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Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
did not extend his rule south beyond the junction of the two branches of the Shenandoah. On the other hand, he exercised his power, it is said, with extreme severity: his exactions and rigorous measures against the inhabitants who refused to take the oath of allegiance had been made the subject of protests on the part of the Confederate government. Milroy, Tyler, the Baltimore garrison, and General Kelley's division, which occupied West Virginia, were subordinate to General Schenck. In Washington itself General Heintzelman was in command, who, besides the depots, the regiments under instruction, and the artillery of the forts, had under his control several thousand infantry ready to take the field, and Stahel's division of cavalry, numbering six thousand horses, whose only task was to pursue Mosby and the few hundred partisans led by this daring chief. Heintzelman's total forces amounted to no less than thirty-six thousand men. Keyes, Schenck, and Heintzelman acted under the
Frizzellburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e, by way of Union, Middleburg, and Mechanicstown, the pass of Cavetown; the third, by way of Frizzellburg, Taneytown, and Emmettsburg, that of Waynesboroa; finally, the last, passing by Littlestown, he Big Pipe Creek, which, descending from the Manchester hills, passing between Taneytown and Frizzellburg and watering Middleburg, flows west-south-west as far as its confluence with Marsh Creek. ThReynolds. Finally, the Second, Fifth, and Sixth army corps, composing the right, encamped at Frizzellburg, Union, and New Windsor: the long distance they had to travel not allowing the two last-menti toward Two Taverns in order to connect Reynolds with the right, whilst the Second will leave Frizzellburg to form, in conjunction with the latter, the central column, and relieve him at Taneytown. Fal Hancock in his place. The latter had just arrived at Taneytown with the Second corps from Frizzellburg, where he had passed the night. Meade, who reposed a well-deserved confidence in this chieft
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
he same results as that of which Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and the mines of Pennsylvaniall upon his flank, from either Washington or Baltimore, to be carefully reconnoitred. It was for t-five hundred men that Lockwood brought from Baltimore, Lockwood's brigade was brought from the m crossing the Susquehanna and marching upon Baltimore. With this view he put his troops on the maills, across which it would communicate with Baltimore and Washington. Two forced marches, which lorder a retrograde march for the morrow upon Baltimore. He confined himself, therefore, to the tast less central between the Taneytown and the Baltimore roads. By nine o'clock in the morning thetake possession of their communications with Baltimore. The more the position they have taken favounting the stragglers that are, crowding the Baltimore road and the men dispersed by the combat whor. They have at last obtained a view of the Baltimore road covered with wagons, troopers, and stra[26 more...]
Geary (Canada) (search for this): chapter 4
g proved how dangerous it was to cross the open space intervening between the enemy and Ziegler's Grove, Meade hastens to the left in the hope of taking the offensive on that side. This wing is composed of the Fifth corps and the largest portion of the Sixth. The former, which is fortified on the summit of the Round Tops and at their bases, can reinforce Crawford's division, which has suffered but little as yet. Sedgwick, after leaving two brigades east of the Great Round Top-Shaler's near Geary, and Neill's along Rock Creek — has still three brigades (one under Wright and two under Wheaton) that have not yet been engaged, and which occupy the space comprised between the Fifth corps and McGilvery's artillery. Wheaton on the left and Wright on the right are formed several lines deep. On their right Caldwell's division, by order of Hancock, holds itself ready to take the offensive. Among the troops that have suffered, like it, on the previous day, there are many which, encouraged
Shenandoah (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ot without danger, for it consisted in turning the right wing of the Federals; and in order to accomplish this the latter had to be detained before Fredericksburg by a large display of troops while Lee's heads of column reached the banks of the Shenandoah. His army was thus stretched along a line which throughout its entire length exposed its flank to the attacks of the enemy. The utmost secrecy could alone ward off the danger of these attacks. The forest of the Wilderness had resumed its w His three divisions and twenty batteries, which had left Culpeper on the 10th, passed through Sperryville, Gaines' Cross-roads, and Flint Hill, crossing the Blue Ridge at Chester Gap, and, pushing beyond Front Royal, reached the banks of the Shenandoah at Cedarville on the evening of the 12th. Ewell immediately made all necessary arrangements for reaping the greatest possible benefit from the ignorance which his adversaries were still laboring under in regard to his movements. Although he h
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
pton is vainly endeavoring to join Stuart. He has placed his dismounted troopers behind a strong fence. His artillery unmasks, and McIntosh stops, soon realizing the fact that he has to contend with too strong a force. Gregg, summoned in haste, meets Custer, and brings him back to the aid of his first brigade. Irvin Gregg, posted a considerable distance off, reaches the cross-roads a little later, and remains in reserve. Custer could not arrive more opportunely with his four splendid Michigan regiments. Stuart has seen them from a distance. Finding the enemy's forces, which are massing on his flank, increasing, he determines to send Jenkins' brigade against them, retaining only that of Chambliss to continue his movement. The sole object of this movement, however, is now limited to the task of turning the left flank of the Union cavalry in order to assure its defeat: he is, in fact, obliged to begin by fighting it before striking the rear of the Army of the Potomac. In the
Manchester (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
nion to Hanover, where it will form the first line on the right; the other from New Windsor to Manchester, where it will occupy the second line, within supporting-distance of the latter. The army wilit is accomplished. The position thus selected extends along the left bank of Pipe Creek from Manchester to Middleburg. Having no knowledge of the topographic details of the country, nor of the remabetween Gettysburg and Taneytown. He had at once sent for the Sixth corps, which was entering Manchester at that very moment. From very proper prudential reasons he had merely directed Sedgwick, whoing, and could not fail to be in the neighborhood of Hanover; the other must already have left Manchester. The concentration thus commenced by the initiative action of the several chiefs, even beforeof Gettysburg since break of day. The Sixth corps, which, on the 1st of July, was stationed at Manchester, more than thirty miles from Gettysburg, had been on the march since seven o'clock in the even
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
or the fight. After traversing the village of Aldie, situated on a stream which flows through one ces might require. He sent the Fifth corps to Aldie, with instructions to place Barnes' division aeir adversaries. The combats fought between Aldie and Ashby's Gap cost the Confederates 510 men,th the Army of the Potomac. Chapter 3: Oak Hill. ON the 1st of July, 1863, the whole South along the ridge which descends south-west of Oak Hill. This ridge, of which we have already spoken's division among the oak-coppices from which Oak Hill derives its name, and two batteries of artillese two corps a space battered by the guns of Oak Hill, to which his two batteries cannot reply effe a small stream which derives its source from Oak Hill, intersects the Carlisle road near the dividing distance extend along the western slope of Oak Hill. During this time Rodes' artillery is crushid in the battles of Fleetwood, Winchester, and Aldie, amounting to fourteen hundred men; finally, b[26 more...]
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Emmettsburg; Gregg's brigade watches the right, and presently follows the Cashtown road, the terminus of which McIntosh occupies at the entrance of Gettysburg. As the day is advancing, the Federals are enabled to examine the position of their adversaries, and they soon find that, notwithstanding the prestige of victory, by attacking it they would expose themselves to as bloody a check as that which Magruder experienced when he hurled his troops intoxicated with success upon the slopes of Malvern Hill. It is evident that, although imperceptible to their view at this moment, Lee is nevertheless preparing for a great movement. But is it a retreat or that grand flank march which they have been dreading for the last two days? In the latter case they cannot abandon the positions whose preservation has cost them so dearly before seeing the enemy in motion, in order to surprise him in the midst of the operation. In the former case, however expedient it might be to get in advance of the Co
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
sely one month to a day had elapsed since this battle when Longstreet's First division, under McLaws, penetrated this henceforth historical Wilderness. Another division followed it closely; the Third, under Hood, was already on the banks of the Rapidan, and the whole army corps, crossing this river, reached the neighborhood of Culpeper Courthouse on the evening of the 7th. A portion of Ewells corps had started in the same direction on the 4th; the remainder moved forward on the morning of titants, all in sympathy with the cause of the South, was naturally very imperfect. Thus, while the two army corps of Longstreet and Ewell were at Culpeper on the 9th, the Union general believed that the latter was still on the right bank of the Rapidan in the neighborhood of Chancellorsville. Consequently, he could not yet fathom the designs of his adversary. Did the latter intend to make a descent into the Valley of Virginia, supporting his cavalry with a corps of infantry, or did he propos
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