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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.). Search the whole document.

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Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany) (search for this): chapter 1
hers at home. Thus the Hallesche Nachrichaen, addressed to the Lutheran ministerium in Halle, carefully written with minute details by the Rev. Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg, patriarch of the Lutheran church in America, and by other Lutheran ministers, give us an authentic picture not only of the beginnings and growth of the Lutheran Church in America but also of pioneer conditions in many of the colonies. Similarly the Urlsperger Nachrichten, addressed to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Urlsperger at Augsburg, give us an intimate view of the Salzburgers of Georgia and the beginnings of the Lutheran church in the South. The Diaries of Moravian missionaries (Brothers Schnell, Gottschalk, and Spangenberg), who visited the frontier settlements, travelling mostly on foot, from Western Pennsylvania, to the Valley of Virginia, and through trackless wastes to the western settlements of North Carolina, thence to the coast, in 1743-1748, are a wonderful record of modest courage and splendid sacrifice. D
Waltham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
set of composers, such as Barnby and Dykes and Bradbury, whose music is a departure from the sturdy four-four rhythms of Lowell Mason's Laban or Uxbridge or Hamburg. Their newer melodies tend to the use of three-four and six-four measures, and to consequent sweetness rather than vigour. They are attuned to the emotional appeals of the non-conformist pulpit rather than to the stately traditions of Rome or England. They mark the difference between Longfellow and Newman, or between Calkin's Waltham for Bishop Doane's Fling out the banner and Sherwin's Chautauqua for Mary A. Lathbury's Day is dying in the West, each a high example of its kind in the seventies. In other words, the new hymns, both text and music, were at one with the theology and the secular poetry of the day—fervent, aspiring, confident. The period could produce such triumphant songs as the Doane-Calkin Fling out the banner or the Baring-Gould-Sullivan Onward, Christian soldiers (the latter, of course, English), and s
Orrs Island (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Byron to publish the most serious charges ever brought against the poet. In another department of her work, however, Mrs. Stowe stood on surer ground, and her novels of New England life—particularly The minister's Wooing (1859), The Pearl of Orr's Island (1862), Oldtown Folks (1869), Poganuc people (1878)—cannot go unmentioned. Weak in structure and sentimental she remained. Her heroines wrestle with problems of conscience happily alien to all but a few New England and Noncomformist Britisinister's Wooing, are villains to frighten schoolgirls; she writes always as from the pulpit, or at least the parsonage. But where no abstract idea governs her she can be direct, accurate, and convincing. The earlier chapters of The Pearl of Orr's Island must be counted, as Whittier thought, among the purest, truest idyls of New England. It is harder now to agree with Lowell in placing The minister's Wooing first among her novels, and yet no other imaginative treatment so well sets forth the <
Innsbruck (Tyrol, Austria) (search for this): chapter 1
k's collection of Spanish books, and he joined the scholarly circle of Prince John of Saxony. In Berlin in the spring of 1836 Ticknor visited the church historian Neander, and saw Alexander von Humboldt frequently. In Vienna, in June, he examined the old Spanish books in the Imperial Library. After a summer in Switzerland and southern Germany, he moved towards Rome, which he reached in December, and in which he remained until May of 1837. He went north for the summer again, to Venice, Innsbruck, and Heidelberg, and to Paris for the winter, where he looked over the Spanish library of Ternaux-Compans and frequented the study of Augustin Thierry. By March, 1838, Ticknor was in England again, having long talks with Hallam. He once more visited Southey and Wordsworth at Keswick; was disappointed in the Spanish collection at the Bodleian; met at breakfast a Mr. Ruskin, who had a most beautiful collection of sketches, made by himself, from nature, on the Continent; and heard Carlyle l
that preserves it. It is instructive to analyse the cowboy pieces, as a group, for the light that is thrown on the songs of a new community and on the processes of folk-song. Young Charlotte has been referred to as composed early in the nineteenth century in New England. Rattlesnake—a ranch-haying song is a stuttering farce version of the New England Springfield Mountain. The cowboy's lament, known also as The dying cowboy, is a plainsman's adaptation of An unfortunate Rake, current in Ireland as early as 1790. Its origin is reflected in the absurd request for a military funeral retained in the chorus: O beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly, Play the Dead March as you carry me along; Take me to the graveyard, there lay the sod o'er me, For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong. Bury Me not on the Lone prairie is an adaptation of Ocean burial, by W. H. Saunders. The little Old Sod Shanty on My claim is an adaptation of Will S. Hays's The little Old log cabin in t
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ur in the provincial darkness of Woollett, Massachusetts. In all this our American author seems ory of Braintree (1891), Three episodes of Massachusetts history (2 vols., 1892), Massachusetts, ituren in 1848, likewise Benton, Winthrop of Massachusetts, Ewing of Ohio, Foote of Mississippi, and ountry. Among them was Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, member of the Senate from 1851 to 1874. be taught to read and write, as the early Massachusetts and Pennsylvania laws had dictated from thcords. In these references the records of Massachusetts towns are particularly rich. The town of views into the first state constitution of Massachusetts, but they were the traditional views of colonial Massachusetts. He also left a diary or fragmentary autobiography which covers his experiencll-defined periods of active discussion in Massachusetts, centring respectively about the years 171s A geographical and statistical Review of Massachusetts (1813); and Moses Greenleaf's Statistical [15 more...]
Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
association with fellow painters, he found himself surrounded by friends of a type very different from those of the Bohemians and squires of poesy—La Farge, Saint-Gaudens, Stanford White, Joseph Jefferson, Madame Modjeska, and, in the summers on Cape Cod, President Cleveland. Again, unlike the earlier members of the New York group, he became an ardent and enlightened humanitarian and publicist, serving the cause of good government in city and nation. That I am drawn into too many things, he ws. The first volume contained poems by Longfellow and Lowell, and others of the New England group wrote for the magazine. Curtis contributed his Potiphar papers and Prue and I, Lowell his Fireside travels and Moosehead journal, and Thoreau his Cape Cod papers. It would seem that a journal so edited and so supported ought at this time to have succeeded, even though in mechanical appearance it was somewhat heavy and unattractive. For reasons not fully explained, but supposedly financial, the
Dunstable, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ns, however, and, in general, little has been done in the way of an attempt to recover songs from the period before the Revolution. The oldest remaining historical ballad composed in America of which texts are available is Lovewell's fight, recording a struggle with the Indians in Maine, 8 May, 1725. It was composed not long after the event, and was long popular in New England. A text reduced to print almost a century later begins: What time the noble Lovewell came, With fifty men from Dunstable, The cruel Pequa'tt tribe to tame With arms and bloodshed terrible. Longfellow chose the same subject for his early poem The battle of Lovell's Pond. Greater effort has been made toward collecting songs and ballads of the Revolution, though the work should be done again more exhaustively and more critically. Frank Moore printed in 1856 a collection of verse, brought together from newspapers, periodicals, broadsides, and from the memory of surviving soldiers. Most of these pieces are s
Venice (Italy) (search for this): chapter 1
ion and decay, felt when the dingy palaces of Venetian doges or the ruined marbles of Athens are bathe Civil War appointed United States consul at Venice, married at Paris in 1862 to Miss Elinor G. Mee, easy style which made him, beginning with Venetian life (1866) and Italian journeys (1867), one London, and once with Howells fresh from his Venetian post, and so all in the Venetian manner. Evest interesting, theme of Americans in Paris or Venice or London. Not a very original contribution t Chap. XI. with Italian journeys in 1867 and Venetian life of the year before; James Jarvis Jacksond freely in the gay and the learned society of Venice, carrying on numerous love intrigues and suppoin New York in 1823, also belong in the great Venetian eighteenth-century tradition with those of Go 1837. He went north for the summer again, to Venice, Innsbruck, and Heidelberg, and to Paris for tstudies of Church building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena, Florence (880). On the other hand,
Hannibal (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Virginian, his father, who had drifted with his family and slaves through Kentucky and Tennessee, he was a bit of a Southerner and still more of a migrant and a seeker of fortune. His boyhood he spent in the indolent semi-Southern town of Hannibal, Missouri, which, as he fondly represents it, slept for the most part like a cat in the sun, but stretched and rubbed its eyes when the Mississippi steamboats called, teasing his imagination with hints of the unexplored reaches of the river. When intion of the life of a real boy intimately known to him by memory and by introspection and by those deductions of the imaginative faculty which start from a solid basis of actuality. His own boyhood, we may believe, and that of his companions in Hannibal, lives in this intensely vital narrative. It is significant of his unwonted austerity in the composition that he wrote to Howells on its completion: It is not a boy's book at all. It will only be read by adults. It is only written for adults.
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