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John Brown (search for this): article 1
and just in front of the main road, by which the enemy were approaching. In an instant the fire was returned with great spirit, and such a cannonading began as I never heard before. Shot and shell flew thick and fast, shaking the very earth by their reverberation. Thank and last fell the branches from the neighboring trees, and as the shell burst in the air, our men watched the curling smoke with pleasure rather than fear. Our little detachment of Howitzers alluded to, under command of Capt Brown, of Richmond, fought with great spirit. We had a full view of their firing. A ball from one of their riffed cannon almost made me tremble for its effects even upon the enemy as it rushed right down the road at a capital range, and must have torn some of the enemy limb from limb. Now. while our men canceled them-selves in the trenches keeping down their bayonets well from the sight of the enemy, I saw him deploy on our right, and presently sharpshooters leaped the fence just in front of
D. H. Hill (search for this): article 1
from the tree; but order was soon restored, and we awaited anxiously the approach of the enemy. Meanwhile, deeds of valor were being performed upon the extreme left of our position by the brave North Carolina boys, commanded by the hero, Col Hill. Their entrenchments were unfortunately near a thick wood, skirted by a marsh, the wood so near that it furnished a fine cover for the enemy. Here he made a dash at the works, the only really spirited attack of the fight. But the ride boys were too strong for him. At one time I learn that he almost succeeded. and there was some confusion; but soon order was restored, and the victory won. A gallant Yankee Captain Jumped upon the fence in front of Col. Hill's line, and cheered on his men; but instantly fell dead, pierced at the heart by the steady handed marksmen of the Old North State All honor and glory to the dear Old North State. How I wished to cheer these troops as they passed our quarters yesterday afternoon but my feeble voic
bject of their mission was ostensibly to be permitted to bury their dead and to effect an exchange of a prisoner. Their request, we understand, was granted by Col. Magruder. From several sources we hear that these men admitted they had 225 killed and wounded in the battle on Monday; and that at roll-call on Tuesday morning, 440 w Stuart finding that the three companies under his command, numbering 190 men, would not be able without artillery to maintain their ground, sent a dispatch to Col. Magruder to that effect. Before my return from headquarters orders had been received to evacuate our trenches, and on my way back to our position I met our three companies retiring by a private road made the day before for the purpose, in the very best order. After this movement we took our position, by command of Col. Magruder, in a trench to the rear of the Church, and commanding the marsh which we had just passed. There was some confusion at the Church owing to this movement, together wi
was hurt.--None of the officers occupied the ditch except partially, and one brave Colonel exposed his whole person to the enemy's fire. The balls often threw up the fresh earth upon the tops of our embankments, showing that they had the right range. Our commander kept his eye on the right of our position, fearing the approach of artillery, which we were not in a condition to resist. All this white, I forgot to state, the Howitzer Battery in its greatest strength under the command of Maj. Randolph, situated to our left and in the centre of our lines, and commanding a bridge which lay just in front of the Church, kept up a splendid fire, and no doubt with great effect. An unsuccessful attempt was made to burn the houses in our front, a thing that should have been done on Sunday, and the neglect of this obvious precaution caused one brave man to lose his life. As the enemy were now seen about 1,500 strong on our right supported by artillery, and covering their position by some bru
Guard, Capt Children, of Hanover; and the Life Guard, Capt walker, all of the 3d Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, Lieutenant Col. Stuart commanding — were under arms, and started for a position just this sine of the work on which they had been engagevered them to be the (would be) famous Zouaves, in their red pants. Our men became very anxious to fire upon them and Col. Stuart, who was above the breastwork fearlessly observing their approach, found it difficult to restrain them. They had beenour right supported by artillery, and covering their position by some brush wood, intending to storm our position, and Col. Stuart finding that the three companies under his command, numbering 190 men, would not be able without artillery to maintainent, which had been stationed two miles off to guard a road, came up, and the enemy having retired in part, our right, Col. Stuart, with Capt. A. 's command, part of the Wythe Rifles and a detachment of Company "G"of North Carolina Rifles, resumed o
of Col. Hill's line, and cheered on his men; but instantly fell dead, pierced at the heart by the steady handed marksmen of the Old North State All honor and glory to the dear Old North State. How I wished to cheer these troops as they passed our quarters yesterday afternoon but my feeble voice could not express the deep feelings of gratitude and admiration for the noble fellows, and I said in my heart, God bless you, my brave boys! Just after we abandoned our trenches, Company "A"Capt.Atkinson, of our regiment, which had been stationed two miles off to guard a road, came up, and the enemy having retired in part, our right, Col. Stuart, with Capt. A. 's command, part of the Wythe Rifles and a detachment of Company "G"of North Carolina Rifles, resumed our former position on the flank and front. The Howitzer Battery, one piece of which having by accident, before we left our position, been rendered, useless, was now reinforced by Capt.Bridges company of Riflemen, and being annoye
ow we give further particulars of the battle: Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Yorktown. June 11, 1861. As the steamer from your city is in sight. I hasten to give you a brief description, of the battle of Bethel Church, which took place yesterday. For two days previous we had been anticipating an attack by the Federal troops, and on Saturday had stood an hour in a marsh a waiting their approach. On Sabbath afternoon at 4, the three companies under command of Lieut. Col. Smart, of Richmond, began the erection of earth works in a grave yard to the right of the Church, and beyond the creek. We continued the work till sunset, and made considerable progress.--This was the most advanced point of all the operations for defence — not very elevated, but the best that could be got. Yesterday morning at hall past three the bugle sounded "to arms." and in a few minutes the three companies — to wit: Young Guard, CaptCharters; Henrico Southern Guard, Capt Children, of H
June 11th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
s under a flag of truce. The object of their mission was ostensibly to be permitted to bury their dead and to effect an exchange of a prisoner. Their request, we understand, was granted by Col. Magruder. From several sources we hear that these men admitted they had 225 killed and wounded in the battle on Monday; and that at roll-call on Tuesday morning, 440 were missing. Below we give further particulars of the battle: Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Yorktown. June 11, 1861. As the steamer from your city is in sight. I hasten to give you a brief description, of the battle of Bethel Church, which took place yesterday. For two days previous we had been anticipating an attack by the Federal troops, and on Saturday had stood an hour in a marsh a waiting their approach. On Sabbath afternoon at 4, the three companies under command of Lieut. Col. Smart, of Richmond, began the erection of earth works in a grave yard to the right of the Church, and beyond th
shell. At 2 o'clock the enemy's fire had nearly ceased, and, after a fight of four hours and a half, he began to retire. He was pursue by the cavalry to the bridge leading to Hampton, which, in his fright, he burnt after passing. The Number of killed and wounded. On our side, one man killed, (he died here last night,) and two others (one badly) wounded. In all, there were eleven only wounded, and most of them, I think, slightly, I saw the worst cases. Our brave friend Hudnall, of the Howitzer Battery, was slightly wounded in his foot. I saw him last night, and he was doing well. Several of the Howitzers were among the wounded, and I learn bear their wounds bravely. Without them, we would probably have been whipped. Of the killed of the enemy, there is necessarily much uncertainty. The general impression is, they lost about 200, about 50 of these killed. I think among the slain were two Captains and a Sergeant of the third New York Regiment. number
of Lieut. Col. Smart, of Richmond, began the erection of earth works in a grave yard to the right of the Church, and beyond the creek. We continued the work till sunset, and made considerable progress.--This was the most advanced point of all the operations for defence — not very elevated, but the best that could be got. Yesterday morning at hall past three the bugle sounded "to arms." and in a few minutes the three companies — to wit: Young Guard, CaptCharters; Henrico Southern Guard, Capt Children, of Hanover; and the Life Guard, Capt walker, all of the 3d Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, Lieutenant Col. Stuart commanding — were under arms, and started for a position just this sine of the work on which they had been engaged the day before. It was a mill dam, which had been converted into a redoubt. After halting here a half hour, we were ordered to repair to our former position, on the little eminence to the right, in the grave-yard. Here we continued to work in the entrenchmen<
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