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Washington College (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
that shed so gracious a light in the after-time on them, their country, and their Alma Mater. And could I pause to speak of those who became valiant leaders of men in battle I could name many a noble soldier whose eye greets mine to-day; and, alas! I should recall the form of many a hero who passed from these halls in the flush of youthful manhood, and has long slept with the unreturning brave; for in 1861, when the calls to arms resounded, The Liberty-Hall Volunteers—the students of Washington College—were among the first (and in a body) to respond; and when the quiet professor of your twin institute was baptized in history as Stonewall Jackson, their blood o'erflowed the christening urn and reddened Manassas' field, and from Manassas to Appomattox, under Joseph E. Johnston, and Thomas J. Jackson, and Robert E. Lee, the boys and the men of Washington College proved that they were worthy of their leaders, worthy of their State and country, and worthy of all good fame. The fate of
Chepultepec (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
ed friend and compatriot of Washington in the revolutionary struggle, and whose memorable eulogy upon his august Chief has become his epitaph;—descended indeed from a long line of illustrious progenitors, whose names are written on the brightest scrolls of English and American history, from the conquest of the Norman at Hastings, to the triumph of the Continentals at Yorktown,—he had already established his own martial fame at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, Chepultepec and Mexico, and had proved how little he depended upon any merit but his own. Such was his early distinction., that when but a Captain, the Cuban Junta had offered to make him the leader of their revolutionary movement for the independence of Cuba;—a position which as an American officer, he felt it his duty to decline. And so deep was the impression made of his genius and his valor, that General Scott, Commander-in-Chief of the army in which he served, had declared that he was the best <
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
—Ewell's corps is master of the Valley,—and by June 24th, the Army of Northern Virginia is in Pennsylvania, while for the third time the Army of the Potomac is glad if it can interpose to prevent the cotch-Irish for the most part, with some Germans and Englishmen, pouring into the Valley from Pennsylvania and Eastern Virginia, and from the fatherlands over the water. Not speculative adventurers wthat he meets an equal and a generous foe. Lee had penetrated the year before to the heart of Pennsylvania, and the Southern infantry had bivouacked on the banks of the Susquehanna. When he crossed the Pennsylvania line, he had announced in general orders, from the headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia, that he did not come to take vengeance; that we make war only upon armed men, and het thought and care were for them, alike in their common suffering. So it was that whether in Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Virginia, he restrained every excess of conduct, and held the reckless and the
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
r. A few weeks later Colonel Lee was ordered, and came to Washington, reaching there three days before the inauguration of President Lincoln. At that time South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana, had already seceded from the Union, and the Provisional Government of the Confederate States was in opereless of fame with duty done. Later, in the fall of 1861, we find him exercising his skill as an engineer in planning defences along the threatened coast of South Carolina; and in March, 1862, he is again in Virginia, charged by President Davis with the conduct of military operations in the armies of the Confederacy—in brief, anf Virginia; eleven United States Senators—amongst them Parker, of Virginia, Breckinridge, of Kentucky, H. S. Foote, of Mississippi, and William C. Preston, of South Carolina; more than a score of congressmen, twoscore and more of Judges—amongst them Trimble, of the United States Supreme Court; Coalter, Allen, Anderson, and Burks, <
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
f his enemies, has had his curiosity entirely satisfied with a brief glimpse of their faces; and the proud army of the Potomac is flying in hot haste to find shelter in the entrenchments of Washington. In early September the Confederates are in Maryland. In extreme exigency, McClellan is recalled to command the Army of the Potomac, but while Lee holds him in check at Boonsboro and South Mountain, a series of complicated manoeuvres have invested General Miles, the officer in command at Harper'sous assault that won the victory, and stood amongst the wounded of the blue and gray, heaped around him in indiscriminate carnage—his first thought and care were for them, alike in their common suffering. So it was that whether in Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Virginia, he restrained every excess of conduct, and held the reckless and the ruthless within those bounds which duty sets to action. So it was that to one homeless during the days of strife, he wrote: Occupy yourself in helping those more
Five Forks (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
tinel in the trenches, tortured to excrutiation with the thought that those dearest of earth to him were without an arm to save, felt his soul sink in anguish and his hope perish? So it was, that with hunger and nakedness as its companions, and foes in front and foes in rear, the Army of Northern Virginia seemed bound to the rock of fate. On April 1st the left wing of Grant's massive lines swept around the right and rear of Lee. Gallantly did Pickett and his men meet and resist them at Five Forks; but that commanding strategic point was taken, and the fall of Petersburg and of Richmond alike became inevitable. On the next day, April 2d, they were evacuated. Grant was now on a shorter line projected toward Danville than Lee, and the latter commenced at once that memorable retreat towards Lynchburg, which ended at Appomattox. The battle of Appomattox—the last charge. Over that march of desperate valor disputing fate, as over the face of a hero in the throes of dissolution, I
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
a replenished army with a fresh commander, Fighting Joe Hooker, renews the onset by way of Chancellorsville, and finds Lee with two divisions of Longstreet's corps absent in Southeast Virginia. But d while Hooker with the finest army on the planet, as he styled it, is confronting Lee near Chancellorsville, and Early is holding Sedgwick at bay at Fredericksburg, Jackson, who, under Lee's directiosoling reflection that He who fights and runs away Will live to fight another day, for Chancellorsville shines high on the list of Confederate victories, and indeed was one of the grandest victorf old—Stonewall led the way. Soldiers of Manassas, of Richmond, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, of the Wilderness, of Spotsylvania, of Cold Harbor, of Petersburg—scarred and hat his orders to the surgeons of his army were to treat the whole field alike, and when at Chancellorsville, he in person led the tempestuous assault that won the victory, and stood amongst the wound
Jamestown (Virginia) (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
. But circumstances, then to him unknown, were bringing an event to pass which turned over a new and unexpected leaf in his history, —an event which made a little scion of knowledge which had been nurtured though the storms of the Colonial Revolution, a great and noble University, and which now has associated in the glorious work of education, as in glorious deeds of arms, the twin names of Washington and Lee. Liberty Hall Academy. It was nearly a century after the settlement at Jamestown, that Governor Spotswood of Virginia, at the head of a troop of horse, first explored the hitherto unknown land beyond the mountains, and upon his return from the expedition, the Governor presented to each of his bold companions, a golden horseshoe, inscribed with the legend: Sic jurat transcendere montes, as a memorial of the event; a circumstance which caused them to be named in history, The Knights of the Golden Horseshoe. In August, 1716, these adventurous spirits first looked down fr
France (France) (search for this): chapter 60
Thomas Hughes, is the highest form of self-assertion. It is harder, as every soldier knows, to lie down and take the fire of batteries without returning it, than to rise and charge to the cannon's mouth. It is harder to give the soft answer that turns away wrath than to retort a word with a blow. De Long, in the Frozen Arctic wastes, dying alone inch by inch of cold and starvation, yet intent on his work, and writing lines for the benefit of others, deserved, as well as the Marshal of France, who received it, the name of bravest of the brave. The artless little Alabama girl, who was guiding General Forrest along a dangerous path when the enemy fired a volley upon him, and who instinctly spread her skirts and cried: Get behind me! had a spirit as high as that which filled the bosom of Joan of Arc, or Charlotte Corday. The little Holland boy, who, seeing the water oozing through the dyke, and the town near by about to be deluged and destroyed, neither cried nor ran, but stopp
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 60
back across the Rappahannock, content with his observations. 1864—Wilderness, Spotsylvania, cold Harbor, Petersburg, Lynchburg. But as the May blossoms in 1864, we hear once more the wonted strain of spring, tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are mled again; and almost simultaneously Hunter's invasion through the Valley was intercepted arid successfully repelled at Lynchburg by the swift and bold movements of Lee's greatest Lieutenant,—the ever-to-be-counted — on Jubal A. Early, who had been w on a shorter line projected toward Danville than Lee, and the latter commenced at once that memorable retreat towards Lynchburg, which ended at Appomattox. The battle of Appomattox—the last charge. Over that march of desperate valor disputine blue lines break before them; two cannon and many prisoners are taken, and for two miles they sweep the field towards Lynchburg—victors still! But no, too late! too late! Behind the flying sabres and rifles of Sheridan rise the bayonets an
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