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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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February, 9 AD (search for this): article 1
Ran away --On the 2d Sept., from my garden, on the Brook Road, in Henrico county, a Negro Boy named Tom, about 15 years of age, mulatto color, slender make, and countenance indicating delicate health. Has had some experience as a cook, and is probably so employed at one of the camps near the city. He had on when last seen a black coat and grey pants; the latter had been shortened, and had a seam around each leg, five or six inches below the knee. A reward of $5 will be paid for his apprehension. Information being left at this office. C. Chamberlain, se 13--3t
C. Chamberlain (search for this): article 1
Ran away --On the 2d Sept., from my garden, on the Brook Road, in Henrico county, a Negro Boy named Tom, about 15 years of age, mulatto color, slender make, and countenance indicating delicate health. Has had some experience as a cook, and is probably so employed at one of the camps near the city. He had on when last seen a black coat and grey pants; the latter had been shortened, and had a seam around each leg, five or six inches below the knee. A reward of $5 will be paid for his apprehension. Information being left at this office. C. Chamberlain, se 13--3t
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Ran away --On the 2d Sept., from my garden, on the Brook Road, in Henrico county, a Negro Boy named Tom, about 15 years of age, mulatto color, slender make, and countenance indicating delicate health. Has had some experience as a cook, and is probably so employed at one of the camps near the city. He had on when last seen a black coat and grey pants; the latter had been shortened, and had a seam around each leg, five or six inches below the knee. A reward of $5 will be paid for his apprehension. Information being left at this office. C. Chamberlain, se 13--3t
onymous with Fortress Monroe; and there was probably a trial of some guns this morning at the Craney Island batteries. The report of heavy guns, by the way, is distinctly heard in the upper part of this city, and when the weather is favorable for the communication of sound, it can be heard at a much greater distance. Old Point is distant from this city — air line — only eleven miles. It has been stated to be sixteen miles. The name Point Comfort was given to this noted location in 1607, "on account of the good channel and safe anchorage it afforded," and the word "old" distinguishes it from New Point Comfort. Between Old Point and Sewell's Point, and opposite, (eastwardly,) to Fortress Monroe, at a distance of 1,900 yards, is the location of the Rip-Raps, or, more properly, Castle Calhoun upon an artificial island, made by an immense deposit of rocks at a depth of 26 feet. The water there, by the action of the sea just below, and reacted upon by the bar, near at hand,
erfectly firm, the heavy and rough masonry was removed, preparatory to the erection of a splendid fortress, which it is expected will be finished in good time by the C. S. A. "The present aspect of the place is rough and savage; the music of the surrounding elements of air and sea is in keeping with the dreariness and desolation of the spot." The Opera House was crowded again last night, and the concert of the Amateur Minstrels passed off in splendid style — another decided success. It is the opinion of wise men here that the work upon the Merrimac should be continuous; that a more full and efficient force--two sets of hands — should be employed at night and on Sundays, in order to have her important services at an early day. A large steamer went to Newport News on Tuesday and left yesterday. A large lot of clothing, medicines, &c., will shortly be sent by some generous ladies of this city to the Hampton Greys, at Yorktown, and the Wythe Rifles, at Williamsburg
ded," and the word "old" distinguishes it from New Point Comfort. Between Old Point and Sewell's Point, and opposite, (eastwardly,) to Fortress Monroe, at a distance of 1,900 yards, is the location of the Rip-Raps, or, more properly, Castle Calhoun upon an artificial island, made by an immense deposit of rocks at a depth of 26 feet. The water there, by the action of the sea just below, and reacted upon by the bar, near at hand, causes a continuous ripple, and hence the singular name, Rip-Raps. The extensive and costly work of building the foundation of Castle Calhoun was commenced in 1826. A temporary castle was subsequently built, and a few years ago, when it was ascertained that the foundation had ceased to settle down and had become perfectly firm, the heavy and rough masonry was removed, preparatory to the erection of a splendid fortress, which it is expected will be finished in good time by the C. S. A. "The present aspect of the place is rough and savage; the music of the
s Point, and opposite, (eastwardly,) to Fortress Monroe, at a distance of 1,900 yards, is the location of the Rip-Raps, or, more properly, Castle Calhoun upon an artificial island, made by an immense deposit of rocks at a depth of 26 feet. The water there, by the action of the sea just below, and reacted upon by the bar, near at hand, causes a continuous ripple, and hence the singular name, Rip-Raps. The extensive and costly work of building the foundation of Castle Calhoun was commenced in 1826. A temporary castle was subsequently built, and a few years ago, when it was ascertained that the foundation had ceased to settle down and had become perfectly firm, the heavy and rough masonry was removed, preparatory to the erection of a splendid fortress, which it is expected will be finished in good time by the C. S. A. "The present aspect of the place is rough and savage; the music of the surrounding elements of air and sea is in keeping with the dreariness and desolation of the spot."
September 12th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
Our correspondence. heavy firing in the distance — Point Comfort — the Rip-Raps-- Amusements — the steamer Merrimac, &c. Norfolk, Sept. 12, 1861. Many persons residing in the city say they heard the firing of guns from below last evening, and also at an early hour this morning. It is believed that there was a salute of some kind last evening at Old Point, a name even your most distant readers will understand to be almost synonymous with Fortress Monroe; and there was probably a trial of some guns this morning at the Craney Island batteries. The report of heavy guns, by the way, is distinctly heard in the upper part of this city, and when the weather is favorable for the communication of sound, it can be heard at a much greater distance. Old Point is distant from this city — air line — only eleven miles. It has been stated to be sixteen miles. The name Point Comfort was given to this noted location in 1607, "on account of the good channel and safe
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
iring of guns from below last evening, and also at an early hour this morning. It is believed that there was a salute of some kind last evening at Old Point, a name even your most distant readers will understand to be almost synonymous with Fortress Monroe; and there was probably a trial of some guns this morning at the Craney Island batteries. The report of heavy guns, by the way, is distinctly heard in the upper part of this city, and when the weather is favorable for the communication was given to this noted location in 1607, "on account of the good channel and safe anchorage it afforded," and the word "old" distinguishes it from New Point Comfort. Between Old Point and Sewell's Point, and opposite, (eastwardly,) to Fortress Monroe, at a distance of 1,900 yards, is the location of the Rip-Raps, or, more properly, Castle Calhoun upon an artificial island, made by an immense deposit of rocks at a depth of 26 feet. The water there, by the action of the sea just below, and
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
ey heard the firing of guns from below last evening, and also at an early hour this morning. It is believed that there was a salute of some kind last evening at Old Point, a name even your most distant readers will understand to be almost synonymous with Fortress Monroe; and there was probably a trial of some guns this morning at s distinctly heard in the upper part of this city, and when the weather is favorable for the communication of sound, it can be heard at a much greater distance. Old Point is distant from this city — air line — only eleven miles. It has been stated to be sixteen miles. The name Point Comfort was given to this noted location in 1607, "on account of the good channel and safe anchorage it afforded," and the word "old" distinguishes it from New Point Comfort. Between Old Point and Sewell's Point, and opposite, (eastwardly,) to Fortress Monroe, at a distance of 1,900 yards, is the location of the Rip-Raps, or, more properly, Castle Calhoun upon an artif
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