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cy had lapsed too far to be reclaimed by legislative remedies. This series of measures was the appointment of Lee to a military dictatorship; the restoration of Johnston to active command; and the reform of the Cabinet, so far at least as to secure a purer and better administration of the War office, then in the hands of Mr. Seddimperfectly. The command of all the Confederate armies was given to Gen. Lee, but this conscientious chieftain never practically asserted it. The restoration of Johnston was ungraciously conceded by President Davis; but he was not put in command of the forces south of Richmond until they had been swept by Sherman through two Statlly pursued. Gen. Lee was in favour of enlisting negro troops, and he was anxious for the reorganization of the forces south of Richmond, and the restoration of Johnston to command. But for a long time Davis carried both points against him. Gen. Lee was offered the entire and exclusive conduct of the military affairs of the Conf
Terry at Goldsboroa. Sherman pushes on there. Gen. Johnston's command, and distribution of the Confederate fled to fall back. the engagement at Bentonville. Johnston fights two corps of the enemy and Kilpatrick's cav thousand men. success on the Confederate right. Johnston holds his ground against the whole of Sherman's arvere fighting than he had experienced since he and Johnston parted at Atlanta — the latter General having beenving his wounded and many of those of the enemy, Gen. Johnston resumed his first position. The battle-known although it had failed to fulfil what was probably Johnston's purpose, to cripple Sherman before he could effe men. On the 20th the whole Federal army was in Johnston's front, which was changed parallel to the road. f the centre, over which lay the only road left to Johnston. It was easily driven back by the reserve. Before daybreak on the 22d Gen. Johnston moved towards Smithfield, leaving a few wounded who were too much injured
of Sherman's forces for his final operations upon Richmond, so as to complete his assurance of victory. But he feared that if Sherman crossed the Roanoke river, Johnston would take the alarm, and move to Lee's lines; and as the circumspect Federal commander was careful to risk nothing, even approaching to an equal match of force,ement was lost the valuable life of Gen. Hill, who had seen his first service at the famous field of Manassas as Colonel of the Thirteenth Virginia regiment in Gen. Johnston's army, had passed rapidly through all the gradations of rank to Lieutenant-General, and had borne a constant and distinguished part in the four years defence he city had any inkling of what was going on. Indeed for the past few days there had been visible reassurance in the Confederate capital; there were rumours that Johnston was moving to Lee's lines and a general idea that the combined force would take the offensive against the enemy. But a day before Grant had commenced his heavy
ispered among themselves, and went around the street-corners to relate in low tones to each other some rumour eagerly grasped for the new hope it contained. Thus it was told in whispers that Gen. Lee had won a great victory on his retreat, that Johnston had struck Sherman a mortal blow, or that some other extravagant event had happened, some sudden relief of the falling fortunes of the Confederacy. It is not easy for men to descend at once to the condition of despair. But even outside the centertained lingering hopes of the cause of the Confederacy. The foundation of these hopes was small, but not altogether visionary. There was a chance that Lee might get off his army safely, and effect a successful retreat; he might unite with Johnston; and, although driven from Virginia, the armies of the Confederacy might reopen Georgia and the Carolinas, and place the Government nearer its resources of subsistence, with the control of a territory practically much larger than that in the Ric
oldiers' festival. Sherman's convention with Johnston repudiated at Washington. Johnston compelledJohnston compelled to surrender on the terms given Lee. review of the sections of Confederate defence. operations ine time thoroughly demoralized. The limits of Johnston's command included North and South Carolina, e force was less than twenty thousand men. Gen. Johnston's statement of the force at his command inivision of cavalry less than one thousand. Gen. Johnston found himself by the disaster in Virginia,r, and prepared to surrender. Surrender of Johnston's army. On the night of the 13th April, Sh of Lee. The next day it occupied Raleigh; Gen. Johnston having taken up a line of retreat by the rns Ferry, he received a communication from Gen. Johnston on the 15th April, asking if some arrangem flag of truce. In proposing a surrender, Gen. Johnston wanted some more general concessions than he result was a military convention, which Gen. Johnston declared that he signed to spare the blood[4 more...]
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