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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Army of the Potomac, June 1--P. M. (search)
Evening.--A desperate fight took place this afternoon near Cold Harbor. Wright has been heard from. He formed a junction with Smith at Cold Harbor, when both corps attacked the enemy's right. The battle commenced at five P. M. and continued until after dark. Wright is said to have captured and held the enemy's advanced works, but Smith was not so fortunate. His men fought with great spirit, and captured a line of rifle-pits on the enemy's front, but they could not hold them. Hancock, Burnside, and Warren held their corps in readiness to attack along the line if necessary. The enemy made several attempts to force a general engagement, but did not succeed. Each of the above corps was attacked in turn, while Wright was fighting on the left, but each attack was successfully repulsed. The enemy is not driven from his position on our left. He yet holds his strongest works, and I think he will prove very troublesome there. The casualties are said to be very numerous, and Wright ha