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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones).
Found 9,918 total hits in 4,043 results.
1870 AD (search for this): chapter 1.1
The career of Wise's Brigade, 1861-5.
An address
Delivered by General Henry A. Wise, near Cappahoosic, Gloucester county, Virginia, about 1870.
The following graphic address, is now first printed, from the original manuscript in the autograph of the Noble Old Roman who died at Richmond, Va., Sept. 12, 1876, an unrepentant rebel, without government pardon.
It is unfortunately undated, and without definite statement of place of delivery.
The object appears to have been to secure funds to meet the cost of gathering together the remains of soldiers from Gloucester county, who died in defence of the South, and to duly mark their graves.
A monument has been since erected at Gloucester Courthouse.
The address has been furnished by Mr. Barton Haxall Wise, a young lawyer of Richmond, Va., who has in preparation a life of his distinguished grandfather, whose public services thread the warp of our National history for quite a half century:
Surviving Comrades of the Confede
1865 AD (search for this): chapter 1.1
The career of Wise's Brigade, 1861-5.
An address
Delivered by General Henry A. Wise, near Cappahoosic, Gloucester county, Virginia, about 1870.
The following graphic address, is now first printed, from the original manuscript in the autograph of the Noble Old Roman who died at Richmond, Va., Sept. 12, 1876, an unrepentant rebel, without government pardon.
It is unfortunately undated, and without definite statement of place of delivery.
The object appears to have been to secure funds to meet the cost of gathering together the remains of soldiers from Gloucester county, who died in defence of the South, and to duly mark their graves.
A monument has been since erected at Gloucester Courthouse.
The address has been furnished by Mr. Barton Haxall Wise, a young lawyer of Richmond, Va., who has in preparation a life of his distinguished grandfather, whose public services thread the warp of our National history for quite a half century:
Surviving Comrades of the Confed
1862 AD (search for this): chapter 1.1
1861 AD (search for this): chapter 1.1
The career of Wise's Brigade, 1861-5.
An address
Delivered by General Henry A. Wise, near Cappahoosic, Gloucester county, Virginia, about 1870.
The following graphic address, is now first printed, from the original manuscript in the autograph of the Noble Old Roman who died at Richmond, Va., Sept. 12, 1876, an unrepentant rebel, without government pardon.
It is unfortunately undated, and without definite statement of place of delivery.
The object appears to have been to secure funds to meet the cost of gathering together the remains of soldiers from Gloucester county, who died in defence of the South, and to duly mark their graves.
A monument has been since erected at Gloucester Courthouse.
The address has been furnished by Mr. Barton Haxall Wise, a young lawyer of Richmond, Va., who has in preparation a life of his distinguished grandfather, whose public services thread the warp of our National history for quite a half century:
Surviving Comrades of the Confede
Robert E. Lee (search for this): chapter 1.1
Ewell (search for this): chapter 1.1
George E. Pickett (search for this): chapter 1.1
Dearing (search for this): chapter 1.1
Meade (search for this): chapter 1.1
Armistead (search for this): chapter 1.1