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San Francisco (California, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
ome United States Senator......March, 1857 Dred Scott and family emancipated by Taylor Blow, under deed for that purpose from the family of Calvin C. Chaffee, who inherited then......May 26, 1857 First overland mail leaves St. Louis for San Francisco......Sept. 16, 1858 First overland mail from California arrives at St. Louis twenty-four days eighteen and a half hours from San Francisco......Oct. 9, 1858 Legislature calls a State convention, that the will of the people may be ascertSan Francisco......Oct. 9, 1858 Legislature calls a State convention, that the will of the people may be ascertained and effectuated, but providing that no ordinance of secession should be valid unless ratified by the people......Jan. 18, 1861 Edward Bates, of Missouri, United States Attorney-General......March 5, 1861 State convention assembles in the courthouse at Jefferson City; ninety-nine delegates. Sterling Price chosen president, Feb. 28. They adjourn to meet at St. Louis on March 4, when a committee reports against secession......March 9, 1861 In reply to President Lincoln's call for
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Missouri, One of the central United States, lies west of the Mississippi River, which separates it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Arkansas bounds it on the south. On the west, a line drawn south from Kansas City in about long. 94° 30′, separates the State from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebraska north of Kansas City. The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary. It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° 3 Missouri Gazette established and published at St. Louis by Joseph Charless......July, 1808 Treaty of Fort Clark by which the Great and Little Osage tribes cede to the United States 33,173,383 acres of land in Missouri and 14,830,432 acres in Arkansas......Nov. 10, 1808 Town of St. Louis incorporated......Nov. 9, 1809 Town of New Madrid destroyed by an earthquake......Dec. 16, 1811 Act of Congress changing the name to the Territory of Missouri approved......June 4, 1812 Edward H
Milton (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Missouri, One of the central United States, lies west of the Mississippi River, which separates it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Arkansas bounds it on the south. On the west, a line drawn south from Kansas City in about long. 94° 30′, separates the State from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebraska north of Kansas City. The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary. It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° Kansas City. The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary. It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° 30′ N., and in longitude from 89° 2′ to 95° 44′ W. Area, 65,370 square miles in 115 counties. Population in 1890, 2,679,184; 1900, 3,106,665. Capital, Jefferson City. Fernando De Soto ascends the west bank of the Mississippi River as far as the present site of New Madrid......1541 Louis Joliet and Pere Jacques Marquette descend the Mississippi to lat. 33°......1673 Robert Cavalier de La Salle descends the Mississippi to its mouth......1682 A prospecting party sent out b
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
A prospecting party sent out by French governor of Louisiana ascends the Missouri River to the mouth of the Kanzat for the exclusive privilege of the commerce of Louisiana for fifteen years, made by Louis XIV......Sept. 14ault......1720 Pierre Ligueste Laclede, head of Louisiana Fur Company, who in 1763 obtained from the director-general of Louisiana a monopoly of the fur trade with the Indians of Missouri, sends a party under Auguste Ch and troops to St. Louis and assumes command of upper Louisiana......July 17, 1765 Spanish troops under Capttablishes a military post under the governor of upper Louisiana......1769 Lieut.-Gov. Don Pedro Piernas arri St. Louis to assume the Spanish authority over upper Louisiana......1770 Francisco Crozat succeeds Piernas.j. Amos Stoddard, agent of France for receiving upper Louisiana from the Spanish, arrives at St. Louis, and on . Bland dies at Lebanon, Mo.......June 15, 1899 Louisiana purchase exposition to receive $5,000,000 in bonds
Loutre Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
..Dec. 16, 1811 Act of Congress changing the name to the Territory of Missouri approved......June 4, 1812 Edward Hempstead first delegate to Congress......November, 1812 First General Assembly meets in the house of Joseph Robidoux, between Walnut and Elm streets, St. Louis......Dec. 7, 1812 United States Congress confirms to Daniel Boone 833 acres of land in the Femme Osage district......Feb. 10, 1814 Capt. James Callaway, with fifteen men, returning to the settlement of Loutre Island with some horses they had recovered from the Sac and Fox Indians, are attacked by the Indians in ambush and Captain Callaway and three of his men are killed......March 7, 1815 By act of Congress the election of the council in Missouri Territory is by choice of the people......April 29, 1816 Steamboat General Pike ascends the Mississippi to St. Louis......Aug. 2, 1817 Bill authorizing people of Missouri to frame a State constitution for admission into the Union introduced into Co
Shawnee Mound (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
resolution requesting all members to sign it......Nov. 2, 1861 Indecisive battle at Belmont between Generals Grant and Polk, Nov. 7; Warsaw destroyed by Confederates......Nov. 19, 1861 Major-General Halleck, who succeeded General Hunter, Nov. 7, declares martial law in St. Louis, Dec. 23; and, some men returning from General Price's army having destroyed about 100 miles of the Missouri Railroad, he extends the order to all the railroads in the State......Dec. 25, 1861 Battles at Shawnee Mound and Milford, Dec. 18, 1861, and at Mount Zion......Dec. 28, 1861 New Madrid captured by General Pope......March 14, 1862 Independence captured by the Confederates......Aug. 11, 1862 Battle at Newtonia, Confederates victorious......Sept. 30, 1862 Andrew Allsman, an aged citizen of Palmyra, taken in a raid by Col. John C. Porter's band in September, and not heard of afterwards; General McNeil in retaliation shot ten of Porter's raiders......Oct. 18, 1862 Confederate Gen. Joh
Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
the Confederates......Aug. 11, 1862 Battle at Newtonia, Confederates victorious......Sept. 30, 1862 Andrew Allsman, an aged citizen of Palmyra, taken in a raid by Col. John C. Porter's band in September, and not heard of afterwards; General McNeil in retaliation shot ten of Porter's raiders......Oct. 18, 1862 Confederate Gen. John S. Marmaduke repulsed at Springfield, Jan. 8, and at Hartsville......Jan. 11, 1863 Gen. John H. McNeil repulses General Marmaduke in a battle at Cape Girardeau......April 26, 1863 Ordinance adopted by the State convention, ordaining that slavery should cease, July 4, 1870, subject to provisions with regard to age, etc.......July 1, 1863 Death of Governor Gamble......Jan. 31, 1864 Robbery and general massacre of citizens and Federal soldiers in Centralia by guerilla band under Bill Anderson......Sept. 27, 1864 General Price invades Missouri; defeats Curtis at Little Blue, Oct. 21, but is repulsed by Nationals at Big Blue, Little Osag
Otterville, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
ion of Mississippi Valley meets at St. Louis, N. J. Coleman, presiding......Oct. 27, 1889 Woman's temperance crusade in Lathrop, etc., from......Feb. 10, 1890 State Treasurer E. T. Noland suspended from office for defalcation to the amount of $32,745.69......March 4, 1890 Semi-centennial of the laying of the corner-stone of the State university at Columbia celebrated......July 4, 1890 Limited Kansas City express on the Missouri Pacific Railroad is held up by seven highwaymen at Otterville, and express car robbed of $90,000......Aug. 17, 1890 Representatives from the Union Labor, Prohibition, and Greenback parties meet at St. Louis, Sept. 3, and organize the National Reform party......Sept. 5, 1890 Gen. W. T. Sherman dies at New York City, Feb. 14, is buried at St. Louis......Feb. 21, 1891 Legal rate of interest fixed at 8 per cent. by act of legislature, which adjourns......March 24, 1891 National industrial conference (over 650 delegates from Farmers' Alliance
St. Charles, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
pain......Aug. 11, 1768 Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas, who was murdered at Cahokia, is buried at St. Louis, where he was a guest of St. Ange......1769 Blanchette, surnamed The Hunter, builds a log-hut on hills now occupied by the city of St. Charles, and establishes a military post under the governor of upper Louisiana......1769 Lieut.-Gov. Don Pedro Piernas arrives at St. Louis to assume the Spanish authority over upper Louisiana......1770 Francisco Crozat succeeds Piernas......177usly until 1851......1821 St. Louis incorporated a city; population, 4,800......Dec. 9, 1822 Public reception of Lafayette in St. Louis......April 29, 1825 Gov. Frederick Bates dies......Aug. 1, 1825 Seat of government removed from St. Charles to Jefferson City, and legislature holds its first session there......Nov. 20, 1826 Joseph Smith, the Mormon leader, having found a location for Zion at Independence, Jackson county, in 1831, which he names The New Jerusalem, arrives from K
from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebrout by French governor of Louisiana ascends the Missouri River to the mouth of the Kansas......1705 MissourExploring expedition of Lewis and Clarke up the Missouri River leaves St. Louis......May 14, 1804 By act of Act of Congress changing the name to the Territory of Missouri approved......June 4, 1812 Edward Hempsct of Congress the election of the council in Missouri Territory is by choice of the people......April 29, 181 Independence, a pioneer steamboat, ascends the Missouri River and arrives at Franklin, Howard county......May819 Act approved authorizing the people of Missouri Territory to form a State constitution......March 6, 18ds the Platte purchase, a triangle north of the Missouri River, west of the western boundary of the State, andValley meets at St. Louis......Oct. 26, 1881 Missouri River improvement convention meets at St. Joseph. Fo
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