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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 530 0 Browse Search
P. R. Cleburne 224 0 Browse Search
Benjamin Franklin Cheatham 206 6 Browse Search
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Bushrod Johnson 178 8 Browse Search
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Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
John H. Savage, and the division by Brig.-Gen. Daniel S: Donelson, of the right wing under Major-General Cheatham. At the battle of Murfreesboro, Donelson's brigade still formed a part of Cheatham's division, which took an active part in the graJohnston. He commanded with great ability a brigade at Fort Donelson, having been commissioned brigadier-general January 24,62. In February, 1862, after the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson, he made an earnest appeal to the Richmond government to lbert Sidney Johnston. It formed a part of the army at Fort Donelson, sharing in the glories and disasters of that fierce cottle of Belmont successfully against General Grant. At Fort Donelson he was second in command to Brigadier-General Floyd, an received orders from Brigadier-General Pillow to go to Fort Donelson. The order was immediately obeyed, and going on board entucky brigade, which he relinquished to take command of Donelson's Tennessee brigade, which he led at the battles of Chick
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Some of the hardest and most brilliant fighting of this day was done by this command. At Frayser's Farm other laurels were won. In this fight nearly every regimental officer in Wilcox's command was killed, and Wilcox himself had his clothing pierced by six bullets. The loss in Wilcox's brigade was heavier in the Seven Days battle than that of any other brigade in Longstreet's division. Wilcox did not happen to have such a difficult part to perform in the other battles of 1862, but at Chancellorsville, in 1863, his opportunities were again great, and he measured fully up to the occasion, adding much to his already splendid reputation. On the field of Gettysburg, the magnificent fighting of Wilcox's men gave new glory to the brigade and its dashing commander. On the 9th of August, 1863, Wilcox was commissioned major-general and assigned to the command of the division in Hill's corps that had been commanded by Pender at Gettysburg. It comprised Lane's North Carolina brigade, five re
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 16
utenant of the First Dragoons, then serving under Gen. Philip Kearny. At Santa Cruz de Rosales, Mexico, March 16, 1848, he was brevetted first lieutenant for gallantry, and on October 9, 1851, he wass a reward for gallant services as a sergeant of Tennessee volunteers at the battle of Monterey, Mexico, September 21 to 23, 1846. He was graduated at West Point in 1853, and promoted to brevet seconadier-general of Tennessee volunteers in the Mexican war. At first he served with Taylor in northern Mexico, but was transferred to Scott's command at the beginning of the siege of Vera Cruz. In thi people of Monroe county always stood by him. When the United States became involved in war with Mexico, young Vaughn entered the Fifth Tennessee volunteers as a captain and served throughout the war. U. S. A., serving under Gen. Andrew Jackson in the Creek war, and subsequently in the war with Mexico. His brother, Judge John V. Wright, was colonel of the Thirteenth Tennessee infantry, was in th
St. Joseph, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
e head, showing that the men did not take cover; it was the last fight east of the great river; it was a brave one, and a memorial stone should mark the place where Tyler and his heroes fell. Brigadier-General Alfred J. Vaughan Brigadier-General Alfred J. Vaughan was born in Dinwiddie county, Va., May 10, 1830, and was graduated at the Virginia military institute, July 4, 1851, as senior captain of cadets. He adopted civil engineering as his profession, and going West located at St. Joseph, Mo. Afterward he was deputy United States surveyor for the district of California. Returning east, he settled in Marshall county, Miss. He was very much opposed to the dissolution of the Union, but when his adopted State, Mississippi, and his native State, Virginia, declared for secession, he promptly determined to abide by their decision, and at once raised a company for the Confederate service. Since Mississippi was not yet ready to arm and equip this company, he went with most of his
Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
m his front; at Dallas vigorously assailed Logan's intrenched Fifteenth Federal corps with his single division; on July 22d led the flank movement under Hardee which brought on the famous battle of Atlanta. In the ill-fated campaign under General Hood, which brought General Bate and his men back to their native State, but with circumstances of suffering and disaster, he led his division, now including Jackson's brigade, from Florence, Ala., November 21st; marched with Cheatham's corps to Spring Hill, where he was in readiness for orders to attack; fought heroically at Franklin, in the desperate assault many of his men gaining the interior works and remaining there until the Federal retreat; and after attacking Murfreesboro in co-operation with Forrest, marched his men, a fourth of them barefooted, over the icy roads to Nashville, where upon arrival he encountered stragglers already in rapid retreat, indicating the disaster that was impending. Even under such circumstances his troop
Dover, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
, was elected and commissioned its colonel. The regiment was placed in the army of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, and in February, 1862, was quartered at Clarksville, Tenn. On the 12th of February they received orders from Brigadier-General Pillow to go to Fort Donelson. The order was immediately obeyed, and going on board a transport they arrived next morning under a heavy fire. The companies were formed on the transport and marched off in regular order. In passing through the village of Dover, three men were wounded, one mortally, by the Federal shells. Then, assigned to Colonel Heiman's brigade, the regiment was thrown into the trenches. This was the introduction of these gallant men to the stern realities of war. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of February occurred the severest fighting at Donelson. Both superiors and subordinates bore testimony to the gallantry of Colonel Quarles in the trying ordeal of this first battle. In this attack, says Gen. Bushrod Johnson, speaking of t
Thompson's Station (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ing of the Hatchie, covering the retreat as well as providing a bridge for the transportation of the army. General Maury writes that to Armstrong more than any other officer, Price's army owed its safe retreat from Iuka, and at Corinth, Armstrong found a safe retreat for Van Dorn's broken command. He was promoted to brigadier-general January 30, 1863. Under Van Dorn he was one of the brigade commanders in western Tennessee in March, 1863, and had a conspicuous part in the victory at Thompson's Station on March 25th. His brigade, under his command, captured the Federal garrison at Brentwood after a spirited fight. On April 10th he was in battle at Franklin, and on June 4th again attacked the Federal garrison there. In the organization of the cavalry corps of the army of Tennessee, following the Kentucky campaign, he commanded a brigade of Forrest's division, consisting of the Third Arkansas, Second Kentucky, First Tennessee, McDonald's battalion and Brady's escort company. Upon
Decatur (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
fest in the organization and increased efficiency of his command. On July 17th, Bragg, about to move to Chattanooga from Tupelo, ordered General Armstrong to advance toward Decatur, Ala., to cover the transfer of the army. With portions of the squadrons and companies of Webb, Barteau, McCulloch, Hill, Sanders, Roddey and Newsom he attacked the enemy at Courtland, Ala., July 25th, and won a brilliant victory, taking 133 prisoners and gaining possession of the fertile Tennessee valley from Decatur to Tuscumbia. His continued successes brought him the warm congratulations of General Bragg. In August, 1862, he was sent with about 2,000 cavalry to make a demonstration in west Tennessee in co-operation with Bragg, and preparatory to Price's advance. He crossed the Hatchie river, passed between Jackson and Bolivar, destroyed bridges and trestles on the Memphis & Charleston railroad, drove the Federals into Bolivar, August 30th, and on his return defeated their infantry, cavalry and art
Gallatin, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
terized his career as a Confederate soldier. Leaving school to become a clerk on a steamboat plying between Nashville and New Orleans, he subsequently enlisted for the Mexican war and served as a private in a Louisiana and a Tennessee regiment. On his return to Tennessee he was elected to the legislature by his admiring friends in his native county, and after this he began the study of law in the famous school at Lebanon. He was graduated professionally in 1852, and then made his home at Gallatin, the scene of his earlier efforts in the profession which has been honored by his intellectual ability and manly worth. In 1854 he was elected attorney-general of the Nashville district for a term of six years. That calm, masterful and judicious leadership for which his life has been distinguished was already manifested in the political field, and having declined congressional honors, his name was put upon the Breckinridge electoral ticket. In May, 1861, Tennessee began the official negot
Staunton, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
of duty to his native State, whose command he felt bound to obey. Reporting to the Richmond government, he was assigned in 1862 to the command of the post at Staunton, Va., with the rank of colonel. In August, 1863, he was commissioned brigadier-general, and early in 1864 he was at Rome, Ga., in command of a cavalry brigade belode of the South. He joined the Confederate army and was made colonel of the Seventh Tennessee. In July, 1861, his regiment was ordered with other commands to Staunton, Va., where we find him on the 28th of that month. It was just after the great victory of the First Manassas, when the whole South was wild with joy over its wondeequired. Espousing the cause of the South with all his heart, he was appointed colonel of the First Tennessee infantry on May 8, 1861. In July he was sent to Staunton, Va., and in the brigade of Gen. S. R. Anderson was ordered to report to General Loring in northwest Virginia. He served in the Cheat Mountain campaign, and was se
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