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Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
nessee, with such able lieutenants as Forrest, Martin, Jackson, Armstrong, Whitfield and Cosby. In March he assailed a force of the enemy at Thompson's Station, Tenn., capturing over 1,000 men. General Van Dorn was one of the brilliant figures of the early part of the war. As a commander of cavalry he was in his element. He was a man of small, lithe figure, elegant person, and a bravery and daring that were unsurpassed. Major-General Edward Cary Walthall, of Mississippi, was born at Richmond, Va., April 4, 1831. Going with his family in childhood to Holly Springs, Miss., he received an academic education at that place, and then studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1852, and in the same year began the practice at Coffeeville. His ability as an attorney, early manifested in his career, resulted in his election as district attorney for the Tenth judicial district in 1856, and re-election, 1859. After the withdrawal of his State from the Union he promptly resigned this offic
Cerro Gordo, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
igned to the Seventh infantry. Of the same regiment he was commissioned second lieutenant November 30, 1844. In the war with Mexico he was engaged in the defense of Fort Brown, the storming of Monterey, the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico. He was promoted first lieutenant March 3, 1847, brevetted captain April 18, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Cerro Gordo, and brevetted major for like serviceCerro Gordo, and brevetted major for like service at Contreras and Churubusco. He was wounded on entering the Belen Gate of the city of Mexico. His services in the United States army were varied and efficient. He served in Florida against the Seminole Indians, and commanded an expedition against the Comanche Indians, being four times wounded in a combat near Washita Village, Indian Territory, October 1, 1858. Two of the wounds were inflicted by arrows and proved quite dangerous. He was commissioned captain of the Second cavalry March 3, 1
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
and 10,000 men, about 3,000 of whom were Indians under Colonel Cooper. On September 30th, Col. J. O. Shelby with 2,000 Missouri cavalry, and Colonel Cooper with about 4,000 Indians and mixed troops attacked and defeated Gen. Frederick Salomon near f Banks in Louisiana in April, 1864, and that of Steele in Arkansas, General Price determined on another expedition into Missouri. The plan was for the Confederate troops under Cooper (now brigadier-general with commission dating from May 2, 1863), Rock, and Price with about 2,000 men, assisted by such gallant leaders as Fagan, Marmaduke and Shelby, was to march into Missouri. This was the last great military enterprise of the Confederate forces in the Trans-Mississippi. Price gained some implieutenant of infantry. He served on frontier duty at various posts in Kansas, and in garrison at Jefferson Barracks in Missouri, was in the Sioux expedition of 1855, and engaged in the action of Blue Water, September 3d; was employed in quelling th
Fall's Church (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
neral Lowry is one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Mississippi, to whose interests he has always been true in war and in peace. Major-General Will T. Martin, one of the dashing cavalry leaders of the war, entered the Confederate service as captain of a company of cavalry. On November 14, 1861, he was commissioned as major of the Second Mississippi cavalry, attached to the Jeff Davis legion. Two days later we have a report of operations of his command in the neighborhood of Falls Church, Va. He surprised a body of the enemy at Doolan's, capturing prisoners, wagons and horses. For this he was mentioned favorably in reports of Gens. G. W. Smith and Joseph E. Johnston. Just before the Seven Days battles at Richmond, Martin, who was now lieutenant-colonel of the Jeff Davis legion, accompanied Stuart in that daring raid in which he made the entire circuit of McClellan's army, bringing in prisoners, booty, and much information of great importance to General Lee. Gen. Wm. W. Av
Columbus (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
winter of 1861. He was assigned by General Hardee to command of the fortifications at Bowling Green, December 20th, and one of Hardee's brigades was also for a time under his command. When the period of enlistment of his troops expired he returned to Mississippi and continued to serve his State and country in various positions, also resuming the practice of law. While defending a prisoner he became involved in a quarrel with the prosecuting attorney and was shot in the court house at Columbus, Miss., December 15, 1873. Brigadier-General Winfield Scott Featherston was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., August 5, 1821. He was educated at various academies and while at school in Georgia, in 1836, served as a volunteer against the Creeks. He afterward studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840. He removed to Mississippi and soon became prominent in official circles. He was elected to Congress as a Democrat and served from 1847 to 1851. In 1860 he was sent by his State to c
Gaines Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
la in order to check McClellan's advance upon Richmond. There was much maneuvering, and some skirmishing and battles between portions of the armies. At Seven Pines Griffith's command was present and ready for action and under fire of the enemy, but not actively engaged. But during the Seven Days of battle around Richmond every command was put upon its mettle. General Griffith's brigade was at that time in the division of General Magruder, who during the decisive battle of June 27th at Gaines' Mill by his skillful management kept the far larger part of the Union army at bay while Lee overwhelmed the weaker portion. During the next day he continued in front of the enemy watching his every movement. On Sunday morning it was evident that McClellan was making for the James. The whole army started in pursuit. When Magruder reached Fair Oaks station he found the enemy's lines in that vicinity, which had been evacuated, in possession of a part of Kershaw's brigade, the remainder of his
Athens, Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ving in Pensacola, Fla. He is a gentleman of high culture and is greatly esteemed, not only for his reputation as a general of decided ability, but as a man of sterling integrity and worth. Brigadier-General Samuel Jameson Gholson was born in Madison county, Ky., May 19, 1808. When nine years of age, he moved with his parents to Alabama. He received his education in such schools as the country afforded and then studied law in Russellville, where he was admitted to the bar. Moving to Athens, Miss., in 1830, he soon began to take an active part in State politics. From 1833 to 1836 he served in the legislature. In 1837 he was elected to Congress as a Democrat to fill a vacancy, and a few months afterward was elected for the full term. His seat, however, was contested and given to his opponent. While in Congress he became involved in a dispute with Henry A. Wise of Virginia. The controversy became so warm that a duel was with the greatest difficulty prevented by John C. Calhoun
Munfordville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
tered under the brigade command of General Zollicoffer. At the battle of Fishing Creek, in January, 1862, Lieutenant-Colonel Walthall led in the attack upon the Federal force of George H. Thomas, and in this first battle he and his regiment received the most enthusiastic praise from the commanding general. Subsequently, in command of the Twenty-ninth regiment, in the brigade of General Chalmers, he participated in Bragg's campaign in Kentucky, taking a prominent part in the attack upon Munfordville, which resulted in the capitulation of the Federal garrison. In November following he was recommended for promotion by General Bragg, and was promptly commissioned brigadier-general and assigned to a brigade of Polk's corps. Sickness prevented his participation in the battle of Stone's River, but in the subsequent operations in Tennessee and north Georgia he was active in command of a brigade of Mississippians. On the bloody field of Chickamauga he was with his brigade in the heat of t
Monterey (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
mostly on garrison duty until the Mexican war, where he was engaged in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and soon after commissioned second lieutenant, June 18, 1846. For gallant and meritorious conduct in the several battles at Monterey he was brevetted first lieutenant, and in February, 1847, he was brevetted captain for like services in the battle of Buena Vista, where he was severely wounded. He — was appointed first lieutenant, Third artillery, March, 1847, and captain in oint, 1842, as brevet second lieutenant and was assigned to the Seventh infantry. Of the same regiment he was commissioned second lieutenant November 30, 1844. In the war with Mexico he was engaged in the defense of Fort Brown, the storming of Monterey, the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico. He was promoted first lieutenant March 3, 1847, brevetted captain April 18, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at
G. L. Blythe (search for this): chapter 14
tances. Brigadier-General Tucker, commanding brigade in reserve, was severely wounded. General Walthall in his report said: The fine brigade which was posted in my rear for support, though it had the shelter of the ridge, sustained considerable loss, mainly from the enemy's artillery. Its commander, Brig.-Gen. W. F. Tucker, was severely wounded, while observing the enemy's movements from my position during the first day's engagement, and was succeeded in command by Col. Jacob H. Sharp of Blythe's regiment. To both these efficient officers I am indebted for valuable suggestions and repeated offers of help, for which their command was kept in a constant state of readiness. General Tucker was not in active service again. On September 15, 1881, he was killed by an assassin at Okolona, Miss. Major-General Earl Van Dorn was born near Port Gibson, Miss., September 17, 1820. He was graduated from West Point, 1842, as brevet second lieutenant and was assigned to the Seventh infantry.
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