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United States (United States) 48 0 Browse Search
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by court-martial, of violating this article, shall be dismissed from service. Mr. Bingham, (Rep.,) of Ohio, moved an amendment, so as to include not only officers, but any person in the naval or military service of the United States. Mr. Mallory, (Union.,) of Ky., looked upon this as an effect to repeal the Fugitive Slave Law, and as a denial of the States to claim their property. He moved the postponement of the bill. Mr. Blair, of Mo., thought officers could be engaged in betticers to their legitimate duty, and prohibit them from interfering with the civil law. Such practice should not be tolerated for a single moment by the American people. He would not only punish those who would kidnap, but have them shot. Mr. Mallory said that Kentucky had as stringent laws against kidnapping as any other State. Mr. Bingham had read in the newspapers a case of a fugitive who had, at the risk of his life, swam the Oato river into Indiana. He should think that when und
February 26th (search for this): article 1
The Federal Congressconfiscation — the Negro question. We make some extracts from the proceedings of the Northern Congress on the 25th and 26th of February: In the Senate, on Tuesday, Mr. Trumbull, (Rep.,) of Lt., moved to take up the bill for the confiscation of the property of rebels. He said there was pressing proceedly. Within a few weeks the property of a rebel General in this city had been sold, and the proceeds transmitted to him., while we were sitting here and imposing paper currency on suffering soldiers. The bill being taken up, Mr. Trumbull made a long speech in it favor. Mr. Pomeroy, (Rep.,) of Kansas, objected to the third section, which provides for colonization. He thought we could not afford to send out of the country the laboring men and producers; and if insisted upon, he should move to amend by providing colonization for slaveholders, who are dangerous to the country, and whose loss would not be felt. Mr. Willey, (Union,) of Va., w
February 25th (search for this): article 1
The Federal Congressconfiscation — the Negro question. We make some extracts from the proceedings of the Northern Congress on the 25th and 26th of February: In the Senate, on Tuesday, Mr. Trumbull, (Rep.,) of Lt., moved to take up the bill for the confiscation of the property of rebels. He said there was pressing proceedly. Within a few weeks the property of a rebel General in this city had been sold, and the proceeds transmitted to him., while we were sitting here and imposing paper currency on suffering soldiers. The bill being taken up, Mr. Trumbull made a long speech in it favor. Mr. Pomeroy, (Rep.,) of Kansas, objected to the third section, which provides for colonization. He thought we could not afford to send out of the country the laboring men and producers; and if insisted upon, he should move to amend by providing colonization for slaveholders, who are dangerous to the country, and whose loss would not be felt. Mr. Willey, (Union,) of Va., wa
y. He moved the postponement of the bill. Mr. Blair, of Mo., thought officers could be engaged in better business than returning fugitive slaves. Mr. Bingham was against postponement. Mr. Wickliffe, (Union.,) of Ky., mentioned the fact that after the capture of Fort Donelson, General Grant caused twelve slaves, forced into the rebel service from Kentucky, to be returned to their masters. Did the proposition pending prohibit the government from returning such property? Mr. Grider, (Union.,) of Ky., opposed the bill, looking upon it as an indirect way of repealing the Fugitive Slave Law. Mr. Bingham replied that the bill was intended to confine officers to their legitimate duty, and prohibit them from interfering with the civil law. Such practice should not be tolerated for a single moment by the American people. He would not only punish those who would kidnap, but have them shot. Mr. Mallory said that Kentucky had as stringent laws against kidnapping as
of anything of that kind. The amendment was adopted. On motion of Mr. Powell, (Opp.,) of Ky., further consideration was postponed till to-morrow. The Negro question. In the House, after the consideration of several other matters, Mr. Blair, of Mo., from the Military Committee reported a bill establishing an additional article of war for the government of the United States army. All officers in the military service are prohibited from employing any of the forces under their al or military service of the United States. Mr. Mallory, (Union.,) of Ky., looked upon this as an effect to repeal the Fugitive Slave Law, and as a denial of the States to claim their property. He moved the postponement of the bill. Mr. Blair, of Mo., thought officers could be engaged in better business than returning fugitive slaves. Mr. Bingham was against postponement. Mr. Wickliffe, (Union.,) of Ky., mentioned the fact that after the capture of Fort Donelson, General G
Vallandigham (search for this): article 1
gentleman as a falsehood. I know the fact, because it has been published in the newspapers, and I have never seen it contradicted. Mr. Diven was understood to say that that was because the gentleman read only one-sided newspapers. Mr. Vallandigham, (Opp.,) of Ohio, moved to lay the bill on the table. Not agreed to--43 against 87. Mr. Wright, (Union.,) of Pa., moved to adjourn. Disagreed to--27 against 95. The question for postponing the bill till the first WednesdayMr. Lovejoy, (Rep.,) of Ill, persisted in his objection, unanimous consent being necessary for further debate. Mr. Steele, (Opp.,) of N. Y., objected to the third reading of the bill, on the ground that it had not been engrossed. Several ineffectual motions were made to adjourn by the opponents of the bill. Mr. Vallandigham raised a point of order, which the Speaker overruled. Mr. Hickman, (Rep.,) of Pa., vainly endeavored to offer an amendment. The bill finally passed.
isagreed to--27 against 95. The question for postponing the bill till the first Wednesday in March was disagreed to--51 against 73. The main question was ordered, when Mr. Johnson, (Opp.,) of Pa., moved to adjourn. Negatived--41 against 78. Mr. Bingham introduced an amendment, which was agreed to, prohibiting any person connected with the army and navy from returning fugitive slaves. Mr. Crittenden, (Union.,) of Ky., wished to occupy two minutes in remarks; but Mr. Lovejoy, (Rep.,) of Ill, persisted in his objection, unanimous consent being necessary for further debate. Mr. Steele, (Opp.,) of N. Y., objected to the third reading of the bill, on the ground that it had not been engrossed. Several ineffectual motions were made to adjourn by the opponents of the bill. Mr. Vallandigham raised a point of order, which the Speaker overruled. Mr. Hickman, (Rep.,) of Pa., vainly endeavored to offer an amendment. The bill finally passed.
m., while we were sitting here and imposing paper currency on suffering soldiers. The bill being taken up, Mr. Trumbull made a long speech in it favor. Mr. Pomeroy, (Rep.,) of Kansas, objected to the third section, which provides for colonization. He thought we could not afford to send out of the country the laboring men but had the Senator from Illinois counted the immense cost of the scheme of colonization? It would cost $500 a head to colonize and keep ignorant slaves. Mr. Pomeroy said his amendment would obviate that, as there would be only a few slaveholders to colonize. Mr. Willey--I propose to hang all such traitors, and thus savher laborers, nor could they be allowed to roam at large in the South. Mr. Sumner, (Rep.,) of Mass., said he entirely agreed with the Senator from Kansas, (Mr. Pomeroy) to objecting to any recognition of the Fugitive Slave Law, which he thought never had authority in the Constitution. He moved to make a verbal amendment to di
Disagreed to--27 against 95. The question for postponing the bill till the first Wednesday in March was disagreed to--51 against 73. The main question was ordered, when Mr. Johnson, (Opp.,) of Pa., moved to adjourn. Negatived--41 against 78. Mr. Bingham introduced an amendment, which was agreed to, prohibiting any person connected with the army and navy from returning fugitive slaves. Mr. Crittenden, (Union.,) of Ky., wished to occupy two minutes in remarks; but Mr. Lovejoy, (Rep.,) of Ill, persisted in his objection, unanimous consent being necessary for further debate. Mr. Steele, (Opp.,) of N. Y., objected to the third reading of the bill, on the ground that it had not been engrossed. Several ineffectual motions were made to adjourn by the opponents of the bill. Mr. Vallandigham raised a point of order, which the Speaker overruled. Mr. Hickman, (Rep.,) of Pa., vainly endeavored to offer an amendment. The bill finally passed.
Crittenden (search for this): article 1
to--43 against 87. Mr. Wright, (Union.,) of Pa., moved to adjourn. Disagreed to--27 against 95. The question for postponing the bill till the first Wednesday in March was disagreed to--51 against 73. The main question was ordered, when Mr. Johnson, (Opp.,) of Pa., moved to adjourn. Negatived--41 against 78. Mr. Bingham introduced an amendment, which was agreed to, prohibiting any person connected with the army and navy from returning fugitive slaves. Mr. Crittenden, (Union.,) of Ky., wished to occupy two minutes in remarks; but Mr. Lovejoy, (Rep.,) of Ill, persisted in his objection, unanimous consent being necessary for further debate. Mr. Steele, (Opp.,) of N. Y., objected to the third reading of the bill, on the ground that it had not been engrossed. Several ineffectual motions were made to adjourn by the opponents of the bill. Mr. Vallandigham raised a point of order, which the Speaker overruled. Mr. Hickman, (Rep.,) of
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