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J. B. Crittenden (search for this): chapter 1.6
ridge in the bottom, just to the right of the road. Plan: Vaughan to get into their rear by Taylor's Gap on our left; Crittenden in front with about three hundred men, collected from the nitre and mining bureau, and the artillery; while General Bre, 1864.—Lynch fired the signal gun promptly at daybreak. As soon as the attack commenced, received permission from General Crittenden to lead a skirmish line forward so as to secure an eminence for shelling the earthwork and two guns at foot of gap. soon followed. Lieutenant Blackwell's horse killed. Just then, as all was ready for an assault on the earthwork, General Crittenden informed me that General Breckinridge had been repulsed with considerable loss, and the whole command had orders to Lee's surrender was true., April 12th, 1865.—Council of war was held. Vaughan cut matters short by calling on General Crittenden for his opinion. My opinion is that the war is over, said he. It was determined to disband the artillery, allowing
John McCampbell (search for this): chapter 1.6
ent for duty: Captain J. P. Lynch, First Lieutenant T. C. Elmore (had one eye shot out at Vicksburg), Senior Second Lieutenant William E. Butler, Junior Second Lieutenant John McCampbell; six non-commissioned officers and forty-one privates—the company having been captured at Vicksburg and the rest reported unexchanged. Byrne's rinto camp near Leesburg, Washington county, Tennessee. November 10th, 1864.—Marched to Henderson's Mill on the road to Bull's Gap and went into camp, Lieutenant John McCampbell, of Lynch's battery, acting as quartermaster. November 11th, 1864,—Arrived at Bull's Gap, Hawkins county, Tennessee, about sundown. Enemy, under Gen together with four captured Parrotts (eight guns) and six captured caissons, with harness, etc. (ten in all), ordered back into camp, near Wytheville, Va. Lieutenant McCampbell ordered back to his company (Lynch's). November 23d, 1864.—Eyes so inflamed by cold and wind could not bear the light. Rode in a wagon with the wounde
William H. Burroughs (search for this): chapter 1.6
on at Saltville abundant for the number of chests and in fair condition. October 11th, 1864.—Arrived at Abingdon before daylight, and found my servant and horse just arrived. Returned to Wytheville by train. October 12th, 1864.—Inspected Burroughs' battery, in camp at lead mines near Max Meadow's station. One brass 12-pound howitzer, one iron howitzer, one iron 6-pound howitzer, one Richmond 3-inch rifle, four caissons, one battery forge, three 4-horse wagons, forty-eight battery horses, six sergeants' horses, and sixteen mules; in all, seventy horses and mules. Present for duty: Captain William H. Burroughs, First Lieutenant John E. Blackwell, Senior Second Lieutenant John J. Burroughs, Junior Second Lieutenant James R. Graham; fourteen non-commissioned officers and ninety privates. The battery was in fair condition. October 14th, 1864.—Headquarters Wytheville, Virginia. Inspected Douthat's battery, encamped near here: one 3-inch Richmond rifle, three captured United Sta<
Thomas H. Carter (search for this): chapter 1.6
ganized, procured horses and one wagon for Lynch. October 22d, 1864.—--Douthat's battery ordered to report to Colonel Thomas H. Carter in the Shenandoah Valley. October 28th, 1864.—McClung's battery, acting with Vaughan's cavalry brigade in EasWytheville, Virginia. In view of an early advance into East Tennessee, received orders to send a battery to Vaughan near Carter's station, Virginia, East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad, Carter county, Tennessee. Ordered Lynch with his own 12-pound hozers, to report to Vaughan. Transported by rail. November 8th, 1864.—Wytheville, Virginia. Started by rail today for Carter's station, East Tennessee, with Captain Burroughs and his remaining section. Lieutenants Pearcy and Dobson accompanied mullivan county, Tennessee, just on the border line; remained in the cars until morning. November 9th, 1864.—Arrived at Carter's station and unloaded. Marched with Lynch and Burroughs to Jonesborough station and thence into camp near Leesburg, Wa
no horses. Captain Sawyer in command. Levi's battery, Captain Barr in command: two iron 12-pound howitzers, one iron 6-pouhree caissons. No horses or wagons. Present for duty: Captain Barr, Senior First Lieutenant G. D. Searcy, Junior First Lie.—Reached Saltville; placed Burroughs in Fort Breckinridge, Barr in Fort Hatton, Lieutenant Kain (or Kane, I am unable to stth 12-pound howitzers. December 6th, 1864.—Placed two of Barr's guns (howitzers) under Captain Barr in Fort Statham, alsoCaptain Barr in Fort Statham, also Lieutenant Burroughs with one rifle. Stoneman, not wishing to attack the troops posted at Saltville, determined to pass byyth county, Va., to attack Stoneman in flank, if possible. Barr, King, and Sawyer were left at Saltville; Barr in command. Barr in command. To-day Lynch's battery, acting with Vaughan's brigade, was captured at Walter's bridge, most of the men and officers fortuner been worth hauling about any way. Remnants of McClung's, Barr's and Sawyer's men were merged into Lynch's battery. Jan
ng's, Barr's and Sawyer's men were merged into Lynch's battery. January 18th, 1865.—Wytheville, Virginia. Lieutenant J. Henry Cochran reported to me for duty. January 21st, 1865.—Captain Lynch sent to Grayson county, Virginia, to collect stragglers. About this time General Breckinridge was appointed Confederate States Secretary of War in place of James A. Seddon, and Brigadier-General John Echols succeeded to the command. Bridges destroyed by Stoneman last month quickly rebuilt by Major Poore, Chief of Engineers. March 30th, 1865.—Up to this time had remained in winter quarters. Douthat, who on the 14th of March had been ordered to Farmville, Virginia, via Lynchburg, had his order revoked, and reported to me at Wytheville. Supplied with fifty-nine new battery horses, in excellent condition, those unserviceable being turned over to Major McMahon, Quartermaster. Lynch supplied with horses and harness, and others also where needed. March 31st, 1865.—King reported to me
George C. Dickinson (search for this): chapter 1.6
ton had also surrendered, we went to our respective homes, he to Loudoun county, Virginia, and I to Albemarle. Neither of us had a cent of money, but at Christiansburg, just before the break-up, Lieutenant Branham lent me five dollars in gold, which we found was a perfect Godsend. I returned the amount afterwards, as soon as Lieutenant Branham sent me his address. I had drawn no pay for some time, so that the Confederate States owed me, for back pay, about $1,600. The excuse was that Confederate money was too scarce to pay off the troops! Early in May, after consulting with Hon. W. C. Rives, formerly United States Senator from Virginia, I went to Richmond with Captain George C. Dickinson, formerly of New York, and in the Capitol building we took the oath of allegiance to the United States of America before General Patrick, of Ord's command. It is safe to say that it is one oath, at least, I have never broken. Saw Sherman's forty thousand men pass through en route to Washington.
, Washington county, Va., by rail, and thence to Brigadier-General Vaughan's camp. Found there McClung's battery, tolerably complete, and remnants of Lynch's and Byrne's batteries. As Vaughan was ao advance into East Tennessee, in accordance with instructions from headquarters, I ordered Captain McClung to report to him with two iron 12-pound howitzers, one iron 6-pounder, one Richmond 3-inch rifle, and two caissons. Present for duty: Captain McClung, First Lieutenant Alexander Allison, Senior Second Lieutenant J. L. Pearcy, Junior Second Lieutenant W. G. Dobson, twelve non-commissioned ordered to report to Colonel Thomas H. Carter in the Shenandoah Valley. October 28th, 1864.—McClung's battery, acting with Vaughan's cavalry brigade in East Tennessee, reported captured, correct.the Richmond 3-inch rifle, none of which had ever been worth hauling about any way. Remnants of McClung's, Barr's and Sawyer's men were merged into Lynch's battery. January 18th, 1865.—Wytheville,
sional skirmishing. Stoneman in our front, and reported at night as working around in our rear also. Council of war held. General Breckinridge decided to slip out by a right-flank movement over Glade mountains to the southward. Ordered me to spike all the guns and abandon them, as he was informed by citizens in the place that it would be impossible to haul them up the mountains. Received permission to try, however. Rained hard, and very dark and favorable to our movement. Retreated by Staley's creek, which was now a torrent, but the road was the bed of the creek most of the way, until we began the steep ascent. Remnants of refugee carts found abandoned. Most of the cavalry were ordered to retreat first, then the artillery, with Duke's brigade bringing up the rear. One caisson and one wagon had to be abandoned, having been accidently overturned, and were destroyed by the enemy, who ceased to follow up. December 19th, 1864.—On top of the mountains at daylight with all the gu
the Bull's Gap affair and suggesting that Lieutenant J. Henry Cochran, formerly of my battery in Lee's army, be transferred to our department as my adjutant. This letter, cordially endorsed with myad been made only to practise. Now, however, we were all to march as rapidly as possible to join Lee's army. April 7th, 1865.—Moved through Wytheville going east, colors flying, in following orde guns each. The best battalion of artillery ever seen in that part of the world, remarked one of Lee's inspectors, as the column moved by. It was among the last flickers of life before the rapidly dain Semple, being dismounted, asked me to bend down from my horse as he had something to tell me. Lee, with his whole army, has surrendered, whispered he into my ear. Did not believe it-thought thereield southeast of the town. They were never moved again by Confederate soldiers, for the news of Lee's surrender was true., April 12th, 1865.—Council of war was held. Vaughan cut matters short
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