engineering, prepares plans of sea-coast defense, 484-486 Bureau of Ordnance, prepares plans for sea-coast defense, 484-486 Burnside, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose E., at Knoxville, 113, 114; wreck of his army, 113, 114; ordered to join the Army of the Potomac, 116; Fitz-John Porter's despatches to, 462
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
or in the civil war, 235; status of the negroes after, 367-376 Endicott, William C., Secretary of War, plan of sea-coast defense, 487. See also Secretary of War; War Department. England, S. visits, 385, 392 Engle, Capt. A. H., killed at Resaca, 141; foreboding of death, 141 Eugenie, Empress, S. presented to, 392 Europe, the modern wars of, 357; S.'s visits to, 384-393, 449-453 Evarts, William M., U. S. Attorney-General, 22; interviews and relations with S. concerning the War Dncerning, 354, 374, 376, 395, 420 Rehearings in courts-martial, 464 Reno, Admiral, S.'s interviews with, 389 Republican party, downfall in Missouri, 77; reconstruction under, 354; apprehensions as to Pres. Johnson's acquittal, 415 Resaca, Ga., military operations near, 124-129; battle of, 140, 141, 162 Res adjudicata, 463 Revenge, legitimate, 241, 242 Rhode Island, the, interview between Grant and S. on board, 198, 294, 295, 346, 361, 362 Richmond, Va., defeat of Stuart
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
, 95, 96; strength in Missouri and Kansas, 90; appointed to command in Kansas, 112 Custer massacre, the, 489 D Daily Times (of Leavenworth), reports meeting at Leavenworth, 79 Dallas, Ga., military operations near, 129, 130, 316 Dalton, Ga., S. moves from Knoxville to, 120; military operations near, 120, 124-128; battle of, 143; S. at, 161; Hood at, 161; breaking the railroads near, 317, 318 Dana, C. A., Assistant Secretary of War, 345; conducts transportation arrangements is e Modocs on, 435, 436 Knights of St. Patrick, Sherman's speech to, mentioned, 441 Knoxville, Tenn., S. arrives at, 113; siege of, raised by Sherman 113; anxiety in Washington concerning, 114; Grant at, 118; Sherman at, 118, 119; S. moves to Dalton from, 120 Kolb's Farm, Ga., battle of, 132-136 L Labor riots of 1894, the lessons of the, 534, 535 Lake Front Park, Chicago, troops at, in labor riots, 494, 496, 501, 506 Lake Michigan, establishment of Fort Sheridan, 455 Lake M
Fort Wadsworth (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
e, S. C., S. on duty at, 17, 18; the First Artillery ordered to, 18; artillery target practice at, 18; bombardment of Fort Sumter from, 18 Fort Riley, Kan., establishment of school of cavalry and light artillery at, 426, 427 Fort Sheridan, Ill., establishment of, 454, 455, 493; reinforcement recommended, 498; its value in the labor riots of 1894, 493-498, 506 Fort Smith, Ark., proposed assignment of Gen. McNeil to, 93 Fort Sumter, S. C., the bombardment of, 18, 33, 234 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., artillery practice at, 458 Foster, Maj.-Gen. John G., commanding the Department of the Ohio, 109; sickness and relief of, 109, 113, 114 Fourteenth Amendment, the, 376, 394 et seq. Fourteenth Army Corps, S.'s command in, 66; movement before Atlanta, Aug. 4-5, 1864, 149; strength, 192; advisability of sending it to Thomas, 192 Fourteenth Kentucky Volunteers, battle of Kolb's Farm, 132-134 Fourth Army Corps, part of, at Knoxville, 113; ordered to reinforce Thomas, 164, 3
Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
Lament, Daniel S., Secretary of War, 423; at consultation concerning the Chicago riots, 494 Lane, Brig.-Gen. James H., U. S. Senator from Kansas, 63; hostility to S., 63, 64, 80, 81; in Kansas-Missouri troubles, 79-83; calls mass meeting at Lawrence, 80; demands S.'s removal, 80, 81; friendship with Ewing, 80, 81; Carney's political hostility to, 80-83; speaks at Leavenworth, 81; scheme of retaliatory expedition from Paola, 81-84; interview with S., 81; agrees, but fails, to meet S. at Kansty, 81, 83; threatens to appeal to the President, 83; speaks at Turner's Hall, 99; ceases hostilities against S., 99; the President's use of, 111, 112; secures the appointment of Curtis in Kansas, 112 Laurel Hill, N. C., Sherman at, 346 Lawrence, Kan., massacre at, 77-79, 234; mass meeting at, 80 Lawrenceburg, Ala., Hood's movement via, 201 Lazelle, Col. Henry M., commandant at West Point, investigates the Whittaker case, 445 Leavenworth, Kan., plans in, for retaliation on Missour
Leavenworth, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
81; agrees, but fails, to meet S. at Kansas City, 81, 83; threatens to appeal to the President, 83; speaks at Turner's Hall, 99; ceases hostilities against S., 99; the President's use of, 111, 112; secures the appointment of Curtis in Kansas, 112 Laurel Hill, N. C., Sherman at, 346 Lawrence, Kan., massacre at, 77-79, 234; mass meeting at, 80 Lawrenceburg, Ala., Hood's movement via, 201 Lazelle, Col. Henry M., commandant at West Point, investigates the Whittaker case, 445 Leavenworth, Kan., plans in, for retaliation on Missouri, 79, 81, 83, 84; S. at, 80-82; Lane speaks at, 81; martial law in, 84; a false report from, 93; military station at, 454 Lee, Gen. Robert E., superintendent of West Point Military Academy, 15; character, 15; S.'s acquaintance with, 18; Longstreet joins, 116; his army the proper objective for the spring campaign of 1865, 253, 255, 337, 347, 348; his surrender and its results, 261, 262, 314, 330, 344, 347 349; Grant competent to handle, without S
Jupiter (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
ate against, 340, 342; military genius, 340-342; characters of his campaign against Sherman, 342; prevention of his junction with Lee, 347; his final movements in the war, 347, 348, 350; apprehends guerrilla warfare, 350; his army provisioned by S., 352, 353 Jones, Lieut. John M., tactical instructor at West Point, 14; opinion of S.'s character, 14 Jones, Mr., 25 Jonesboroa, Ga., Sherman at, 153, 159; battle of, 157,158 Juarez, Pres., Benito, warfare against Maximilian, 391 Jupiter, Fla., military operations at, 23-25 Jupiter Inlet, Fla., fever on, 24 Justice, 463-465 K Kansas, political intrigue and factional disturbances in, 63, 64, 66, 77 et seq.; S. ordered back to, 66; the Border Guards, 78; border and guerrilla warfare in, 78 et seq., 84, 234; proposed measures of retaliation on Missouri, 79-84, 97; faction in, hostile to S., 80; Curtis's strength in Missouri and, 90; S.'s strength in Missouri and, 90; anti-Schofield delegation to Washington from, 91, 93-99;
Fort Hamilton (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
-320; at Eastport, Jackson, and Paris, 319; capture of gunboat by, 319; at Johnsonville, 320; failure to damage Sherman's communications, 338 Fort Brady, troops sent to Chicago from, 501 Fort Capron, Fla., S. joins Battery D at, 19, 20; service at, 19-25; breakdown of mail service to, 20, 21 Fort Clinton, N. Y., an adventure in the ditch of, 4 Fort Dearborn, Ill., 454 Fort Donelson, Tenn., Grant's strategy at, 358; capture of, 516 Fort Fisher, N. C., capture of, 346 Fort Hamilton, N. Y., artillery practice at, 458 Fortification Appropriation Act, Sept. 22, 1888, 459 Fortified lines, question of carrying by assault, 127, 128, 142-148 Fort Jupiter, Fla., occupation of, 24 Fort Leavenworth, Kan., troops ordered to Missouri from, 37; S. commanding at, 278; headquarters of the Department of the Missouri removed to, 428; troops sent to Chicago from, 501 Fort Monroe, Va., meeting of Grant and S. at, 346; artillery practice at, 458, 459; meeting of Lincoln wit
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