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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 7
ital Association has spent $250,000 in the last twelve months, and has $168,000 on hand. The Macon and Western Railroad Company, and the Superintendent of the Georgia State Railroad, have each given one hundred cords of wood for the poor of Atlanta. Bentley D. Hasell has been elected to the Presidency of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, vice W. J. Magrath, elected to the Presidency of the South Carolina Railroad. The Mobile papers state that official information has been recency of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, vice W. J. Magrath, elected to the Presidency of the South Carolina Railroad. The Mobile papers state that official information has been received of the promotion of Brig. Gen. John H. Forney, commanding at Mobile, to the rank of Major-General. Nearly all the shoes in Atlanta were seized on Thursday, by order of Gen. Bragg, to supply the barefoot soldiers in his army. The Legislature of Georgia will meet in Milledgeville to-morrow.
San Antonio (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 7
tlantic Railroad, in refusing transportation for some fifty barrels of whiskey, in accordance with a proclamation of the Governor in relation thereto. We understand that an agent is on the way to Georgia to take possession of this road for the enforcement of this transportation, as well as for other purposes. We await the issue with some curiosity, if things are as we understand them. Maj. Gen. Magruder left Vicksburg, Miss., on the 28th ult, for Texas. His headquarters will be at San Antonio. The Georgia Relief and Hospital Association has spent $250,000 in the last twelve months, and has $168,000 on hand. The Macon and Western Railroad Company, and the Superintendent of the Georgia State Railroad, have each given one hundred cords of wood for the poor of Atlanta. Bentley D. Hasell has been elected to the Presidency of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, vice W. J. Magrath, elected to the Presidency of the South Carolina Railroad. The Mobile papers state
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 7
From the South. Our exchanges from the South furnish some stone of interest. There were 116 new cases of fever and 48 deaths in Wilmington, N. C., for the week ending on the 1st. Among the deaths was Dr. T. C. Worth, Vice President of the Howard Association. Maj. Cooking has arrived in Charleston, S. G., from Nassau, N. P. He was Major of a British regiment stationed there, and resigned to join the Confederate army. The Jackson Mississippian contains the latest news from New Orleans from a refugee from there. His account says: On Wednesday last the new Abolition Brigade, under Brigadier Gen. Weitzel, (late acting Mayor of the city) consisting of seven regiments of infantry, (two of them negroes,) a squadron of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, were sent up the river.--At the same time five or six gunboats and transports sailed down the river, bound for Berwick Bay, to co-operate with the land forces. It was well understood in the city that this expedition of pirat
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 7
r of the city) consisting of seven regiments of infantry, (two of them negroes,) a squadron of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, were sent up the river.--At the same time five or six gunboats and transports sailed down the river, bound for Berwick Bay, to co-operate with the land forces. It was well understood in the city that this expedition of pirates and robbers was intended to devastate that rich and beautiful country lying in the neighborhood of the Bayou Teshe. This section of Louisiana abounds in sugar, molasses, and cotton, all of which, together with the negroes, were to be "confiscated" by these Abolition thieves. The more decent of the Yankees in the city had lately manifested the utmost dissatisfaction and disgust, amounting almost to a revolt, at their forced association with the blacks. A negro, in a captain's uniform, had lately reprimanded a white sentinel on duty at the custom-house for refusing to salute him as he passed in. A difficulty ensued, and the
United States (United States) (search for this): article 7
, in the face of all intimidations, taken certificates declaring themselves "enemies" of the United States, and among this class, strange as it may appear, were many free colored citizens. Underor merchandise, real, personal or mixed, of any person now in the service of the so-called Confederate States, or any person not known by such agent or trustee, to be a loyal citizen of the U. Statesthe use, directly or indirectly, of any person not known by him to be a loyal citizen of the United States, without an order from these headquarters, will be held personally responsible for the amounbecome due by tenants of property belonging to persons not known to be loyal citizens of the United States, will be paid, as they become due, to D. C. G. Field, Esq., Financial Clerk of the Departmensame, and seeing that Dr. Goodrich, the pastor, omitted the prayer for the "President of the United States," indignantly rose from his seat and informed him that the Church would be closed in ten min
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 7
ation and close the Church. The Chattanooga Rebel, of Tuesday, has the following about an expected collision between the Confederate and State authorities in Georgia: Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has again come in conflict with Confederate authority by the action of the Superintendent of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, in rGeorgia, has again come in conflict with Confederate authority by the action of the Superintendent of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, in refusing transportation for some fifty barrels of whiskey, in accordance with a proclamation of the Governor in relation thereto. We understand that an agent is on the way to Georgia to take possession of this road for the enforcement of this transportation, as well as for other purposes. We await the issue with some curiosity, ifGeorgia to take possession of this road for the enforcement of this transportation, as well as for other purposes. We await the issue with some curiosity, if things are as we understand them. Maj. Gen. Magruder left Vicksburg, Miss., on the 28th ult, for Texas. His headquarters will be at San Antonio. The Georgia Relief and Hospital Association has spent $250,000 in the last twelve months, and has $168,000 on hand. The Macon and Western Railroad Company, and the Superin
Camp, N. Mex. (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): article 7
or the amount so neglected to be returned, paid over, or delivered. All rents due or to become due by tenants of property belonging to persons not known to be loyal citizens of the United States, will be paid, as they become due, to D. C. G. Field, Esq., Financial Clerk of the Department. By command of Maj. Gen. Butler, Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff. There has been published from the Northern papers an account taken from Butler's Delta, relating to the closing of the Camp street Episcopal Church by the Beast's Adjutant General, one Strong. The Delta, said that this Strong visited the Church in citizen's dress to worship God, he being a pious member of the same, and seeing that Dr. Goodrich, the pastor, omitted the prayer for the "President of the United States," indignantly rose from his seat and informed him that the Church would be closed in ten minutes. A gentleman just from New Orleans explodes this Yankee lie. He informs us that Strong went to the Church
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 7
derate authority by the action of the Superintendent of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, in refusing transportation for some fifty barrels of whiskey, in accordance with a proclamation of the Governor in relation thereto. We understand that an agent is on the way to Georgia to take possession of this road for the enforcement of this transportation, as well as for other purposes. We await the issue with some curiosity, if things are as we understand them. Maj. Gen. Magruder left Vicksburg, Miss., on the 28th ult, for Texas. His headquarters will be at San Antonio. The Georgia Relief and Hospital Association has spent $250,000 in the last twelve months, and has $168,000 on hand. The Macon and Western Railroad Company, and the Superintendent of the Georgia State Railroad, have each given one hundred cords of wood for the poor of Atlanta. Bentley D. Hasell has been elected to the Presidency of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, vice W. J. Magrath, elected to the
osity, if things are as we understand them. Maj. Gen. Magruder left Vicksburg, Miss., on the 28th ult, for Texas. His headquarters will be at San Antonio. The Georgia Relief and Hospital Association has spent $250,000 in the last twelve months, and has $168,000 on hand. The Macon and Western Railroad Company, and the Superintendent of the Georgia State Railroad, have each given one hundred cords of wood for the poor of Atlanta. Bentley D. Hasell has been elected to the Presidency of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, vice W. J. Magrath, elected to the Presidency of the South Carolina Railroad. The Mobile papers state that official information has been received of the promotion of Brig. Gen. John H. Forney, commanding at Mobile, to the rank of Major-General. Nearly all the shoes in Atlanta were seized on Thursday, by order of Gen. Bragg, to supply the barefoot soldiers in his army. The Legislature of Georgia will meet in Milledgeville to-morrow.
intended to send out of the city those who had, in the face of all intimidations, taken certificates declaring themselves "enemies" of the United States, and among this class, strange as it may appear, were many free colored citizens. Under the action of the infamous confiscation act, the Provost Marshal had already held some sales of very valuable property — such as silverware, pictures, libraries, and fine household furniture. Butler, the Beast, had changed his residence from Gen. Twiggs's house to the costly and elegant palace of Dr. Campbell, on the corner of St. Charles and Julia streets. Butler's New Orleans Delta, of the 19th, contains the following infamous order, forbidding the payment of debts to persons who have not taken the "oath;" Headq'rs Dep't of the Gulf, New Orleans, Oct. 17, 1862. General Orders No. 82. All persons holding powers of attorney or letters of authorization from, or who are merely acting for, or tenants of, or entrusted with a
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