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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. Search the whole document.

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Weston (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
harles C. Little and James Brown, 1843, states, I was born on the 22d of June, 1762. At the age of seventeen, I began to prepare for College under the tuition of Rev. Mr. Samuel Woodward, who was an able instructor and linguist, the minister of Weston, my native town. I was offered by him for examination, and was admitted a student of Harvard University in July, 1781, and graduated in 1785. After he had taken his degree, he taught a grammar school in Lexington, and boarded in the family of48, a. 87. Seth the son had infant child, d. 5 June, 1824; and wife, who d. 9 Apr. 1841, a. 45. 14. William, s. of Samuel (4), d. 28 Sept. 1791, a. 30. 15. Cooper, s. of Samuel (4), d. 30 Sept. 1813, a. (45). His w. was Abigail Bemis, m. at Weston, 11 Sept. 1787, and who was dism. from Waltham to the Second Church in Camb. 22 June, 1788—see Bond's Wat., 22. Abigail—from the ch. in Waltham—was adm. here, 3 May, 1789. A dau. of Cooper, d. 10 Sept. 1788, a. 4 hours; a child, d. 25 Nov. 18<
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
f Nehemiah (16), m. Rebecca Cutter, 15 July, 1779, dau. of Gershom Cutter (par. 37). He was a member of Locke's company of Menotomy minute-men, 1775, and d. Charleston, S. C., in 1794. Had Rebecca, d. here 12 Sept. 1783; Rebecca; Cranston; Amos; Harriet, m. Daniel Burbeck, 29 Nov. 1807; Andrew; Rebecca, m. . James Hollowell; Caro73; Ebenezer Smith, b. 10 July, 1775. Ebenezer Smith Thomas learned the printer's art in office of his relative Isaiah, at Worcester; edited City Gazette, Charleston, S. C.; resided in Baltimore, member legislature; edited Cincinnati Daily Advertiser and Evening Post, and d. Cincinnati, 22 Oct. 1845. Pub. Reminiscences of Last rtown, 2 July, 1761. [See Paige, 682.] To these, perhaps, may be added Aaron Smith Willington, as originating in this vicinity, son of Josiah W., went to Charleston, S. C., and published the Charleston Courier for many years. It was the most influential journal published in the Southern States.—J. B. R. Wyman's Chas. , 1010, h
Royalston (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
uly, 1753; Elizabeth Prentice, b. 27 Sept., bap. 5 Oct. 1755; Thomas, bap. 8 Jan. 1758; Rebecca and Abigail (twins), b. 5, bap. 10 Feb. 1760. The father rem. to Royalston—see Paige, 540. 2. Thomas, of Royalston, s. of Ebenezer (1), m. Sarah Swan of Camb. 26-28 Aug. 1781. Prob. the Thomas Eliot who belonged to the Baptist SociRoyalston, s. of Ebenezer (1), m. Sarah Swan of Camb. 26-28 Aug. 1781. Prob. the Thomas Eliot who belonged to the Baptist Society in Camb. N. W. Pct., 21 July, 1787. See Wyman's Charlestown, 332, 333; also 286, James Deblois. 3. Experience had son, b. 10 Sept. 1757, d. soon. Negro boy at Mr. Elliot's, d. suddenly 6 Nov. 1756, a. 7 mos. The name is usually spelt Elliot. [Eliot, a minister, baptized Mary, dau. of Jeduthun Wellington, here, 25 May, has., 918. 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel (4). m. Sarah Williams, 1 Jan. 1761. He o. c. 23 May, 1762, and had Sarah, b. 13, bap. 23 May, 1762, m. Thomas Elliot, of Royalston, 26 Aug. 1781; Samuel, b. 26, bap. 30 June, 1765, d. of hooping cough, 11 Mar. 1771, a. 6; Thomas, b. 21, bap. 27 Dec. 1767. Samuel the father d. of consumption
Waltham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
), of Waltham, m. John Frost, and Abigail, of Waltham, m. Cooper Frost. Lydia, prob. of Waltham, Waltham, m. Amos Frost. Eunice, of Waltham, m. Noah Russell. See Wyman, 76. Benjamin, Jonathan, of CharWaltham, m. Noah Russell. See Wyman, 76. Benjamin, Jonathan, of Charlestown, and Anna Cutter of W. Camb. m. 8 Sept. 1811. Cutter (par. 24). Bennett, Martha, of Cha. 72. Susanna, of Camb., m. Thomas Brown, of Waltham, 30 June, 1793. Polly, m. Gad Wyeth, 1 Dec. She may be the Lydia, who m. Josiah Mixer, of Waltham, 1773 (see par. 10). James Perry was Precinct3)—see Wyman, 739. Lydia, m. Josiah Mixer, of Waltham, 29 Nov. 1773 (see par. 3). Mrs. Mercy, d. 26dams's, d. 9 Nov. 1749, a. 9 yrs. Phineas, of Waltham, in. Mary Wellington, of Camb., 9 July, 1761.Meeting-house, 1781. T Tapley, John, of Waltham, m. Lydia Tufts of Chas. 3 Nov. 1795, Camb. 70, a. 30, unm.; Mary, m. Phineas Stearns, of Waltham, 9 July, 1761; Hannah; Margaret, m. Timothy Phn, s. of Thomas (3), m. Elizabeth Priest, of Waltham, 13 Dec. 1764. A boy, taken by John Williams[12 more...]<
Dunkirk (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ed about a dozen citizens of the town (Stephen Frost, John Cutter, Barton Swan,———--Wheeler, and others), of whom three or four only lived to return.—J. B. Russell. Ebenezer Thompson died in Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., 23 Dec. 1860, a. 93. Ebenezer Rumford Thompson, a son, b. here 5 March, 1796, grad. H. U. 1816, taught the public school in West Cambridge during the winter of 1814-15, and was the first Latin teacher of the senior author of this work. Mr. E. R. Thompson is yet living in Dunkirk, N. Y. Thorndike, Joseph, of Jaffrey, N. H., m. Mrs. Lydia Blanchard of Camb. 30 July, 1795. Charlotte, m. Asahel Gilbert, of Boston, 10 Dec. 1827. Thornton, Prudence, had Mary, bap. 3 July, 1757. See Geohagan; Wyman's Chas., 944. Thorpe, George, s. of Thomas, d. 6 Mar. 1842, a. 16. A son of Emerson, d. 26 Sept. 1842, a. 2 days. William Henry, d. 14 Mar. 1843, a. 14. (Thomas Thorpe, d. 27 Feb. 1868, a. 78; Sarah H., w. of same, d. 2 Oct. 1862, a. 75.) Tisdale, I. (in P. Bem
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
's Wat. 95, 706. Brien, Henry, d. 23 Feb. 1839, a. 45. Briggs, Samuel, of Salem, and Susan Whittemore of W. Camb. m. 16 Oct. 1808. Brigham, Lincoln, had w.sister Hannah Cutter, and third, Eleanor Warren. He was a tailor and rem. from Salem to Camb. and thence to Stow. See Cutter (par. 31), and Cutter Book, 157-58; memory of his sister Sarah Mead, who d. 1 June, 1794, a. 37. Meek, Lydia, of Salem, m. John Wilson, of Camb., 31 Mar. 1793. Merriam, Julia Ann, of Lexington, m62). John Putnam came from Buckinghamshire, Eng., in 1634, and settled in Salem, Mass. Sons Nathaniel, Thomas and John came with him. He died suddenly, at the age ); Lydia, m. Sewall Winn, of Reading, 21 Aug. 1808; Susan, m. Samuel Briggs, of Salem, 16 Oct. 1808; Elizabeth, of Chas., m. Abel Locke, 21 Mar. 1815; Abigail, of Chl m. Mary Ann Frost, 4 Apr. 1813. 8. John, s. of John (5), m. Lydia Meek, of Salem, 31 Mar. 1793. He d. 24 Sept. 1822, a. 56. A second John, who d. 1 Mar. 1836,
Madison (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
Winship and wife Elizabeth; and John Wyeth, mason.—See Hist. Camb. 703. (2) Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer (1), first born son of his parents, whose father records that his birth is on the records of Watertown, deceased Nov. 1837. His children, who were heirs of Anna Cutter's estate in 1842, were Joseph, of Chelsea—near Hospital; Stephen, of Irving's Grant; Mary—wid. Bellows, 320 Washington St., Boston; Catherine, wife of Jaleel Baker, of Lincoln; and Lucy, wife of Calvin Hodgman, of Madison, Illinois. Other particulars regarding the family of Ebenezer (2) are furnished in the text. (3) Jonas, s. of Ebenezer (1), d. 3 Oct. 1817—Paige. His children who were heirs of Anna Cutter's estate in 1842, were Jonas, of Cambridge (proprietor of the well-known Fresh Pond Hotel); John, of Cambridge; Elizabeth, Mary, Francis, Joseph, all of Cambridge; Susan, wife of Oren Willard, of Ashburnham; Nancy, wife of Richard C. Hastings, of Boston; Harriet, wife of Reuben Winslow, of Roxbury.
Burlington (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
forget whose son the other was. Letter of Rev. John Marrett of Woburn Second Precinct (now Burlington), to his uncle, Rev. Isaiah Dunster, of Harwich, 28 July, 1775. Jonathan Harrington, Jr., and standing on the great road to Concord, in Arlington, corner of the road leading to Woburn and Burlington, at the place called the Foot of the Rocks. He m. wid. Martha Dunster, 15 Mar. 1759, and d. 18. Joel, s. of Samuel (6), d. here 19 Apr. 1837, a. 50. His wife was Abigail Simonds, of Burlington, and he had a large family elsewhere. See Locke Book. 19. Jonas, s. of Samuel (6), d. 21 M0 shillings. [He had Peter, b. 20 May, 1751— Woburn R., d. 19 Mar. 1752, a. 10 mos.—gravestone Burlington; Peter, b. 9 Jan. 1753—Woburn R.; and others in Chas.]—See Wyman's Charlestown, 965, &c. for en, 22 Dec. 1767. He was s. of Jabez Wyman, of Woburn, and was bap. in Woburn Second Pct. (now Burlington), 26 Dec. 1736. (See Bond's Wat., 976). The Rev. John Marrett, minister of Woburn Second Pct
Noddle's Island (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
the request of General Washington at taking possession of Dorchester Heights, 4 March, 1776. He was detached from Capt. John Walton's Company of Militia for Noddle's Island, 8 Dec. 1776, and was Lieutenant of same company. Cambridge, May 9, 1777. Received of Capt. John Walton my wages, Sergt. Belknap's, Corp. Perry's, together with 25 men that were with me out of Capt. Locke's Company at Noddle's Island in Dec. 1776— per me Samuel Locke, Lieut. See Paige, 428. In the Rolls of Capt. John Walton's Company of Militia, that was detached for Noddle's Island in consequence of orders from the Council of this State on the 8th of December last, 1776, are the nNoddle's Island in consequence of orders from the Council of this State on the 8th of December last, 1776, are the names of Samuel Locke, lieut., Joseph Belknap, sergt., and James Perry, corp. The company was made up of men from Cambridge First and Second Parishes. (Capt. Locke's Company was that of his brother Benjamin Locke, which belonged to the regular Continental Army.) He was a Pct. committee man, 1791-93; Pct. clerk, 1789-1805; elected
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ar. 1779, rem. to Westbrook, Me., where he d. 1857, a. 78. See Cutter (par. 11). 4. Rev. Jacob, of Berwick, m. Hephzibah Prentice, 13 Oct. 1756— marriage fee nothing; customary fee a dollar. She was dau. of Dea. Henry Prentice of Camb. He grad. H. U. 1754, and d. 1798. He was ord. in Berwick, 1756, dism. at his own request 1777, and became a chaplain in the army; in 1781 he was installed at Packersfield, Cheshire Co., N. H., and dism. about ten years after.—Greenleaf, Eccles. Hist. Maine. For son. see Wyman's Charlestown, 353-4. Su-key, m. William Adams, 17 Sept. 1818. Hannah, m. Abbot Allen, 1 May, 1825. Martha, m. Luke Vila, 3 July, 1825. Maria, m. Augustus Babcock, 20 Nov. 1825. Herman, of Boston, m. Harriet M. A. Whittemore, 8 Nov. 1826. He was b. Andover, 31 Oct. 1800, and was a distinguished citizen of Manchester, N. H. where he d. 17 Feb. 1875.—See extended notice of him in N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. for July, 1875, pp. 322-23. George, had s. George, d. 9 Mar. 1837, <
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