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United States (United States) 54 0 Browse Search
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Mississippi (United States) (search for this): article 1
ds. Under the favor of Providence, we have reason to hope that the harvests of the present year in all the South will be plentiful, and that we shall not have need to open this up and down river trade again while hostile feelings prevail. We trust that all the Southwestern States will concur in the propriety of perpetuating the policy of river blockade, which has been inaugurated just at the right time for us.--The States above us cannot reasonably complain that the navigation of the Mississippi river is not free to them, when they have been the first to interrupt it; and they must expect that the example they have set us will be followed by the South renewing the blockade as soon as it shall be suspended by them. The same paper says: The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkan
Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
doubt of the determined spirit with which they have espoused the cause of Virginia. many of the residents of the place have removed in anticipation of a conflict. An unfortunate affray occurred on Friday night, between two of the Kentucky volunteers, resulting in the death of one of them.--The party committing the murder has been arrested, and is now in the hands of the civil authorities. The volunteer forces from the counties of Clarke, Shenandoah, Rockingham, Jefferson, and Berkeley, are represented as being in the highest state of efficiency, and should the opportunity occur, will no doubt give a good account of themselves. Expectation is on lip not knowing what a day may bring forth. The picturesque and romantic hills of his hitherto quite and secluded place, may soon reverberate the thunder of deep tones of country, and the waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah be reddened with fratricidal should the impolitic and coercive policy of the Administration as marked o
Pulaski (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ll the Southwestern States will concur in the propriety of perpetuating the policy of river blockade, which has been inaugurated just at the right time for us.--The States above us cannot reasonably complain that the navigation of the Mississippi river is not free to them, when they have been the first to interrupt it; and they must expect that the example they have set us will be followed by the South renewing the blockade as soon as it shall be suspended by them. The same paper says: The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkansas county, numbering 116 men; DeWitt Guards, Capt. Quartermans, Arkansas county, numbering 70 men; Monticello Guards, Capt. Jackson, Drew county, numbering 103 men. These companies make a handsome and imposing appearance, and are en route for Lynchburg.
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
l the Southwestern States will concur in the propriety of perpetuating the policy of river blockade, which has been inaugurated just at the right time for us.--The States above us cannot reasonably complain that the navigation of the Mississippi river is not free to them, when they have been the first to interrupt it; and they must expect that the example they have set us will be followed by the South renewing the blockade as soon as it shall be suspended by them. The same paper says: The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkansas county, numbering 116 men; DeWitt Guards, Capt. Quartermans, Arkansas county, numbering 70 men; Monticello Guards, Capt. Jackson, Drew county, numbering 103 men. These companies make a handsome and imposing appearance, and are en route for Lynchburg.
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 1
ll the Southwestern States will concur in the propriety of perpetuating the policy of river blockade, which has been inaugurated just at the right time for us.--The States above us cannot reasonably complain that the navigation of the Mississippi river is not free to them, when they have been the first to interrupt it; and they must expect that the example they have set us will be followed by the South renewing the blockade as soon as it shall be suspended by them. The same paper says: The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkansas county, numbering 116 men; DeWitt Guards, Capt. Quartermans, Arkansas county, numbering 70 men; Monticello Guards, Capt. Jackson, Drew county, numbering 103 men. These companies make a handsome and imposing appearance, and are en route for Lynchburg.
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
six hundred strong, will rendezvous Richmond in a few days. Capt. J. Lyle Clark, of the Independent Greys, was mentioned as their commander. A squad of eight men from the Forest Rangers, of Pikesville, passed here this morning on their way to Virginia. They were under the command of Capt. Nichols. A correspondent of the New York Commercial than makes known the views and intentions of Commodore Pendergrast: Commodore Pendergrast, flag-officer of the Cumberland, which lies at Old Point Comfort, is fully up to the work of keeping the blockade a rigid one. He is in favor of planning expeditions against the Virginia batteries at different points, where the naval force, co-operating with the land force, can destroy them and keep the rivers emptying into the bay free. He is in favor of this as a matter of instant action, by the assumption of some responsibility if need be, instead of waiting till the Virginians have entrenched themselves so as to render their dislodgment di
Shenandoah county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
he musket in such a way as to have no doubt of the determined spirit with which they have espoused the cause of Virginia. many of the residents of the place have removed in anticipation of a conflict. An unfortunate affray occurred on Friday night, between two of the Kentucky volunteers, resulting in the death of one of them.--The party committing the murder has been arrested, and is now in the hands of the civil authorities. The volunteer forces from the counties of Clarke, Shenandoah, Rockingham, Jefferson, and Berkeley, are represented as being in the highest state of efficiency, and should the opportunity occur, will no doubt give a good account of themselves. Expectation is on lip not knowing what a day may bring forth. The picturesque and romantic hills of his hitherto quite and secluded place, may soon reverberate the thunder of deep tones of country, and the waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah be reddened with fratricidal should the impolitic and coercive po
Arkansas County (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 1
The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkansas county, numbering 116 men; DeWitt Guards, Capt. Quartermans, Arkansas county, numbering 70 men; Monticello Guards, Capt. Jackson, Drew county, numbering 103 men. These companies make a handsome and imposing appearance, and are en route for Lynchbur The steamer H. D. Mears arrived yesterday afternoon from Vicksburg, having on board tour military companies from Arkansas, as follows: Etonia Guards, Capt. Martin, from Pulaski county, numbering 70 men; Crockett Guards, Capt. Crockett, Arkansas county, numbering 116 men; DeWitt Guards, Capt. Quartermans, Arkansas county, numbering 70 men; Monticello Guards, Capt. Jackson, Drew county, numbering 103 men. These companies make a handsome and imposing appearance, and are en route for Lynchburg.
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): article 1
to the National vessels-of-war, about twenty armed steamers from New York, Boston and Philadelphia, have been, or are being, put in readiness for blockading purposes. Information has been received that enlistments for the increase of the personnel of the Navy are so successful that the necessary number will soon be supplied. The Secretary of the Navy is assiduous in hurrying forward the measures of the blockade, and informs his friends that by this time Charleston and the Savannah river experience its effects. The steamer Niagara and other vessels will similarly operate at New Orleans. Speaking of the commerce of the Mississippi, the Memphis Bulletin of the 12th instant says: The blockade at Cairo will operate in more ways than one. The ostensible object is to prevent the export of provisions and munitions of war from the Northwestern to the Southwestern States. But it will be equally effective in preventing the exports from the latter in return. So far a
Pikesville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
d at the Ferry from Tennessee this morning. It was rumored among the troops there that a regiment of six hundred men from Louisiana would arrive in a day or two. Squads of Baltimoreans pass the junction at Monocacy daily, on their way to Harper's Ferry or Richmond. A battalion of Baltimoreans, six hundred strong, will rendezvous Richmond in a few days. Capt. J. Lyle Clark, of the Independent Greys, was mentioned as their commander. A squad of eight men from the Forest Rangers, of Pikesville, passed here this morning on their way to Virginia. They were under the command of Capt. Nichols. A correspondent of the New York Commercial than makes known the views and intentions of Commodore Pendergrast: Commodore Pendergrast, flag-officer of the Cumberland, which lies at Old Point Comfort, is fully up to the work of keeping the blockade a rigid one. He is in favor of planning expeditions against the Virginia batteries at different points, where the naval force, co-opera
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