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Braxton (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
Kanawha (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
y threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
Lewisburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
nted them a magnificent silk flag through Lieut. Matthews of the Provisional army. His presentation speech was very fine, and was responded to ably and at length by Captain Moorman. The flag is of Confederate pattern, with the arms of Virginia on one side, and "God speed you" on the other. Two more companies are forming, I believe. These will make five companies from this, distant county. Besides, some 200 recruits for the regular army were obtained in the county. The vote in Lewisburg was unanimous for the ordinance. A few votes were cast against secession, at other precincts, but these men or nearly all of them will sustain Virginia, now that the ordinance is ratified. I am credibly informed that, such, too, is the feeling in Kanawha. Those who there voted against the ordinance will resist invasion from the North. Dr. White, of Putnam county, arrived a few days since. At the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday morning, he manifested violent indications of insanity.
Fayette (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
Putnam (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
s from this, distant county. Besides, some 200 recruits for the regular army were obtained in the county. The vote in Lewisburg was unanimous for the ordinance. A few votes were cast against secession, at other precincts, but these men or nearly all of them will sustain Virginia, now that the ordinance is ratified. I am credibly informed that, such, too, is the feeling in Kanawha. Those who there voted against the ordinance will resist invasion from the North. Dr. White, of Putnam county, arrived a few days since. At the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday morning, he manifested violent indications of insanity. For his own sake, he was removed to a well furnished apartment in our jail, where every attention was shown him by the kind family. Early this morning, after raving through the night, during which he would allow no one to remain in his room, he became suddenly quiet. On looking after him, he was found in a corner of the room, face to the floor. His bed was covered
Nicholas County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
y threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
Roane (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
y threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
rning, after raving through the night, during which he would allow no one to remain in his room, he became suddenly quiet. On looking after him, he was found in a corner of the room, face to the floor. His bed was covered with blood. He had made a desperate effort to destroy his life. With a small pocket lancet, he cut his throat in three several places. The main artery, however, was not severed, and life was not extinct when found. Through the admirable skill of Dr. Hunter, assisted by Drs. Caldwell and Creigh, the wounds were closed, and proper remedies given, so that be will probably recover. His insanity, however, is yet fearful. Lewisburg, Va. May 28. Yesterday our County Court was in session. The business before them was of considerable importance. A negro man was tried for incendiary threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent tw
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 8
threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp shooters and one full cavalry company, decided by experienced military officers to be the best mounted troop, as a body, that ever trod the soil of America. Before two weeks shall have passed we will have two more rifle companies ready for marching orders. The $10,000 voted by the county for the equipment of troops is not yet exhausted, and when it is, we have plenty more. As to our election news, our county is almost unanimous for secession--1,000 for the Ordinance and 100 against it. Kanawha county has given 700 majority for Lincoln; Braxton, Nicholas, Fayette, Pocahontas, Raleigh and Roane counties are all for secession. So you see, this answer to the abolitionists will rather astonish them. We are all tired of succumbing to Morrill tariffs and Northern exactions. Greenbrier.
through the night, during which he would allow no one to remain in his room, he became suddenly quiet. On looking after him, he was found in a corner of the room, face to the floor. His bed was covered with blood. He had made a desperate effort to destroy his life. With a small pocket lancet, he cut his throat in three several places. The main artery, however, was not severed, and life was not extinct when found. Through the admirable skill of Dr. Hunter, assisted by Drs. Caldwell and Creigh, the wounds were closed, and proper remedies given, so that be will probably recover. His insanity, however, is yet fearful. Lewisburg, Va. May 28. Yesterday our County Court was in session. The business before them was of considerable importance. A negro man was tried for incendiary threats, condemned and sentenced to be bung on the 24th of June next. As to our military affairs, we are not lagging behind our sister counties. We have already sent two companies of sharp
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