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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition.. You can also browse the collection for George Grenville or search for George Grenville in all documents.

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the country, excited disrespect and apprehensions against them. Compare Mr. John Temple to Mr. Grenville, Boston, New England, November 7, 1768, in Grenville Papers, IV. 396, 397. I am perfectly ofnd the Council Hutchinson to T. Whately, Boston, 18 June, 1768. Compare also T. Whately to Grenville, 26 July, 1768, in Grenville Papers, IV. 322. had only to appoint a committee to ascertain the sounded the alarm to his various correspondents, especially to Whately, Compare Whately to Grenville, 26 July, 1768; in Grenville Papers, IV. 322. I now know, &c. &c. to whom Paxton also sent wor, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston, Treasury Minute of 30 June, 1768. on the system of Grenville; taking an account of the cost to Chap. XXXIV.} 1768. July. the Exchequer of the Stamp Act, sditating to offer the Colonies some partial and inadequate representation in Parliament; George Grenville to Gov. Pownal, 17 July, 1768, in Pownall's Administration of the Colonies: ii. 113, in Ed.
the subservient Parliament was itself losing its authority and the reverence of the nation. A reform was hence- Chap. XXXVII} 1768. Oct. forward advocated by Grenville. The number of electors, such was his declared Grenville to William Knox, October, 1768, in Appendix to vol. II. of Extra Official State Papers, 23. opinionGrenville to William Knox, October, 1768, in Appendix to vol. II. of Extra Official State Papers, 23. opinion, is become too small in proportion to the whole people, and the Colonies ought to be allowed to send members to Parliament. The State of the Nation, published in October, 1768. What other reason than an attempt to raise discontent, replied Edmund Burke as the organ of the Rockingham Whigs, can he have for suggesting, that wand union with America as the vision of a lunatic. Edmund Burke's Observations on a State of the Nation; Works, i., 295, 296, 298, Am. Ed. The opinions of Grenville were obtaining universal circulation, just as intelligence was received of the proceedings of the town of Boston relative to the proposed convention. From their
's Speech, of 8 November, 1768; in the Boston Gazette of 23 January, 1769; 721, 3, 2 and 3. The order, he insisted, requiring the Massachusetts Assembly to rescind a vote under a penalty, was absolutely illegal and unconstitutional; and in this Grenville agreed with him. I wish the Stamp Act had never been passed, said Barrington in reply; but the Americans are traitors; worse than traitors against the Crown; they are traitors against the Legislature. The troops are to bring rioters to justicebleed for every drop of American blood that shall be shed, whilst their grievances are unredressed. I wish to see the Americans in our arms as friends — not to meet them as enemies. Dare you not trust yourselves with a general inquiry? asked Grenville. How do we know, parliamentarily, that Boston is the most guilty of the Colonies? I would have the Americans obey the laws of the country whether they like them or no; said Lord Barrington. The house divided, and out of two hundred who wer
her country, from the incapacity and avarice Temple to Grenville, 7 November, 1768; in Grenville Papers, IV. 396, and comp to Hutchinson, London, 11 Feb. 1769. and communicated to Grenville Compare for example, Whately to Grenville, 3 Dec. 1769Grenville, 3 Dec. 1769. Another Correspondent, the same gentleman, one of whose letters I lately sent you, &c. &c. The gentleman was Hutchinson. T. Biog. Of Thomas Whately. Mr. Whately showed them to Mr. Grenville, who showed them to Lord Temple, and they were seen by he cannot have a fair trial. God and nature oppose you. Grenville spoke against the Address, and scoffed at the whole planmaterials, I. Mauduit to Hutchinson, 10 Feb. 1769. and Grenville himself wrote the constitutional argument. Grenville wGrenville wrote from page 67 to page 86 inclusive. Knox's extra official State Papers, Appendix to Part II. page 15. I am tempted, confto find apologists for absolute Government. Whately to Grenville, 25 March, 1769; in Grenville Papers, IV. 417. While
ct it, has produced in the Southern part of America, only two hundred and ninety-four pounds, fourteen shillings; in the Northern part it has produced nothing. For the sake of a paltry revenue, cried Lord Beauchamp, we lose the affection of two millions of people. We have trusted to terror too long, observed Jackson. Washing my hands of the charge of severity, said Lord North, I will not vote for holding out hopes, that may not be realized. If you are ready to repeal this Act, retorted Grenville, in answer to Lord North, why keep it in force for a single hour? You ought not to do so, from anger or ill-humor. Why dally and delay in a business of such infinite importance? Why pretend that it is too late in the session, that this is not the time, when the difficulty is every day increasing? If the Act is wrong, or you cannot maintain it, give it up like men. If you do not mean to bind the Colonies by your laws in cases of taxation, tell the Americans so fairly, and conciliate the
ave sent home whom he pleased, said the Boston- Chap. XLI.} 1769. July. eers; but the die being thrown, poor Sir Francis Bernard was the rogue to go first. Boston Gazette, 748, 2, 3; of 7 August, 1769. Trained as a wrangling proctor in an ecclesiastical court, he had been a quarrelsome disputant rather than a statesman. His parsimony went to the extreme of meanness; his avarice was insatiable and restless. So long as he connived at smuggling, he reaped a harvest in that way; when Grenville's sternness inspired alarm, it was his study to make the most money out of forfeitures and penalties. Professing to respect the Charter, he was unwearied in zeal for its subversion; declaring his opposition to taxation by Parliament, he urged it with all his power. Asserting most solemnly that he had never asked for troops, his letters reveal his perpetual importunities for ships of war and an armed force. His reports were often false, partly with design, partly from the credulity of pa
the underlings of present Ministers or prospective Ministers, of Grenville, or Hillsborough, or Jenkinson, or the King; urged them incessantOct. 1769. said he to Whately, his channel for communicating with Grenville. I have never yet seen any rational plan for a partial subjectioess and candid; Hutchinson, through secret channels, sent word to Grenville, to Jenkinson and Hillsborough, that all would be set right if Pssion, Hutchinson to Whately, 20 Oct. 1769; and see Whately to Grenville, 3 Dec. 1769; in Grenville Papers, IV. 486. would change the munie of Great Britain and America, with a vehement invective against Grenville. Hate him, said he to Grattan; I hope you hate him. And it was Grenville's speeches and Grenville's doctrine, that roused Grattan to enter on his great career in Ireland. Grattan's Life of Grattan, i. Grenville's doctrine, that roused Grattan to enter on his great career in Ireland. Grattan's Life of Grattan, i. 135, 136. The laboring people of England, also, in the manufacturing districts, especially in Birmingham, longed to enjoy the abundance a
o the work of conciliation thoroughly. It was known that Grenville would not give an adverse vote. Compare Du Chatelet tohe first man of the law, and the first man of the State. Grenville assumed fully the responsibility of the Stamp Act; but herrectly nor write coherently. Hence the proud, unbending Grenville was his aversion; and his years with the compliant Lord Nhe clan of Bedford, and were less friendly to reform than Grenville. When Burke and Wedderburne were allies, the opposition in England as well as in America. The last public act of Grenville's life was a step towards representative reform by establ April. career. On the ninth of April, four days after Grenville had carried his bill triumphantly to the House of Lords, e, without its consent, was against law. God forbid, said Grenville in the House of Commons, Cavendish Debates, i. 551. onuly, 1770; 796, 2, 2. acting in thorough conjunction with Grenville, brought the affairs of America before the House of Comm
d the united Kings of France and Spain, Chap. XLVI.} 1770. Dec. gave hope of happy effects. Compare A. Eliot to T. Hollis, 26 Jan. 1771. But this also failed. England, following the impulse given by Lord Egmont during the administration of Grenville, had taken possession of the Falkland Islands, as forming the key to the Pacific. Spain, claiming all that part of the world as her own, sent a fleet of five frigates which drove the English from their wooden block-house, and after detaining tf royalty was, for the time, triumphant in the cabinets; and had America then risen, she would have found no friends to cheer her on. At the same time the British Ministry attracted to itself that part of the Opposition which was composed of Grenville's friends. Now that he was no more, Suffolk became Secretary of State, instead of Weymouth; and Thurlow being promoted, Wedderburn, whose credit for veracity Lord North so lately impeached, and who in his turn had denied to that Minister honor
ce Franklin of the well ascertained fact. Franklin remaining skeptical, he returned in a few days with letters from Hutchinson, Oliver, and Paxton, written to produce coercion. These had been addressed to Whately, who had communicated them to Grenville, his patron, and through him to Lord Temple. Almon's Biog. Anecdotes, II. 105; confirmed by the recently printed Grenville Papers, which show that Whately was accustomed to communicate to Grenville what he received from Hutchinson. AnotherGrenville what he received from Hutchinson. Another correspondent, [i. e. Hutchinson,] the same gentleman, one of whose letters I lately sent you, &c. &c. Grenville Papers, IV. 480. They had been handed about, that they might more certainly contribute to effect the end which their writers had in view; and at Whately's death, remained in the possession of others. These, which were but very moderate specimens Chap. XLVIII.} 1772. Nov. of a most persevering and most extensive Correspondence of a like nature, Franklin was authorized to send to