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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.). Search the whole document.

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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
the suggestion of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, authorized the publication of the series eat little more was actually accomplished in Pennsylvania than in the South. The Frame of Governmentd and write, as the early Massachusetts and Pennsylvania laws had dictated from the first. The co in Italy, and which included at home three Pennsylvania publicists: William Elder, who wrote Questirium Pennsilvaniense. Bradford's career in Pennsylvania was far from happy, however. Twice he was 47 places, and of these at least 31 were in Pennsylvania, while in actual output and in intellectualLutheran, Reformed, and Moravian Germans of Pennsylvania and neighbouring colonies. During the storng, a German edition of Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette. Copies of twenty-five of the thirements, travelling mostly on foot, from Western Pennsylvania, to the Valley of Virginia, and throughGerman dialect literature. The so-called Pennsylvania German (or Dutch) dialect is a speech-form [37 more...]
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ia, 1794). Works on agronomy now multiplied. The field had up to that time largely been occupied by the two-volume work on American Husbandry. By an American (1775). Now there appeared in rapid succession Samuel Deane's The New England farmer (Worcester, 1790); the Sketches on Rotations of crops (Philadelphia, 1792); John Spurrier's The practical Farmer (Wilmington, 1793); and J. B. Bordley's Essays and notes on Husbandry (Philadelphia, 1799). This period also witnessed the beginnings of statith Webster and his adherents. Apart from irrelevant personalities, the controversy is reducible to one between a retiring and conservative scholar, willing to record the actualities of usage, and a brisk business man and linguistic reformer. Worcester's large Dictionary of the English language (1860) for a few years rivalled the Pictorial Webster of 1859, especially in England and in New England; but after the Unabridged of 1864 it lost popularity and authority. For the beginnings of Old
Central Park (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
l, 1891. Even as a manager, he chose English plays; and his close associate, Lawrence Barrett (1838-1891), was of the same mind, though he appeared in Boker's Francesca da Rimini (Chicago, 14 September, 1882) and W. D. Howells's version, from the Spanish, of Yorick's love (Cleveland, 26 October, 1878). Though as a family of managers the tradition of the Wallacks was distinctly English, Lester Wallack (1819-1888) romantically masked his old English comedy manner beneath local colour in Central Park (14 February, 1861); but his dash was happiest in such pieces, of his own concoction, as The romance of a poor young man (adapted by him 24 January, 1860) and Rosedale (produced 30 September, 1863). To the time of his last appearance (29 May, 1886), he was true to his English taste. To see Lester Wallack at his best, one had to see him as Shakespeare's Benedick or Mercutio; as Dumas's D'Artagnan, or in the social suavity of the Robertson and contemporary French drama. The British trad
Flushing, L. I. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e Alleghanies (1862), a tale of the Revolutionary War, and many short lyrics, of which the best known is Sheridan's ride. Although Richard Watson Gilder (1844-1909) belongs to the same general group with Taylor, Stoddard, and the other squires of poesy, as they called themselves a trifle ostentatiously, he is associated with a later and more public—spirited period of New York culture. Born at Bordentown, New Jersey, he was educated at his father's schools, first at Bordentown, then at Flushing. The latter school failing, his father re-entered the active ministry shortly before the Civil War. In the war, the father served as chaplain till his death in 1864; a son served in a Zouave regiment; and Richard, a boy of nineteen, enlisted in Landis's Philadelphia Battery when the Confederate invasion threatened eastern Pennsylvania. The war over, Richard Watson Gilder became a journalist in Newark, soon after in New York, where, in 1870, he became the assistant editor of the new period
Sheffield (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 1
e, are likeliest to persist. Beside the imported romantic and legendary ballads, many songs and song-tales on the themes of broadside balladry of the last two centuries in England have currency in the United States, often in such disguised or modified form that their origin is no longer recognizable. Of this character is The Butcher boy, whose forsaken sweetheart hangs herself—a ballad related to the British A brisk young lover; also The Boston Burglar, or Charlie's Town—related to The Sheffield apprentice. To this same group belongs probably the confessions of Young McAffie, who poisoned his wife and her baby. The dying cowboy, despite its name, is ultimately imported. Still older is the ballad of the maidservant Betsy Brown, who is sold to Verginny by her mistress. An instructive instance of the migration of a song is offered by The Romish Lady, a story of a Protestant martyr, having considerable currency in the Central West. There lived a Romish lady Brought up in proper
Wittenberg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
wer thought in America as much as might have been expected. Our scholars felt themselves dependent upon European thought. Providentially, too, German theological scholarship had been introduced to American minds by the presence and fecundity of Philip Schaff (1819-93), a man of most conservative temper, who, in an amazing number of volumes, chiefly in the domain of Church History, had commended the thoroughness and sanity of German research to the American public from his chair in Wittenberg, Pennsylvania, and later in Union Theological Seminary, New York. It cannot be said that during the period under consideration American scholarship contributed anything of material value to the higher criticism of the Bible. It has to its credit the great New Testament Lexicon (1893) of Professor J. Henry Thayer of Andover Seminary and the equally pre-eminent Hebrew Lexicon (1891) edited by President Francis Brown of Union Seminary, assisted by Professor Briggs of Union and Professor Driver o
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 1
it was ruled at all, by the Mission friars and the military governor in an arbitrary and personal fashion. Its rich soil and attractive coast were coveted by France, by Great Britain, and by the United States. This great prize slipping from Mexico's fist had its northern limit at the forty-second parallel and its eastern along the upper Arkansas and down that river to the 100th meridian, down that to Red River, along that stream to a point north of the Sabine, and by the Sabine to the Gulf of Mexico. Texas took away the portion from the Sabine to the Nueces and claimed to the Rio Grande. Thus matters stood at the time of the annexation of Texas, with its claim of a western boundary at the Rio Grande which the United States had undertaken to maintain with the sword. There was one statesman in Congress who had a clear perception of conditions and possibilities. This was Thomas Hart Benton, whose home was in St. Louis and was the rendezvous for leading trappers and explorers. His
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
l War this compound of geist and thirst finds his real vocation. Breitmann in Maryland, describing, with a ringing gling, glang, gloria! refrain, the wild ride of Ge Theatre, 25 January, 1893) by David Belasco and Franklyn Fyles, The heart of Maryland (Herald Square Theatre, 22 October, 1895) by David Belasco, William Gillette'section of subjects for treatment as playwright. The advance from The heart of Maryland (22 October, 1895) to the adaptation of Zaza (8 January, 1899) represented hisnal words and music; See, also, Book III, Chap. II. and James R. Randall's Maryland, See, also, Book III, Chap. III of the successful setting of words to a fa—this time the German Tannenbaum. But they are not genuinely national songs. Maryland belongs, of course, to a state; the others are all marching songs, widely play30 to 1737 William Parks was under contract by the governments of Virginia and Maryland to maintain printing presses at Annapolis and at Williamsburg. The dates for
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
end of the period, as well as by the increase in population. In the South, where the business had suffered most, the dozen years following the war were a time of restoration, as well as of extension. Many of the leading papers had survived—in Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, Richmond, Atlanta, New Orleans—and these laboured energetically, in the face of appalling difficulties, political as well as material, to hasten the revival of the country. Many suspended papers were restored, and many nearrangement of this table it would probably run relatively, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago. St. Louis is a medical book publishing centre of importance, and San Francisco has some standing for her finely printed books. Cleveland, Louisville, Springfield (Mass.), St. Paul, and Indianapolis have firms of note. Some of the most striking phases of publication within the last two decades are the increased stress upon juvenile literature, Goodrich says that in 1827 juvenile litera
Moosehead Lake (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ns of the North in Sketches on a tour through the Northern and Eastern States, the Canadas, and Nova Scotia (1840) by J. C. Meyers, one traveller who was not impelled towards the Golden Gate. Burroughs in the Catskills and Thoreau See Book II, Chap. X. in his favourite haunts and on his Yankee trip in Canada (1866) hardly need mention, but there were some other outdoor men along the eastern part of the continent. Lucius L. Hubbard in 1884 wrote Woods and Lakes of Maine, a trip from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch canoe; Charles A. J. Farrar in 1886, Down in the West branch, or camps and Tramps around Katahdin; and another, From Lake to Lake, or a trip across the country, a narrative of the Wilds of Maine. Although J. T. Headley wrote Letters from the backwoods and the Adirondacks in 1850, and others gave accounts of the splendid wilderness of Northern New York, it remained for W. H. H. Murray, a clergyman, to stir up sportsmen and travellers on this topic with his
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