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Found 771 total hits in 367 results.
San Francisco (California, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
One of the central United States, lies west of the Mississippi River, which separates it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Arkansas bounds it on the south.
On the west, a line drawn south from Kansas City in about long.
94° 30′, separates the State from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebraska north of Kansas City.
The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary.
It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° 3
Missouri Gazette established and published at St. Louis by Joseph Charless......July, 1808
Treaty of Fort Clark by which the Great and Little Osage tribes cede to the United States 33,173,383 acres of land in Missouri and 14,830,432 acres in Arkansas......Nov. 10, 1808
Town of St. Louis incorporated......Nov. 9, 1809
Town of New Madrid destroyed by an earthquake......Dec. 16, 1811
Act of Congress changing the name to the Territory of Missouri approved......June 4, 1812
Edward H
Milton (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
One of the central United States, lies west of the Mississippi River, which separates it from Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Arkansas bounds it on the south.
On the west, a line drawn south from Kansas City in about long.
94° 30′, separates the State from the Indian Territory and Kansas, while the Missouri River marks the boundary of Kansas continued and Nebraska north of Kansas City.
The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary.
It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° Kansas City.
The State of Iowa forms the northern boundary.
It is limited in latitude from 36° to 40° 30′ N., and in longitude from 89° 2′ to 95° 44′ W. Area, 65,370 square miles in 115 counties.
Population in 1890, 2,679,184; 1900, 3,106,665.
Capital, Jefferson City.
Fernando De Soto ascends the west bank of the Mississippi River as far as the present site of New Madrid......1541
Louis Joliet and Pere Jacques Marquette descend the Mississippi to lat. 33°......1673
Robert Cavalier de La Salle descends the Mississippi to its mouth......1682
A prospecting party sent out b
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Loutre Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Shawnee Mound (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Otterville, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
St. Charles, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri
Missouri (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-missouri