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United States (United States) | 68 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1861., [Electronic resource].
Found 1,411 total hits in 677 results.
Bruce (search for this): article 1
Early (search for this): article 1
Price (search for this): article 1
Jackson (search for this): article 1
Marion (search for this): article 1
Virginia State Convention.thirty-fourth day.
Monday,March 25, 1861.
The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Solomon, of the Disciples Church.
personal Explanations.
Mr. Hall, of Marion, rose to a privileged question, and proceeded to correct some portion of his remarks on Friday and Saturday, as reported in the official organ of the Convention, the Richmond Enquirer
Mr. Boisseac, of Dinwiddle, made a similar correction of his remarks on Saturday.
Equality of taxation.
The President announced the pending question, namely the resolutions on the subject of taxation and representation, offered by the gentleman from Monongahela, (Mr. Willey,)
Mr. Turnek, of Jackson, being entitled to the floor, addressed the Convention.
He desired the withdrawal of the resolutions, and advocated the adoption of a series offered by himself, early in the session.
He maintained that they covered the whole subject wherein the people of h
Preston (search for this): article 1
O. J. Wise (search for this): article 1
Baylor (search for this): article 1
Fisher (search for this): article 1
Moore (search for this): article 1