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Joliet (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
.....Sept. 1, 1854 Law for a system of free schools in the State......Feb. 15, 1855 Trial of some thirty German saloonkeepers in Chicago for violating the prohibitory liquor law just passed leads to a riot, April 21; city placed under martial law......April 22, 1855 Northwestern University, at Evanston, chartered in 1851, is opened......1855 Illinois State University at Normal opened......1857 Many prisoners from the old penitentiary at Alton removed to the new penitentiary at Joliet......May 22, 1858 Debate between Lincoln and Douglas throughout the State on slavery Summer and autumn, 1858 Governor Bissell dies; Lieut.-Gov. John Wood succeeds......March 18, 1860 Abraham Lincoln nominated for President by the Republican National Convention at Chicago......May 16, 1860 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated President......March 4, 1861 General Swift, with six companies and four cannon, leaves Chicago to occupy Cairo, under telegraphic order from the Secretary of
Nauvoo (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
in First Methodist, and the Superior Court in the Episcopal......Dec. 9, 1839 Mormons locate on the east bank of the Mississippi, in Hancock county, and found Nauvoo......1840 Laws passed, to diminish the State debt and put the State bank into liquidation. Jan. 24, 1843, and to reduce the public debt $1,000,000 and put the Bank of Illinois into liquidation ......1843 Mormon leaders Joe and Hyrum Smith, the former mayor of Nauvoo, imprisoned for treason in levying war against the State by declaring martial law in Nauvoo. and by ordering out the Nauvoo Legion to resist a posse comitatus, assassinated in jail at Carthage by conspirators......JuneNauvoo. and by ordering out the Nauvoo Legion to resist a posse comitatus, assassinated in jail at Carthage by conspirators......June 27, 1844 Two thousand Mormons, the van of the general exodus, cross the Mississippi on the ice......Feb. 15, 1846 Abraham Lincoln elected to Congress......1846 Convention meets at Springfield, June 7, 1847, and completes a constitution, Aug. 31, which is adopted by the people, 59,887 to 15,859, and takes effect......Apri
Lake Forest (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
ected United States Senator; Lieut.-Gov. John L. Beveridge succeeds him......March 4, 1873 Northwestern farmers' convention of 150 delegates from Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New York, and Illinois meets at Chicago......Oct. 22, 1873 Monument to Abraham Lincoln at Oak Ridge, Springfield, dedicated......Oct. 15, 1874 National convention of the Grand Army of the Republic held at Chicago......May 12, 1875 Chicago day-schools for the deaf opened......1875 Lake Forest University, at Lake Forest, opened......1876 Parade of 1,500 armed communists carrying the red flag in Chicago, winter of......1876 State board of health organized......1878 Militia law: entire male population to be enrolled and 8,000 organized and armed; no other military organizations to parade or drill unless licensed......May 28, 1879 Board of fish commissioners created by legislature......1879 Bureau of labor statistics established......1879 Republican National Convention meets at Chicago....
Galena (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
mpson bearing date......Aug. 4, 1830 United States troops under General Gaines, having burned the old Sac village on the Mississippi deserted by Black Hawk and his warriors, encamp at Rock Island, where Black Hawk, summoned to a council, signs an agreement not to recross the Mississippi to the Illinois side without permission from the governor or the President of the United States......June 30, 1831 Black Hawk, with 150 warriors, unsuccessfully attacks Apple River Fort, 12 miles from Galena......June 6, 1832 Battle of Kellog's Grove, 50 miles from Dixon; Colonel Demont attacked by Indians under Black Hawk......June 26, 1832 Chicago incorporated as a town......August, 1833 New State bank with six branches incorporated......1834 Abraham Lincoln elected to the State legislature......1834 [Also 1836, 1838, 1840.] First number of the Alton observer, an anti-slavery newspaper, published by Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy......Sept. 8, 1836 Abraham Lincoln admitted to prac
East St. Louis (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
in jail at Carthage by conspirators......June 27, 1844 Two thousand Mormons, the van of the general exodus, cross the Mississippi on the ice......Feb. 15, 1846 Abraham Lincoln elected to Congress......1846 Convention meets at Springfield, June 7, 1847, and completes a constitution, Aug. 31, which is adopted by the people, 59,887 to 15,859, and takes effect......April 1, 1848 Illinois and Michigan Canal, begun in 1836, opened......April 16, 1848 Bloody Island dike built at East St. Louis......1848 Jefferson Davis challenges Col. W. H. Bissell, afterwards governor, to a duel; he accepts the challenge, but the matter is amicably settled......February, 1850 Geological survey authorized by act of......Feb. 17, 1851 Law providing that any negro or mulatto, bond or free, who comes into the State and remains ten days may be fined $50 or sold into slavery until the fine is worked out......Feb. 12, 1853 Act passed incorporating the State Agricultural Society......1853
Pullman (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
cago, assassinated......Oct. 28, 1893 World's Columbian Exposition closed......Oct. 30, 1893 Prendergast, the murderer of the mayor of Chicago, hanged......July 13, 1894 World's Columbian Exposition buildings burn; loss, $1,000,000. .Jan. 8, 1894 State fair located permanently at Springfield......Jan. 11, 1894 Riots of striking coal-miners at many places suppressed by State troops, with loss of life......May and June, 1894 Strike of Pullman Palace Car Company's employes at Pullman, near Chicago......May 11, 1894 Democratic State Convention, Springfield, nominates Franklin MacVeagh for United States Senator......June 26, 1894 American Railway Union, on account of Pullman strike, declares boycott on principal railways......June 26, 1894 The United States court issued an injunction to prevent interference with railroad trains by strikers......July 2, 1894 Federal troops ordered to Chicago to execute process of United States courts......July 3, 1894 Govern
Lake Michigan (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
hich separates it from Iowa and Missouri; Wisconsin bounds it on the north, Lake Michigan touching the northeastern corner; Indiana on the east, and Kentucky on the to the Arkansas. Returning, they ascend the Illinois, making their way to Lake Michigan via the Desplaines and Chicago rivers......1673 Marquette, purposing to Chicago, probably built by M. de la Durantaye in 1685, appears on a map of Lake Michigan dated......1688 Mission established at the great town of the Illinois isning appointed Secretary of the Interior......Sept. 1, 1866 Tunnel under Lake Michigan to supply Chicago with water completed; length 2 miles......December, 1866 71 Deepening of the Illinois and Michigan canal to create a current from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River, begun in 1865, is completed......July 18, 1871 Il-stone of new post-office building, Chicago......Oct. 9, 1899 Water from Lake Michigan turned into Chicago drainage canal......Jan. 2, 1900 Methodist general c
Evanston (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
en A. Douglas to address the people of Chicago from an open balcony in defence of the Kansas-Nebraska bill is met with hisses, groans, and continued noise for four hours, when Douglas retires......Sept. 1, 1854 Law for a system of free schools in the State......Feb. 15, 1855 Trial of some thirty German saloonkeepers in Chicago for violating the prohibitory liquor law just passed leads to a riot, April 21; city placed under martial law......April 22, 1855 Northwestern University, at Evanston, chartered in 1851, is opened......1855 Illinois State University at Normal opened......1857 Many prisoners from the old penitentiary at Alton removed to the new penitentiary at Joliet......May 22, 1858 Debate between Lincoln and Douglas throughout the State on slavery Summer and autumn, 1858 Governor Bissell dies; Lieut.-Gov. John Wood succeeds......March 18, 1860 Abraham Lincoln nominated for President by the Republican National Convention at Chicago......May 16, 1860
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
field, June 7, 1847, and completes a constitution, Aug. 31, which is adopted by the people, 59,887 to 15,859, and takes effect......April 1, 1848 Illinois and Michigan Canal, begun in 1836, opened......April 16, 1848 Bloody Island dike built at East St. Louis......1848 Jefferson Davis challenges Col. W. H. Bissell, afterwg of the Illinois and Michigan canal to create a current from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River, begun in 1865, is completed......July 18, 1871 Illinois and Michigan Canal turned over to the State......August, 1871 Chicago fire, which burns over 2,124 acres and destroys 17,500 buildings, begins......Oct. 8-9, 1871 New bted United States Senator; Lieut.-Gov. John L. Beveridge succeeds him......March 4, 1873 Northwestern farmers' convention of 150 delegates from Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New York, and Illinois meets at Chicago......Oct. 22, 1873 Monument to Abraham Lincoln at Oak Ridge, Springfield, dedicated......Oct. 15, 1874 National co
Fort Hall (Idaho, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-idaho
ion of the Union. Its name signifies light on the mountains. It lies between lat. 42° and 49° N., and long. 111° and 117° W. The Dominion of Canada bounds it on the north, Montana and Wyoming on the east, Utah and Nevada on the south, and Oregon and Washington on the west. Area, 84,800 square miles, in eighteen counties;. population, 1890, 84,385; 1900, 161,772; capital, Boise City. First white men in Idaho, Lewis and Clarke's exploring expedition......1805-6 First settlement at Fort Hall, by N. J. Wyeth......1834 Coeur d'alene mission established......1842 Gold discovered on the Oro Fino Creek, followed by a large immigration. 1858-60 Idaho created a Territory.......March 3, 1863 General school law passed......Jan. 12, 1877 Test-oaths abjuring polygamy and plural and celestial marriages required of all county and precinct officers......1884-85 New capitol completed at Boise City......1887 Legislature unseats three members as ineligible under the anti-Mormon
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