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Browsing named entities in C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874..

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maturer studies, carrying away from all rivals the prizes for English composition and Latin poetry, besides gaining medals for distinction in other departments. His final preparation for college was completed at the Phillips Academy, when he entered the University, where a brilliant list of Sumners on the scrolls, stretched through more than a hundred years. Having formed thorough habits of study, he easily surmounted every difficulty that lay in his way, and being graduated with honor in 1830, he still continued his studies, with the aid of private tutors, for another year, when he entered the law school at Cambridge, under the special encouragement of Judge story, who formed for him a deep attachment, which grew more earnest and genial to the end of that great man's life. He predicted for his protege the earliest and highest success as a jurist, remarking that he had never seen a young man so readily master the profound principles of law. From early boyhood History had for him a
could lay his hand instantly upon any volume, and he amazed the ripe jurists around him with the enormous extent and minuteness of his learning. He seemed to make an exhaustive study of every subject that came before him. The text-books which filled the scope of study for his associates, were but guides for him to broader and deeper explorations. During his law studies he wrote several articles for The American Jurist, of which he subsequently became editor. Being admitted to the Bar in 1834, he found himself suddenly launched into a successful and lucrative practice, which even with able men, had been considered the reward only of long years of patient industry and assiduous application. He was soon appointed Reporter of the United States Circuit Court, over which Judge story presided; and his three volumes of that jurist's decisions made him as well-known to the lawyers of England as he was at home. In fact, he soon reached so high a standing, that he delivered lectures befor
John Quincy Adams (search for this): chapter 1
valor, and public services. Among them, increase Sumner had distinguished himself as one of the greatest judges and governors of the State. When he was inducted into office, his personal appearance was so imposing, as compared with Hancock and Adams— the former a cripple from the gout, the other bowed down with infirmity—that there was an exclamation of satisfaction on all sides—Thank God we have at last got a Governor that can walk! The late Senator's father, Charles Pinckney Sumner, maiamong the most learned men of England. The common schools of the Colony were then the best in the world, those of Boston leading the way. At the time Charles Sumner's education began, these common schools had grown to be so excellent, that John Quincy Adams said if he had as many sons as King Priam, he would send them all to the district school. In his tenth year he entered the Public Latin School of Boston, where he began his preparation for maturer studies, carrying away from all rivals the<
Horace Greeley (search for this): chapter 1
ther of the Republic, which filled the country with grief, and threw distant nations into mourning, there have been but three funerals in America which bore even a faint resemblance to that, in the depth and extent of the public sorrow; and these have all occurred within the last few years:—The first was of Abraham Lincoln, who holds the next place to Washington in the hearts of our people, and who is enshrined among the few beloved names which all mankind cherish:— The second was of Horace Greeley, whose death revealed so wide-spread and strangely tender an affection amongst all classes and conditions of men:— And now comes the last name in this wonderful triumvirate of great, gifted, and good men, who, taken together, will in ages to come be mentioned on the same historic page, whenever the leaf is turned which records memorials of the astounding events which have transpired so near the close of our First Hundred Years. We by no means intimate that they alone will reflect a<
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): chapter 1
cere. So, too, is it with a mourning people; and no offering of affection can be held more sacred than that which flows unbidden from the bereaved heart. Since the death of the Father of the Republic, which filled the country with grief, and threw distant nations into mourning, there have been but three funerals in America which bore even a faint resemblance to that, in the depth and extent of the public sorrow; and these have all occurred within the last few years:—The first was of Abraham Lincoln, who holds the next place to Washington in the hearts of our people, and who is enshrined among the few beloved names which all mankind cherish:— The second was of Horace Greeley, whose death revealed so wide-spread and strangely tender an affection amongst all classes and conditions of men:— And now comes the last name in this wonderful triumvirate of great, gifted, and good men, who, taken together, will in ages to come be mentioned on the same historic page, whenever the leaf <
whenever the leaf is turned which records memorials of the astounding events which have transpired so near the close of our First Hundred Years. We by no means intimate that they alone will reflect all the glory of their period; for every scene of activity and every field of achievement has been illustrated by loyalty, patriotism, and valor, and they will long be remembered with honor and gratitude; but these three names cannot perish. To one and all we may safely apply the words which Webster from Bunker Hill addressed to the soul of its departed hero: Our poor work may perish, but thine shall endure! This monument may moulder away: the solid ground it rests upon may sink down to a level with the sea; but his memory shall not fail. Wherever among men a heart shall be found that beats to the transports of Patriotism and Liberty, its aspirations shall be to claim kindred with thy spirit. Charles Sumner was born in Boston, January 6, 1811. He was fortunate in his ancestr
two Englands—the Old and the New—and that meant the best stock of men on the earth. Physically, they were tall, broad-shouldered, strong, fine-looking men. From the early settlement of Massachusetts Bay, the Sumners had been distinguished for their learning, valor, and public services. Among them, increase Sumner had distinguished himself as one of the greatest judges and governors of the State. When he was inducted into office, his personal appearance was so imposing, as compared with Hancock and Adams— the former a cripple from the gout, the other bowed down with infirmity—that there was an exclamation of satisfaction on all sides—Thank God we have at last got a Governor that can walk! The late Senator's father, Charles Pinckney Sumner, maintained the judicial and scholarly prestige of his ancestry, and his father had done good work in the public cause during Colonial and Revolutionary days. We attach a good deal of importance to these facts; for, however common it may
Charles Sumner (search for this): chapter 1
livers law lectures. Edits Dunlap's Treatise Many a grander tribute to the noble life of Charles Sumner will hereafter be paid by the pen; but this one, however unworthy, cannot be withheld while ts of Patriotism and Liberty, its aspirations shall be to claim kindred with thy spirit. Charles Sumner was born in Boston, January 6, 1811. He was fortunate in his ancestry, for they were the bers had been distinguished for their learning, valor, and public services. Among them, increase Sumner had distinguished himself as one of the greatest judges and governors of the State. When he wasif, from such sources, strong characters should not grow up. It was under such auspices that Charles Sumner's boyhood began, and the ripened fruit of all this auspicious planting showed itself throughion, but was prevented by illness from bringing it out. The editorship of it was committed to Mr. Sumner, who received from the author on his death-bed, the most unqualified and grateful praise for t
Greenleaf (search for this): chapter 1
ve practice, which even with able men, had been considered the reward only of long years of patient industry and assiduous application. He was soon appointed Reporter of the United States Circuit Court, over which Judge story presided; and his three volumes of that jurist's decisions made him as well-known to the lawyers of England as he was at home. In fact, he soon reached so high a standing, that he delivered lectures before the Law School, in the absence of either Judge story or Professor Greenleaf; and with so much acceptance that, by the advice of those eminent men, he was invited to the chair of a Professor in the institution. But, regarding all he had hitherto done as only preliminary to larger attainments, he unhesitatingly declined the honor. The learned Andrew Dunlap had before this written A Treatise on the Practice of the Courts of Admiralty in Civil Causes of Maritime Jurisdiction, but was prevented by illness from bringing it out. The editorship of it was committed
Quincy Adams said if he had as many sons as King Priam, he would send them all to the district school. In his tenth year he entered the Public Latin School of Boston, where he began his preparation for maturer studies, carrying away from all rivals the prizes for English composition and Latin poetry, besides gaining medals for distinction in other departments. His final preparation for college was completed at the Phillips Academy, when he entered the University, where a brilliant list of Sumners on the scrolls, stretched through more than a hundred years. Having formed thorough habits of study, he easily surmounted every difficulty that lay in his way, and being graduated with honor in 1830, he still continued his studies, with the aid of private tutors, for another year, when he entered the law school at Cambridge, under the special encouragement of Judge story, who formed for him a deep attachment, which grew more earnest and genial to the end of that great man's life. He pre
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