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New England (United States) (search for this): article 1
ible threats against the safety and even purity of your dwelling, it is a most flagrant piece of barbarity to make him a prisoner, and put him in jail, instead of offering him the honors of your mansion, giving him the best room, making haste to furnish him with spiritual consolation, and not forgetting those spirituous appliances which gentlemen of his profession never fail to appreciate. In like manner, those heroes of the handcuff and halter, who came all the way from New York and New England with the avowed purpose of destroying our lives, robbing us of our property, and perpetrating crimes worse than death upon helpless women, ought to be lodged at the Spotswood House, or Exchange, instead of tobacco factories, be fed upon venison and oysters and champagne, visited by the ladies, have the benefit of clergy, and be caressed, petted, soothed, and solaced in every conceivable manner for the melancholy disappointment on the 21st of July, and various other occasions, of their ch
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
South. They admit, we believe, that they had enough to eat and drink, but they consider it barbarous that they were denied delicacies and luxuries which few of our own people can obtain for themselves. They seem to entertain no doubt of the fact that their merits entitle them to the same kind of reception that was tendered the New York Seventh Regiment when it visited this city.--They consider it an example of flagrant injustice and partiality that we should not bestow upon the Zouaves of Bull Run the same consideration which we tendered to the military shop-keepers of New York in a time of profound peace. When a robber wakes you at night by his efforts to break into your dwelling, shoots various members of your family, and makes the most horrible threats against the safety and even purity of your dwelling, it is a most flagrant piece of barbarity to make him a prisoner, and put him in jail, instead of offering him the honors of your mansion, giving him the best room, making haste t
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
onths, are as cool and well ventilated buildings as can be had in the city of Richmond, and which command a fine prospect of the beautiful country which they had come to savage and despoil. When their situation is contrasted with the horrible treatment of the Confederate prisoners in Columbus, Ohio, and other Northern towns, the Federal captives have no right to be obstreperous. Think of such a man as Dr. Hanson Thomas, of Baltimore, confined in one of the damp and narrow casemates of Fortress Monroe; of Mrs. Greenhow, driven to the borders of insanity of brutal treatment in Washington, and of hundreds of others, peaceable citizens, not soldier taken in battle, who have been visited with similar and even worse outrages, bashed, beaten, knocked down, and in some cases murdered, and the most embittered enemy, if he possessed a particle of candor, must concede that the Federal prisoners taken in battle have every reason to be grateful for the humanity they have received from the Confed
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
pen arms to the best place at the Southern land they are intensely astonished that, when they undertook to save their quondam entertainers all trouble by helping themselves to whatever they had, they have not fared as well as when they left them the privilege of inviting their guests. Their complaints are various and uttered with a plaintive yelp, like log who has gone in quest of bones and encountered a brickbat. Corcoran, for example, who is at present occupying a commodities call in South Carolina, is distressed that received no spiritual consolation in Richmond. The prisoners in New Orleans are mostly outraged that the ladies are not permitted to visit them. Whilst others who have gone North from Richmond have filled the incredulous ear of the Northern multitude with the most astounding tales of the barbarities practised upon them in this city. It is needless to say that there is not a particle of truth on these stories; and that, except the necessary restriction upon their li
St. Francis Xavier (search for this): article 1
y Southern hearthstone. We are in favor of humanity to prisoners, even under the aggravating circumstances of provocation to their annihilation which the infamous Lincoln Government is furnishing every day. But beyond the strict requirements of civilized warfare we should not be inclined to travel very far with the most uncivilized of enemies. They should not be permitted any of the luxuries which they claim except those of a spiritual sort, which, it must be confessed, they stand more in need of than any others. In charity to their souls, which are in greater peril than their bodies, we would let them have as many clergymen as they desire. It would, moreover, be an excellent school of practice for those of our young divines who intend to become missionaries among the Camanche, Pawnees, and Barbarians. A clergyman who could reclaim a New York Zouave might have no difficulty in evangelizing a whole continent of cannibals, and would soon eclipse the fame of St. Francis Xavier.
Hanson Thomas (search for this): article 1
and they have been lodged in spacious tobacco factories, which, during the summer months, are as cool and well ventilated buildings as can be had in the city of Richmond, and which command a fine prospect of the beautiful country which they had come to savage and despoil. When their situation is contrasted with the horrible treatment of the Confederate prisoners in Columbus, Ohio, and other Northern towns, the Federal captives have no right to be obstreperous. Think of such a man as Dr. Hanson Thomas, of Baltimore, confined in one of the damp and narrow casemates of Fortress Monroe; of Mrs. Greenhow, driven to the borders of insanity of brutal treatment in Washington, and of hundreds of others, peaceable citizens, not soldier taken in battle, who have been visited with similar and even worse outrages, bashed, beaten, knocked down, and in some cases murdered, and the most embittered enemy, if he possessed a particle of candor, must concede that the Federal prisoners taken in battle
ery different reception. Having always been welcomed with warm hearts and open arms to the best place at the Southern land they are intensely astonished that, when they undertook to save their quondam entertainers all trouble by helping themselves to whatever they had, they have not fared as well as when they left them the privilege of inviting their guests. Their complaints are various and uttered with a plaintive yelp, like log who has gone in quest of bones and encountered a brickbat. Corcoran, for example, who is at present occupying a commodities call in South Carolina, is distressed that received no spiritual consolation in Richmond. The prisoners in New Orleans are mostly outraged that the ladies are not permitted to visit them. Whilst others who have gone North from Richmond have filled the incredulous ear of the Northern multitude with the most astounding tales of the barbarities practised upon them in this city. It is needless to say that there is not a particle of trut
and well ventilated buildings as can be had in the city of Richmond, and which command a fine prospect of the beautiful country which they had come to savage and despoil. When their situation is contrasted with the horrible treatment of the Confederate prisoners in Columbus, Ohio, and other Northern towns, the Federal captives have no right to be obstreperous. Think of such a man as Dr. Hanson Thomas, of Baltimore, confined in one of the damp and narrow casemates of Fortress Monroe; of Mrs. Greenhow, driven to the borders of insanity of brutal treatment in Washington, and of hundreds of others, peaceable citizens, not soldier taken in battle, who have been visited with similar and even worse outrages, bashed, beaten, knocked down, and in some cases murdered, and the most embittered enemy, if he possessed a particle of candor, must concede that the Federal prisoners taken in battle have every reason to be grateful for the humanity they have received from the Confederate Government.
July 21st (search for this): article 1
alter, who came all the way from New York and New England with the avowed purpose of destroying our lives, robbing us of our property, and perpetrating crimes worse than death upon helpless women, ought to be lodged at the Spotswood House, or Exchange, instead of tobacco factories, be fed upon venison and oysters and champagne, visited by the ladies, have the benefit of clergy, and be caressed, petted, soothed, and solaced in every conceivable manner for the melancholy disappointment on the 21st of July, and various other occasions, of their cherished plans for the extermination of the Southern race, the spoliation of Southern property, and the defilement of every Southern hearthstone. We are in favor of humanity to prisoners, even under the aggravating circumstances of provocation to their annihilation which the infamous Lincoln Government is furnishing every day. But beyond the strict requirements of civilized warfare we should not be inclined to travel very far with the most