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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource].

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been put on board. France. Inundations have taken place in several of the departments; many houses have been thrown down and considerable damage done. Prince Metternich had an audience of the Emperor, on Friday, the 2d inst. The Emperor, on receiving the news of the death of the Dowager Empress of Russia, immediately telegraphed his condolence, and that of the Empress, to the Court of St. Petersburg. The French Court has gone into mourning for twenty days. The Times' Paris correspondent says:The great commercial news of the week is the announcement in the Moniteur, that the Government will carry into effect from the 1st, the convention annexed to the commercial treaty, and that the French Government has relinquished the right of postponing the reduction of the duties on worked metals, machinery, &c., to the 31st of December next, and of postponing the reduction of duties on refined sugars to Oct. 1st, 1861. The accounts from the manufacturing districts continu
f the London News says it is remarked that, according to the recent news from Venice, the Austrians have suddenly ceased to send troops and ammunition towards the Lombardy frontier. The leading article of the Paris Pays, of Saturday last, insists strongly on the necessity both of augmenting the French army in Syria to a larger force, and prolonging its occupation for a longer term than is specified by treaty. The Morning Herald saysthe Piedmontese codes (in other words the code of Napoleon) have just been promulgated in the Marches. The Ville de Nantes, steam-line of battleship, is now being fitted out. Her engines are 900 horse power. A crew of 1,100 men have been put on board. France. Inundations have taken place in several of the departments; many houses have been thrown down and considerable damage done. Prince Metternich had an audience of the Emperor, on Friday, the 2d inst. The Emperor, on receiving the news of the death of the Dowager Empress o
The Morning Herald saysthe Piedmontese codes (in other words the code of Napoleon) have just been promulgated in the Marches. The Ville de Nantes, steam-line of battleship, is now being fitted out. Her engines are 900 horse power. A crew of 1,100 men have been put on board. France. Inundations have taken place in several of the departments; many houses have been thrown down and considerable damage done. Prince Metternich had an audience of the Emperor, on Friday, the 2d inst. The Emperor, on receiving the news of the death of the Dowager Empress of Russia, immediately telegraphed his condolence, and that of the Empress, to the Court of St. Petersburg. The French Court has gone into mourning for twenty days. The Times' Paris correspondent says:The great commercial news of the week is the announcement in the Moniteur, that the Government will carry into effect from the 1st, the convention annexed to the commercial treaty, and that the French Government
The reported conclusion of a treaty of commerce between England and Austria is said to be unfounded. The latest dispatches from Shanghai say, that it is reported that the negotiations for peace are not going on smoothly at Tien-tsin. Chappell's extensive Piano factory in London has been destroyed by fire, and twenty persons were injured. The telegraph cable to connect Singapore and Rangoon, is about to leave England. Its length is 1,300 miles. Fresh troops had left Turin fe and efficient colleague he has found in Admiral Hope. The Times has reason to believe that the funeral of the late Lord Dundonald will take place in Westminster Abbey. Some 18 or 20 persons were more or less injured by the burning of Chappell & Co.'s Piano Forte factory. Independently of the large loss of venders' and other goods, upwards of 100 valuable instruments have been destroyed by the flames. The Daily News says:It is expected that Her Majesty and the Court will leave W
September 17th (search for this): article 1
tsin. Chappell's extensive Piano factory in London has been destroyed by fire, and twenty persons were injured. The telegraph cable to connect Singapore and Rangoon, is about to leave England. Its length is 1,300 miles. Fresh troops had left Turin for Naples. The corn crop in Italy is deficient. In London the demand for money is full, but there was no pressure. There is some doubt whether the Bank will raise the rate of interest. A dispatch from Hong Kong, September 17, reports teas as unchanged. Silks have declined. England. The Chinese War.--The Times' leading article of Monday says: The government has made haste to publish such part of the dispatches from the Peiho as they think fit to be generally known. The most perfect harmony reigns throughout the expedition. Sir Hope Grand and Gen. De Montauban are like brothers in command. Sir Hope is eager to report how cordially and sincerely our French allies have co-operated with us, and what admira
Additional by the Vanderbilt.the Neapolitan Army Dispersed — the vote on Annexation — Continental News, &c. The Neapolitan Army Dispersed — The Vote on Annexation — Continental News, &c. The mails by the Vanderbilt, from Liverpool on the 7th inst., bring some interesting details of foreign intelligence. The following is a summary: Italy The Piedmontese troops, under Victor Emmanuel, gained a brilliant victory on the 3d inst, in the Zarigliano. They attacked in front with the troops, flanked by the fleet, and dispersed the Bourbon troops. The tents, wagons and stores were left in Victor Emmanuel's possession, with 11,000 prisoners.-- Gen. Somnas pursued the enemy afterwards, and occupied Niola and the possessions surrounding Gaeta. Victor Emmanuel was expected to arrive at Naples immediately. Gen. Garibaldi remained at Naples. Anarchy prevails at Viterbo. The voting on the annexation has commenced at Perugia, and the inhabitants of Viterbo are
December 31st (search for this): article 1
s condolence, and that of the Empress, to the Court of St. Petersburg. The French Court has gone into mourning for twenty days. The Times' Paris correspondent says:The great commercial news of the week is the announcement in the Moniteur, that the Government will carry into effect from the 1st, the convention annexed to the commercial treaty, and that the French Government has relinquished the right of postponing the reduction of the duties on worked metals, machinery, &c., to the 31st of December next, and of postponing the reduction of duties on refined sugars to Oct. 1st, 1861. The accounts from the manufacturing districts continue to be favorable. The high price of sugar in Paris has somewhat paralyzed the trade. The fine weather last week has again favored the farmers in completing their field work; but not withstanding this, and the caution observed by buyers, the French corn markets remain firm. The price of flour is well maintained in the Paris market. A deficienc
Garibaldi (search for this): article 1
y: Italy The Piedmontese troops, under Victor Emmanuel, gained a brilliant victory on the 3d inst, in the Zarigliano. They attacked in front with the troops, flanked by the fleet, and dispersed the Bourbon troops. The tents, wagons and stores were left in Victor Emmanuel's possession, with 11,000 prisoners.-- Gen. Somnas pursued the enemy afterwards, and occupied Niola and the possessions surrounding Gaeta. Victor Emmanuel was expected to arrive at Naples immediately. Gen. Garibaldi remained at Naples. Anarchy prevails at Viterbo. The voting on the annexation has commenced at Perugia, and the inhabitants of Viterbo are hastening to vote, notwithstanding the French occupation and the presence of the Pontifical gendarmes. A large body of troops remaining outside of the forts of Gaeta, have sent proposals of surrender to the Piedmontese. The reported conclusion of a treaty of commerce between England and Austria is said to be unfounded. The lat
October 1st, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
rt has gone into mourning for twenty days. The Times' Paris correspondent says:The great commercial news of the week is the announcement in the Moniteur, that the Government will carry into effect from the 1st, the convention annexed to the commercial treaty, and that the French Government has relinquished the right of postponing the reduction of the duties on worked metals, machinery, &c., to the 31st of December next, and of postponing the reduction of duties on refined sugars to Oct. 1st, 1861. The accounts from the manufacturing districts continue to be favorable. The high price of sugar in Paris has somewhat paralyzed the trade. The fine weather last week has again favored the farmers in completing their field work; but not withstanding this, and the caution observed by buyers, the French corn markets remain firm. The price of flour is well maintained in the Paris market. A deficiency of corn exists in Italy, and supplies from the Baltic Sea are impatiently awaiting
t some grounds exist for believing that the French Emperor is wavering in his Italian policy, and has given orders to Gen. Guyon to interfere probably only in the last extremity in favor of the King of Naples.--One motive to which this alleged change of feeling is ascribed, is the sort of reaction in French popular feeling, arising from the overthrow of Lamoriciere, which is regarded, apparently, as a sort of national misfortune. The Daily News says:There is to be a grand exhibition of Italian pictures in Florence next summer in aid of which the chief Italian cities are to contribute large sums of money. The Paris correspondent of the London News says it is remarked that, according to the recent news from Venice, the Austrians have suddenly ceased to send troops and ammunition towards the Lombardy frontier. The leading article of the Paris Pays, of Saturday last, insists strongly on the necessity both of augmenting the French army in Syria to a larger force, and prolong
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