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Henry May 37 1 Browse Search
United States (United States) 18 0 Browse Search
Abe Lincoln 14 0 Browse Search
William Critz 12 0 Browse Search
Illinois (Illinois, United States) 12 0 Browse Search
July 18th 10 10 Browse Search
Vallandigham 9 9 Browse Search
Andrew Jackson 9 1 Browse Search
Patterson 9 5 Browse Search
Virginia (Virginia, United States) 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

Tuscumbia (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 14
Power of the Mississippi Rifle. --Will a Mississippi rifle, with a Minnie ball, shoot through a steam boiler? It will. A dispute among our friends on this question arose, and was settled by trying it, and the result was that the ball made a hole one-third larger than itself, at about the distance of fifty yards.--Tuscumbia (Ala.) Constitution.