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ock road towards Annandale. Skirting along the Accotinck, we came out within sight of the enemy, and for some distance ran along their lines. The usual sounds of their camps could be plainly heard: the note of the fife and drum, the sound of the axe, and even the hum of voices mingled into a single key, like the distant noise of a city, fell upon the ear with unusual distinctness. As the small party of infantry, consisting of detachments from the 28th Virginia, the 8th South Carolina, and McRae's North Carolina, regiments were very much jaded by the severe march since early morning the Yankees were not disturbed, and were left to meditate over the alarm caused by the driving in of their videttes and pickets. About dark we came to the scene of the encounter of the night previous. It was in a narrow defile, with high banks on one side covered with pines, and on the other a swampy spot containing a dense growth of alder and other shrubs and trees. Here we were stopped by two wi
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 1
e," Dec. 3, 1861. General Orders No. 5. The General of Cavalry takes pleasure in announcing to the Brigade in orders, the signal success obtained by the cavalry of this army over the enemy in recent engagements. On the — ult., Col. W. E. Jones, 1st Virginia Cavalry, with a detachment of his regiment, made a descent upon the enemy near Falls Church, capturing seven, with their arms and equipments, and sustaining no loss. On the 16th ult., Major W. T. Martin, commanding Jeff. Davis Legion, with a detachment of his command, completely surprised a greater force of infantry than his own about Doolin's house and orchard, and charging upon them over fences and marshes, killed several and captured one Captain, one Lieutenant, and twenty-eight non-commissioned officers and privates, without receiving a scratch to a man or horse. On the 18th ult. Lt. Col. Fitzhugh Lee, 1st Virginia Cavalry, with a detachment of the regiment, while scouting near Falls Church, fell in wi
y of the enemy's chosen infantry, and a sharp encounter ensued. The enemy occupying a sheltered position, behaved with unusual spirit, obliging Lt. Col. Lee, whose horse was killed under him early in the action, to dismount a portion of his command to dislodge him. This was done under fire with coolness, and resulted in the enemy's total rout--seven being killed on the spot, and ten captured, including a Lieut. and 1st Sergt., three of whom were wounded.--Col. Lee's loss was 1 killed, (private Tucker, Co. A,) and two wounded, one of the latter the lamented Chichester, having since died. This affair occurred in sight of the enemy's encampments, and caused alarm throughout their line. On the 26th ult., Col. R. Ransom, Jr., 1st North Carolina cavalry, with a portion of his regiment, came upon a column of the enemy's cavalry near Vienna; and although he had the disadvantage in numbers, charged him with so much spirit and skill as to put to ignominious flight the entire column — the
ho would consent to be tied to his horse to prevent his falling off. The saddle was presented to Gen. Stuart, the horse sold, and the Lieutenant sent on to Richmond. Yesterday, a small scouting party, headed by Gen. Stuart, accompanied by Capt. Pelham, of Alabama, and other officers, went several miles into the lines of the enemy and offered battle, within cannon range of one of their largest camps. Starting early in the morning we rode by Fairfax Station, thence down the railroad to Brookance, Gen. Stuart ordered the party to halt, and waited patiently for over three hours for the enemy to come out and meet him. The smoke of the camp fires in Springfield could be seen distinctly, and the music of their bands distinguished. If Capt. Pelham had taken along his fine English rifle cannon, he could have thrown shot directly into their camps. Seeing the Yankees would not accept his challenge, even when they had fifty men to his one, Gen. Stuart turned and took the Braddock road
by our men. Yesterday a train was sent out under a proper guard, and returned completely loaded with articles that we stand in need of. I learn that Gen. Stuart intends to get all the hay and corn in this vicinity, giving a receipt to the owners when they are loyal, and seizing such as found in the deserted barns and fields. That is as it should be, and I am glad an energetic man now has the matter in hand. While the train was loading below Fairfax Court-House, a young man, a member of Yancey's cavalry, got very much intoxicated, and rode outside our lines. Seeing the Yankee pickets, he dashed up to them and turned his horse towards a wagon in which were several sacks of corn. He grasped one of these, and managed to get it on his horse, and then started off. He was halted by the pickets, but refused to stop, when they fired upon him. Fortunately all missed their mark.-- "Go to h--," said he, and discharging his pistol at them rode rapidly back into our lines, bringing in the sa
T. L. Rosser (search for this): article 1
Army of the Potomac. [our own correspondent.] Outpost, near Fairfax, Dec. 4th. On the morning of December 1st an order was issued to Capt. T. L. Rosser, 2d company Washington Artillery, to proceed to the outposts with his battery, with a full complement of men and horses, to relieve Latham's Battery, there on duty. Although suffering from a recent illness he made hasty preparations, and in less than half an hour was on Fairfax road. Desiring to see something more of life on the advancvisions and other necessaries, and they are now in a comparatively comfortable condition, although by no means an agreeable one. The frequent passage of parties and wagons into the town gives facilities for sending in letters and papers. Capt. Rosser, with his battery, is still on picket duty about two miles this side of Fairfax C. H., and in the position held for some time by his and other batteries. He will be relieved to-morrow, I presume, by another company of the Washington Artillery
alry brigade, and has headquarters but a few miles from where I am now writing. As the cavalry is constantly opposed to the enemy, and as Gen. Stuart is one of those energetic, brave spirits that are never idle, the enemy are kept in a constant state of alarm, and have their line harassed, their pickets captured, and their dreams disturbed by visions of flashing sabres and Black Horse cavalry. To one fond of reading tales of the border, the merry life in the green wood, the daring feats of Marion and his gallant band, or any of the stories of strategic warfare in the old world or the new, there is no better place for the realization of his dreams or the longings of his soul than in the camp of Gen. Stuart. Something exciting is constantly on the tapis; some scouting party or some dashing band of rangers constantly in the saddle. Would you like to see the record of the past month devoid of all the little episodes of spirited personal rencontres? Read the following spirited orders b
W. E. Jones (search for this): article 1
angers constantly in the saddle. Would you like to see the record of the past month devoid of all the little episodes of spirited personal rencontres? Read the following spirited orders by Gen. Stuart: Headq'rs cavalry Brigade, Camp "Qui Vive," Dec. 3, 1861. General Orders No. 5. The General of Cavalry takes pleasure in announcing to the Brigade in orders, the signal success obtained by the cavalry of this army over the enemy in recent engagements. On the — ult., Col. W. E. Jones, 1st Virginia Cavalry, with a detachment of his regiment, made a descent upon the enemy near Falls Church, capturing seven, with their arms and equipments, and sustaining no loss. On the 16th ult., Major W. T. Martin, commanding Jeff. Davis Legion, with a detachment of his command, completely surprised a greater force of infantry than his own about Doolin's house and orchard, and charging upon them over fences and marshes, killed several and captured one Captain, one Lieutenant, an
C. W. Field (search for this): article 1
ill as to put to ignominious flight the entire column — the officers leading. The difficulties of the road were, however, so great, that he captured only 26, together with their arms, equipments, and, for the most part, their horses, besides killing and wounding a number, and sustained himself no loss at all. This last is the first engagement with the enemy's cavalry — the result shows that he has not yet found the element of redemption from his manifest destiny. On the 2nd inst., Col. C. W. Field, 6th Va. Cavalry with a detachment of his regiment made a bold and successful dash into the enemy's infantry pickets stationed in the village of Anandale, killing 4, carrying off 15 captured, with their arms and equipments, sustaining a loss of two missing. To mention especially the conspicuous gallantry displayed on these various occasions would transcend the limits of their order.--Suffice it to say, the officers and men engaged here behaved in a manner mighty creditable and are
L. Tierman Bries (search for this): article 1
r regiments of the Brigade while performing no less important and arduous services have not, within the period embraced in the foregoing, been so fortunate as to effect a meeting with the enemy. Comrades — If you continue to units skill with courage, and temper boldness with presi- dence, success will be yours on every field, and before this war ends, the world will have abundant proofs that the best blood of '76 flows in your veins. By command of Gen'l. Stuart. (Signed) L. Tierman Bries, A. A. G. A day or two ago one of our best scouts, Redmond Burke, who was captured at the battle of Lewensville, returned from Washington. His adventures, his capture, and escape, form quite an interesting story, and I will give it in my next letter from this point. Some days ago I suggested that it was folly to leave so much forage, corn, hay, wheat, and other grain, to be captured by the Yankees. I am glad to see that attention has been drawn to the matter, and that it is
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