Mrs. Mary A. (H. A.), 36.
Cabell, Wm. Preston. 353.
Campbell, Major S. H., Engineer Corps, 6.
Canal, James River and Kanawha, primitive travel on, 354.
Carnochan, Dr. J. M. 40.
Carrington, Colonel H. A., 333.
Carter, Captain, 15.
Cedar Creek, Great Battle of 194.
Chambersburg, Burning of, 65, 76.
Chancellorsville, General Lee's Strategy at, 1; Reports as to by Confederate Officers, 8,35, 55, 206.
Chaplains of Army of Northern Virginia, 313.
Cheat Mountain Attack on, 39
Decisive Battles of the World, 255.
Devens, General, Charles, 273
Douglas, Colonel, Henry Kyd, 195.
Drewry, Major Augustus H. 82.
Drewry's Bluff, New Light on Battle of, 82.
Early, General J. A., Strategy of, and thin gray line at Cedar Creek, 195– Valley Campaign of, 272; Ordered Chambersburg to be burned in retaliation, 214; a remarkable character, 217.
Edwards, Lieutenant J. R., 211.
Eggleston, Mrs., John Randolph, 191.
Ellery, Captain W., killed, 185.
Elzey, General, Ar
8; Officers of the Monument Association, 149.
Posey, General, Carnot, 241.
Potomac, All quiet along the Lines, 66.
Preston, Colonel James P., 367.
Price, D. D., Rev. W. T., 285.
Prisons of the North and South respectively, 71.
Prisoners of War North and South, Treatment of, relatively to the sections, 69
Prison Reminiscenses, by Judge James F. Crocker, 28.
Provisional Army of Virginia in 1861, 288.
Quitman Rifles, History of the, 239.
Ramseur, Ambuscade of, General S. D., 213.
Randolph of Roanoke, John, Key to the Eccentricity of, 75.
Rebel Yell.
The, 198.
Robins, Colonel, Wm. Todd, 275.
Rodgers, Wm. W, 163.
Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 69.
Rodgers. Miss Ruth.
Ruins, The pathos of, 67.
Scovill, Colonel E. A, 45.
Secession, the right of, 55; Early approval of in New England, 59, 61; proposed by Massachusetts in 1844, 60.
Seddon, James A , 133.
Sheppard, W. L., 237.
Sheridan, General Philip H, Vandalism of, 215.
Siever's, Wm, 2
C., 354.
Meredith, Sergeant, Fleming, 186.
Milroy, General R. H., Capture of command of, 298.
Minor, Dr., James Madison, 36.
Moore, M. J., 249
Morris, General T. A. 289.
Morrison, Colonel E. M., 250.
Morson, James M., 355.
Munford, General T T, 200.
Murray, Captain W. H., 176; Services of his Company, 177; Monument to, 178;
Monument at Gettysburg by Murray Confederate Association, 178.
Negroes, Former Cannibals in Africa, 343.
Netherwood, Albin, 237.
Oil Works in Wirt County burned, 309.
Palmer, Dr John Williamson, 176.
Parham, Ensign John T., 253.
Patriotism of Peace, The, 155.
Patton, Colonel, Wm. Tazewell, 305.
Pelham's Battery, 171,
Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 224.
Peters, Winfield, 170.
Philippi, Famous Retreat from in 1861, 280.
Pipkin, Captain, N. C. Cavalry, 166.
Pollard, Lieutenant, James, 179.
Pollard, D. D., Rev. John, 179.
Porterfield, Colonel, Geo. A., 287.
Portsmouth Artillery, Shaft to unveiled, 144; History of the command,
Lipscomb, Captain, Martin Meredith, 187.
Long, General A. L., 2, 15
Louisiana, Purchase of, 61.
Lynch, Wilson B., 149.
McClellan, General Geo B., Career of, 284.
McNeil, John A., 280, 294.
Manassas, First Battle of, Heroism of the Maryland Line at, 170; 33rd Va. Infantry at, 363.
Mann, Sergeant S. A., 97.
March, Confederates in shortest time, 248.
Marr, Captain, John Quincy, killed, 225.
Maryland, Career of the first regiment, 172.
Marshall, Colonel, Charles, 17.
Marshall, Col. Thos. Children of, adopted by Mrs. Susan Lees, 36
Massie, Lieutenant Fletcher T., 243.
Mayo, Colonel, Joseph, 327.
Mayo, Mrs W. C., 354.
Meredith, Sergeant, Fleming, 186.
Milroy, General R. H., Capture of command of, 298.
Minor, Dr., James Madison, 36.
Moore, M. J., 249
Morris, General T. A. 289.
Morrison, Colonel E. M., 250.
Morson, James M., 355.
Munford, General T T, 200.
Murray, Captain W. H., 176; Services of his Company, 177; Monument to, 178;
Monument at G
ttack on, 396.
Charlotte Cavalry, Organization, Engagements and Casualties of, 75.
Churchville Cavalry, 76.
Clopton, Captain, Wm. Izard, 82.
Confederate Commissioners to Washington in 1861, 281.
Confederate Soldier morale and intelligence of, 65; valor of, 157; faith and inspiration of, 337.
Confederate Currency, Depreciation of, 50.
Confederate Battle Flg, Suggested by General Beauregard, 172.
Confederate Artillery, Reorganization of the, 1862, 153.
Conference at Centreville, October 1, 1861, as to Invading the North.
President Davis' Version of it, 128.
Cooke, John Esten, 9.
Craney Island, Battle of, 147.
Crocker, Hon. James F., 128.
Crocker, Rev W. A., 50.
Crook, General, George, 289.
Crouch, Dr. Richard G., 179.
Cummings, Colonel Arthur C., 363.
Custer, General G. A., 180.
Cutheriell, Captain C. A., 160.
Dabney. Dr. R. L. 2,179.
Dahlgren Raid, 181; How a woman saved Richmond from, 353.
Dahlgren, Colonel, Ulric, 181; Savage orders
l and Confederate Soldiers, respective qualities of, 61.
Federal Vandalism, 215, 217.
Fisher's Hill, Fight at, 215.
Fiveash, Joseph G., 316.
Fontaine, Colonel, Wm. Winston, 300.
Gaines, Lieutenant Samuel M., 76.
Gettysburg, Battle of, 28; Pickett's charge at, 327; bloody charge of, 336.
Gibbon, General, John, 330.
Gibson, Moses, 217.
Gill, John, 177.
Gladstone, W. E., Dying words of, 52.
Godwin, General Archie C., 194; killed, 196.
Grabill, Captain John H., 363.
Grafton, Camp at, in 1861, 188.
Graves, Master C. W., Commanding U. S. Steamer Lockwood in 1862, 151.
Greene, U. S. Navy, Lieutenant, 324.
Grimes, Captain Carey F., killed, 152.
Hampton Roads, Conference in February, 1865, The, 311
Harper's Ferry, Demonstration in May, 1862, The, 200,
Harper Colonel Kenton, 363.
Hartford Convention in 1814, The, 60.
Haskell, Colonel A. C., 244
Hatton, Captain Clarence R., 194.
Hayes Colonel R. G., His report of Captured Stuff, 297.
. Crocker, 28.
Provisional Army of Virginia in 1861, 288.
Quitman Rifles, History of the, 239.
Ramseur, Ambuscade of, General S. D., 213.
Randolph of Roanoke, John, Key to the Eccentricity of, 75.
Rebel Yell.
The, 198.
Robins, Colonel, Wm. Todd, 275.
Rodgers, Wm. W, 163.
Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 69.
Rodgers. Miss Ruth.
Ruins, The pathos of, 67.
Scovill, Colonel E. A, 45.
Secession, the right of, 55; Early approval of in New England, 59, 61; proposed by Massachusetts in 1844, 60.
Seddon, James A , 133.
Sheppard, W. L., 237.
Sheridan, General Philip H, Vandalism of, 215.
Siever's, Wm, 237.
Simmons, Dr., James, 36
Slavery in the South incident on conditions; perpetuation of not the cause of the war 58; Sentiment of the world as to, 63.
Smith Briggs, Capture of the by Confederates, 162.
Smith, General E. K. at Manassas, 175.
Smith, General G. W., 1:3.
Smith, Wm., Governor and General, Unveiling of Statue to, with addresses and ce
Taylor, Colonel Walter H., 11.
Thomas, Julius O., 43, 161.
Thomas, Richard S., 163.
Thompson, Captain John H., 149.
Townsend, Harry C., Diary of, January May, 1865, 99.
Traitors have been ever cruel, 38.
Van Lew, Miss Elizabeth L, 187
Virginia, The Iron-clad, 89; career of, 316; Destruction of, 317; Construction of, 319.
Virginia cavalry 13th regiment, its flag and roll of Company E, 210; Company I, roster of, 228.
Virginia Infantry, 4th regiment and 32d regiment at Sharpsburg, 250; 8th regiment, field officers of, 266.
Virginia Convention of 1861, A remarkable body of men, 281.
Wallace, General, Lew, 73.
Warwick, Lieutenant A. D. 205
Weathersby, killed, Lieut. 1.
Eugene, 241.
Wellford, Colonel. 4.
West Virginia, Cattle captured in, 355.
White, Colonel E. V., General, 255.
White, Colonel, Norborne Berkeley, 261.
Wilkinson, Lieut., Henry, Death of, 47.
Williams, John Jefferson, 221.
Williams, John Skelton, :36.
Williams, Colonel Lewis B
ton, Camp at, in 1861, 188.
Graves, Master C. W., Commanding U. S. Steamer Lockwood in 1862, 151.
Greene, U. S. Navy, Lieutenant, 324.
Grimes, Captain Carey F., killed, 152.
Hampton Roads, Conference in February, 1865, The, 311
Harper's Ferry, Demonstration in May, 1862, The, 200,
Harper Colonel Kenton, 363.
Hartford Convention in 1814, The, 60.
Haskell, Colonel A. C., 244
Hatton, Captain Clarence R., 194.
Hayes Colonel R. G., His report of Captured Stuff, 297.
Hens, Major, Jed., 2.
Howitzers, Richmond, 29, 364.
Hunter, Major Robert W., 254, 359.
Hunton, General, Eppa, 261.
Imboden, General J. D., 293.
Imboden Raid and its effects, 295.
Jackson, General T. J., 1; Glowing apostrophe to, 55; at Harper's Ferry in 1861, 202.
Jackson, General W. L., Mudwall, 213, 294, 301.
Jenifer, Lieutenant-Colonel, 259.
Johnson's Island Prison, 39; Rations at, 43; Religious services at, 46; Lines Exchanged on, 47.
Johnson, General, Bradley Tyler, 176.
s, 343.
Alexander, General E. P., 246.
Allan, Colonel, Wm., 2.
Alien, Colonel J. W., 263.
Appomattox Advance from, Development of the south since, 336.
Appomattox, Thin gray line at 246.
Armistead, General L. A., Death of, 29.
Army of Northern Virginia, Chaplains of the, 190.
Ashby, John William, last man killed at Appomattox, 218.
Averill General W. W., 206, 209.
Baker, Colonel E. D., a spectacular hero, 271.
Ball's Bluff, Men of Virginia at, Battle of, 254.
Ball, Colonel W. B., 274.
Barksdale General Wm., 264.
Bartlett, General, Wm. Francis, 273.
Battery No. 19, 83.
Beale, Rev. G. W., 210.
Beale, General R. L. T 75, 1 General, Judson, 180.
Lackland, Colonel, 366.
Lacy, Chaplain B. T., 6.
Lamb, Hon., John, Address of, 57.
Lampkin's Battery, Retreat of from Petersburg to Appomattox, 243
Last Confederate and Federal soldier, respectively, killed, 218.
Lee's Rangers, A noted (company, 179, 277.
Lee, General Fitzhugh 11, 12, 20,.