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Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
ile nobly and patriotically serving his country. On Saturday next a beautiful flag will be given to the Virginia Defenders, by the fair daughters of Portsmouth. The presentation address will be delivered by James Barron Hope, Esq., formerly of Hampton, favorably known as a writer of prose and poetry, and who, by the meritorious productions of his pen, and his decided literary ability, has justly acquired considerable celebrity. The ladies of a portion of St. Bride's Parish, in Norfolk county, have organized the "Hope Soldiers' Aid Society." The following are two of the resolutions passed at the meeting held for the organization: 1st.Resolved, That the independence of our country is to us of the first consideration.--Unto this end all of our purposes shall tend. The soldiers we will make the sharer of our household comforts, unto the tented field they shall be conveyed for his use; for him we will ply the busy needle, and it shall be our constant duty to look after th
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
From Norfolk. Grand review — flag Presentations — the Maryland Volunteers--Aid Societies, &c. [special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk, Oct. 17, 1861. A grand review, by Gen. Huger, of the troops in the vicinity of Norfolk took place this morning. The military display was very imposing, and reflected great credit upon the officers and the brave men composing the different companies. A flag presentation took place yesterday at Sewell's Point. A magnificent banner, painted in most artistic style by Bonean de St. Marcel, of this city, was presented by some patriotic ladies to the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues. Miss Kate Lee, of Mississippi, after a very beautiful and highly appropriate address, passed the flag over to Capt. J. Vickery, who responded in eloquent terms. Miss Lee's speech was delivered in a style of gracefulness and earnestness that elicited the most enthusiastic cheers of the gallant soldiers, and the affair passed off most pleasantly
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
the meeting held for the organization: 1st.Resolved, That the independence of our country is to us of the first consideration.--Unto this end all of our purposes shall tend. The soldiers we will make the sharer of our household comforts, unto the tented field they shall be conveyed for his use; for him we will ply the busy needle, and it shall be our constant duty to look after the comforts of the suffering and needy soldier. 2nd. Resolved, That, like the mothers of '76, we will practice economy, self-denial, encourage home industry, and, if need be, wear home manufacture. It is proposed to get up a grand concert for the benefit of the Hampton soldiers, many of whom are said to be in need of things requisite for their comfort, and to enable them to fight effectual in behalf of Southern liberty. It is stated here, and generally believed, that the Federal vandals are burning the dwellings, barns, stables, &c., extending some distance in the country above Hampton.
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 2
sponded in eloquent terms. Miss Lee's speech was delivered in a style of gracefulness and earnestness that elicited the most enthusiastic cheers of the gallant soldiers, and the affair passed off most pleasantly. After the presentation ceremonies, music, dancing, and feasting combined to render the occasion decidedly charming to all present. Dr. Jennings, of the 3d Alabama regiment, is collecting funds for the noble purpose of supplying the wants of the members of the 1st regiment of Maryland volunteers, stationed on the Potomac. Those heroes who are so anxious to assist in relieving their native State from the thraldom and vassalage that now oppress her, are in want of many things requisite for their comfort and for efficient service, and it is hoped out citizens will respond most readily and liberally to the applications that may be made in their behalf. A grand vocal and instrumental concert will be given on Monday night, 21st inst., by Prof. George, who will be assiste
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 2
lage that now oppress her, are in want of many things requisite for their comfort and for efficient service, and it is hoped out citizens will respond most readily and liberally to the applications that may be made in their behalf. A grand vocal and instrumental concert will be given on Monday night, 21st inst., by Prof. George, who will be assisted by Mad. Bonavita, his accomplished daughter. The national song called the "Confederate Flag," written by a daughter of Gen. Blanchard, of Alabama, set to music by Professor George, and dedicated to President Davis, will be sung for the first time. A rich musical treat is confidently expected. There will also be most pleasing and refined amusement this evening at the Opera House. The entertainment will consist of a variety of "life pictures," favorite songs, &c., and the proceeds will be appropriated for the benefit of needy families of soldiers, and especially for the purchase of fuel for needy families of volunteers of this c
Blues. Miss Kate Lee, of Mississippi, after a very beautiful and highly appropriate address, passed the flag over to Capt. J. Vickery, who responded in eloquent terms. Miss Lee's speech was delivered in a style of gracefulness and earnestness that elicited the most enthusiastic cheers of the gallant soldiers, and the affair passed off most pleasantly. After the presentation ceremonies, music, dancing, and feasting combined to render the occasion decidedly charming to all present. Dr. Jennings, of the 3d Alabama regiment, is collecting funds for the noble purpose of supplying the wants of the members of the 1st regiment of Maryland volunteers, stationed on the Potomac. Those heroes who are so anxious to assist in relieving their native State from the thraldom and vassalage that now oppress her, are in want of many things requisite for their comfort and for efficient service, and it is hoped out citizens will respond most readily and liberally to the applications that may be ma
Blanchard (search for this): article 2
raldom and vassalage that now oppress her, are in want of many things requisite for their comfort and for efficient service, and it is hoped out citizens will respond most readily and liberally to the applications that may be made in their behalf. A grand vocal and instrumental concert will be given on Monday night, 21st inst., by Prof. George, who will be assisted by Mad. Bonavita, his accomplished daughter. The national song called the "Confederate Flag," written by a daughter of Gen. Blanchard, of Alabama, set to music by Professor George, and dedicated to President Davis, will be sung for the first time. A rich musical treat is confidently expected. There will also be most pleasing and refined amusement this evening at the Opera House. The entertainment will consist of a variety of "life pictures," favorite songs, &c., and the proceeds will be appropriated for the benefit of needy families of soldiers, and especially for the purchase of fuel for needy families of volun
L. J. Hampton (search for this): article 2
of said company. The first resolution is as follows: Resolved, That in the death of our fellow-soldier, M. H. Evans, we feel that we have lost an amiable and noble friend; cut off in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness, while nobly and patriotically serving his country. On Saturday next a beautiful flag will be given to the Virginia Defenders, by the fair daughters of Portsmouth. The presentation address will be delivered by James Barron Hope, Esq., formerly of Hampton, favorably known as a writer of prose and poetry, and who, by the meritorious productions of his pen, and his decided literary ability, has justly acquired considerable celebrity. The ladies of a portion of St. Bride's Parish, in Norfolk county, have organized the "Hope Soldiers' Aid Society." The following are two of the resolutions passed at the meeting held for the organization: 1st.Resolved, That the independence of our country is to us of the first consideration.--Unto this
M. H. Evans (search for this): article 2
of this city. The house will no doubt be crowded. At a meeting of Company C, 2d Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, a few days ago, appropriate resolutions were passed expressive of the feeling of the company relative to the death of private M. H. Evans, of said company. The first resolution is as follows: Resolved, That in the death of our fellow-soldier, M. H. Evans, we feel that we have lost an amiable and noble friend; cut off in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulnM. H. Evans, we feel that we have lost an amiable and noble friend; cut off in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness, while nobly and patriotically serving his country. On Saturday next a beautiful flag will be given to the Virginia Defenders, by the fair daughters of Portsmouth. The presentation address will be delivered by James Barron Hope, Esq., formerly of Hampton, favorably known as a writer of prose and poetry, and who, by the meritorious productions of his pen, and his decided literary ability, has justly acquired considerable celebrity. The ladies of a portion of St. Bride's Parish, in
From Norfolk. Grand review — flag Presentations — the Maryland Volunteers--Aid Societies, &c. [special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk, Oct. 17, 1861. A grand review, by Gen. Huger, of the troops in the vicinity of Norfolk took place this morning. The military display was very imposing, and reflected great credit upon the officers and the brave men composing the different companies. A flag presentation took place yesterday at Sewell's Point. A magnificent banner, painted in most artistic style by Bonean de St. Marcel, of this city, was presented by some patriotic ladies to the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues. Miss Kate Lee, of Mississippi, after a very beautiful and highly appropriate address, passed the flag over to Capt. J. Vickery, who responded in eloquent terms. Miss Lee's speech was delivered in a style of gracefulness and earnestness that elicited the most enthusiastic cheers of the gallant soldiers, and the affair passed off most pleasantly
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