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Amboy (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
proprietors, who had purchased the long dormant claim to a large part of the province, made common cause with men in office, invoked British interposition, and accused their opponents of throwing off the king's authority and treasonably and boldly denying his title to New Jersey. These appeals were to tally with and accre- chap II. 1748} Dec. dit the representation from New-York. C. Colden to Clinton, 12 January, 1749. Compare too Hamilton's Speech to the Assembly of the Jerseys at Perth Amboy. Such was the aspect in which official records presented America to the rash and inexperienced Halifax. From the first moment of his employment, he stood forth the busy champion of the royal authority; and in December, 1748, his earliest official words of any import, promised a very serious consideration on what he called the just prerogatives of the crown, and those defects of the constitution, which had spread themselves over many of the plantations, and were destructive of all ord
Sandwich, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
greatest master of American affairs. How to regulate charters and colonial governments, and provide an American civil list independent of American legislatures, was the earliest as well as the latest political problem which Charles Townshend attempted to solve. At that time, Murray, as crown lawyer, ruled the cabinet on questions of legal right; Dorset, the father of Lord George Germain, was president of the Council; Lyttelton and George Grenville were already of the Treasury Board; and Sandwich, raised by his hold on the affections of the Duke of Bedford, presided at the Admiralty; Halifax, Charles Townshend, and their chap. II.} 1749. colleagues, were busy with remodelling American constitutions; while Bedford, the head of the new party that was in a few years to drive the more liberal branch of the whig aristocracy from power, as Secretary of State for the Southern Department, was the organ of communication between the Board of Trade and the crown. These are the men who pro
Louisburg (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
tantly, to drop for the present, and reserve, the despotic clauses; Bollan, the Massachusetts agent, to Secretary Willard, April, 1749. but it continued to cherish the spirit that dictated them, till it had driven the colonies to independence, and had itself ceased to exist. At the same time Massachusetts was removing every motive to interfere with its currency by abolishing its paper money. That province had demanded, as a right, the reimbursement of its expenses for the capture of Louisburg. Its claim, as of right, was denied; for its people, it was said, were the subjects, and not the allies of England; owing allegiance, and chap. II.} 1749. not entitled to subsidies. The requisite appropriation was made by the equity of parliament; yet Pelham himself, the prime minister, declared that the grant was a boon. Massachusetts had already, in January, 1749 by the urgency of Hutchinson, voted, that its public notes should be redeemed with the expected remittances from the roya
Lake Erie (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
romptness he determined to secure the possession of Nova Scotia and the Ohio valley. 1749. The region beyond the Alleghanies had as yet no English settlement, except, perhaps, a few scattered cabins in Western Virginia. The Indians south of Lake Erie and in the Ohio valley were, in the recent war, friendly to the English, and were now united to Pennsylvania by a treaty of commerce. The traders, chiefly from Pennsylvania, who strolled from tribe to tribe, were without fixed places of abode,ins and furs. The colony of New York, through the Six Nations, might command the Canadian passes to the Ohio valley; the grant to William Penn actually included a part of it; but Virginia bounded its ancient chap. II.} 1749. dominion only by Lake Erie. To secure Ohio for the English world, Lawrence Washington of Virginia, Augustus Washington, and their associates, proposed a colony beyond the Alleghanies. The country west of the great mountains is the centre of the British dominions, wrote
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
posed, might be obliged to contribute in a just proportion towards the expense of protecting the inland territories of New England and New York. Memorial of Oliver, Hutchinson and Choate, through Clinton and Shirley. We, Aug. subjoined Clinton an and the mother country. But nowhere did popular power seem to the royalists so deeply or dangerously seated as in New England, where every village was a little self-constituted democracy, whose organization had received the sanction of law and n 22 Geo. II., c. XXX. were attracted by the promise of exemption from oaths and military service. The goodwill of New England was encouraged by care for its fisheries; and American whalemen, stimulated by the promise of enjoying an equal bountyinst its liberty. In April, 1749, its Assembly, which always held that Nova Scotia included all the continent east of New England, represented to the king the insolent intrusions of France on their territory, advised that the neighboring provinces
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
c. On the northeast, the well informed La Galissoniere took advantage of the gentle and unsuspecting character of the Acadians themselves, and of the doubt that existed respecting occupancy and ancient titles. In 1710, when Port Royal, now Annapolis, was vacated, the fort near the mouth of the St. John's remained to France. The English had no settlement on that river; and though they had, on appeal to their tribunals, exercised some sort of jurisdiction, it had not been clearly recogniseered in. Cornwallis to the Board of Trade, October, 1749. At Minas, now Lower Horton, a blockhouse was raised, and fortified by a trench and a palisade; a fort at Pesaquid, now Windsor, protected the communications with Halifax. These, with Annapolis on the Bay of Fundy, secured the peninsula. The ancient inhabitants had, in 1730, taken an oath of fidelity and submission to the English king, as sovereign of Acadia, and were promised indulgence in the true exercise of their religion, and
Iroquois (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
l further to secure the affections of the confederacy, it was resolved to establish an Indian mission on the southern bank of the St. Lawrence; and the self-devoted Abbe Francis Picquet, Documentary History of N. Y., i. 423, &c. attracted by the deep and safe harbor, the position at the head of the Rapids, the height and size of the surrounding oak forests, the surpassingly rich soil, selected Oswegatchie, now Ogdensburg, with a view to gather in a village under French supremacy, so many Iroquois converts to Christianity, as would reconcile and bind all their kindred to the French alliance. And for the more distant regions, orders were sent in October to the Commandant at Detroit, to oppose every English establishment on the Maumee, the Wabash, and the chap. II.} 1748. Ohio, by force; or, if his strength was insufficient, to summon the intruder to depart, under highest perils for disobedience. Journal de ce qui s'est passe, &c. N. Y. Paris Doc. x. Plausible reasons, theref
Fort Bedford (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
osely connected with the Duke of Newcastle and the Duke of Bedford, had been sent to America to mend his fortunes as governored from the Highlands, it neared Clinton to the Duke of Bedford, 15 August, 1748. the western bank to receive on board Cadene to the Board of Trade, 2 June, 1749. Lords of Trade to Bedford, 10 August, 1749. De Boisherbert, French Commandant at St by intermixing with them colonists of English descent. Bedford to the Duke of Cumberland, 28 Oct., 1748. The executioa Loutre, One Leutre, a French Priest. Board of Trade to Bedford, 16 October, 1749. De Lutre, a priest. Cornwallis. the middress, that Shirley developed his system. To the Duke of Bedford Shirley to the Duke of Bedford, 24 April, 1749, and 18 Bedford, 24 April, 1749, and 18 Feb. 1748-9. he recommended the erecting and garrisoning of frontier fortresses, under the direction of the king's engineers dwich, raised by his hold on the affections of the Duke of Bedford, presided at the Admiralty; Halifax, Charles Townshend, a
Quebec (Canada) (search for this): chapter 2
cted the communications with Halifax. These, with Annapolis on the Bay of Fundy, secured the peninsula. The ancient inhabitants had, in 1730, taken an oath of fidelity and submission to the English king, as sovereign of Acadia, and were promised indulgence in the true exercise of their religion, and exemption from bearing arms against the French or Indians. They were known as the French Neutrals. Their hearts were still with France, and their religion made them a part of the diocese of Quebec. Of a sudden it was proclaimed to their deputies Minutes of Council of Nova Scotia, 14 July, 1749. convened at Halifax, that English commissioners would repair to their villages, and tender to them, unconditionally, Ordonnance of Cornwallis, &c. &c., 1 August, 1749. the oath of allegiance. They could not pledge themselves before Heaven to join in war against the land of their origin and their love; and, in a letter signed by a thousand of their men, they pleaded rather for leave to s
Jamaica, L. I. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
1, New York, during the administration of Hunter, was left without a revenue, the high powers of parliament were the resource of the ministers; and they prepared a bill, reciting the neglect of the province, and imposing all the taxes which had been discontinued by its legislature. Northey and Raymond, the attorney and the solicitor general, lawyers of the greatest authority, approved the measure. Knox, Controversy Reviewed. When, in 1724, a similar strife occurred between the crown and Jamaica, and some held that the king and his Privy Council had a right to levy taxes on the inhabitants of that island, the crown lawyers, Lord Hardwicke, then Sir Philip Yorke, and Sir Clement Wearg, Opinions of eminent Lawyers. i. 223. Mansfield's opinion in the case of Campbell v. Hall. made the memorable reply, that a colony of English subjects cannot be taxed but by some representative body of their own, or by the parliament of England. That opinion impressed itself early and deeply on t
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