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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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The Legislature. Both branches of the General Assembly yesterday adopted a resolution extending the present session until Monday next, the 20th instant. This step was rendered imperative because of the pendency of several important measures — the Tarbill, the Salt question, and others — which have not yet, at this late hour of the session, been finally acted upon; and unless members apply them. Gives more Gilligently to the dispatch of public business, we fear the time allowed by the extension will prove too short for the accomplishment of the within objects of their coming together. The election of Superintendent of the Penitentiary, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Col. Chas. Blue, resulted in the election of Mr. Colin Bass, of Roanok
Colin Bass (search for this): article 1
The Legislature. Both branches of the General Assembly yesterday adopted a resolution extending the present session until Monday next, the 20th instant. This step was rendered imperative because of the pendency of several important measures — the Tarbill, the Salt question, and others — which have not yet, at this late hour of the session, been finally acted upon; and unless members apply them. Gives more Gilligently to the dispatch of public business, we fear the time allowed by the extension will prove too short for the accomplishment of the within objects of their coming together. The election of Superintendent of the Penitentiary, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Col. Chas. Blue, resulted in the election of Mr. Colin Bass, of Roanok
Charles Blue (search for this): article 1
The Legislature. Both branches of the General Assembly yesterday adopted a resolution extending the present session until Monday next, the 20th instant. This step was rendered imperative because of the pendency of several important measures — the Tarbill, the Salt question, and others — which have not yet, at this late hour of the session, been finally acted upon; and unless members apply them. Gives more Gilligently to the dispatch of public business, we fear the time allowed by the extension will prove too short for the accomplishment of the within objects of their coming together. The election of Superintendent of the Penitentiary, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Col. Chas. Blue, resulted in the election of Mr. Colin Bass, of Roanok
ained by the belief that the United others desire a foreign war to enable them to have an excuse to acknowledge that the Union is broken. A Lyons letter says every branch of industry is suffering from the American war. The Pales seem to be succeeding in their revolution. Meetings sympathizing with them are being held in London. France and England have sense a note to Russia in regard to it. The Grand Duke Constantine in appointed commander-in-chief of Poland. It is said Poland is again to be a kingdom, with Constantine for its sovereign. A new Ministry has been organized in Spain with Miss Herts as President. The stock of cotton at Liverpool is estimated at 409,000 bales. Advices from Hilton Head represent the black brigade which has gone to Florida to have achieved wonderful results. Burnside's army is expected there. A good deal of skirmishing seems to belong on near Murfreesboro and Franklin, Tenn. Jack Morgch's soon throw the Nashvill
s been organized in Spain with Miss Herts as President. The stock of cotton at Liverpool is estimated at 409,000 bales. Advices from Hilton Head represent the black brigade which has gone to Florida to have achieved wonderful results. Burnside's army is expected there. A good deal of skirmishing seems to belong on near Murfreesboro and Franklin, Tenn. Jack Morgch's soon throw the Nashville train off near Richland station on the 19th. The "cut off" at Vicksburg is said tet her go. The Herald says the preliminary campaign has begun. Its expects noon to hear of decisive battle and "nothing but stupidity," it adds, "can prevent Jeff Davis from being a prisoner in three months, and the relation subdued." Burnside left Washington on the 20th for Fortress Monroe, to take his new command. Persons quitting Yankee Doodledum for Europe have to give bonds to go in service if drafted, or furnish substitutes. Seward went to the theatre for the last time
rdinary sensation it Walls rest yesterday. It seemed to produce a salutary effect on the price of gold, reducing it to 153. The terms of the European offer are that the loan will be taken at the present rate of exchange, which, if accepted by Mr. Chase, would give him sixty three millions in gold. This sum, considering that the balance of trade is in our favor, and that the amount of produce which continues to be shipped is immense, would be simply sufficient to enable Mr. Chase to make a beMr. Chase to make a beginning in the resumption of specie payment — the on lyse use be six upon which the finances of the country can be established. No doubt it is a sacrifice to sell the bonds of the Government at that felt; but it must be recollected that the country has now been two years engaged its a war which is still unsuccessful, and that the bribe-fit to be deliver from the sale of these bonds for gold would for out weigh the temporary list. Seen the green backs would be preferred to gold as long more po
good deal of skirmishing seems to belong on near Murfreesboro and Franklin, Tenn. Jack Morgch's soon throw the Nashville train off near Richland station on the 19th. The "cut off" at Vicksburg is said to be progressing finely. The troop sure and to be enthusiastic for a fight. A great Union League meeting was held in New York on the 20th John Cochrane presided and me is a speech Roseco Conkling, Senator Foster, and A. J. Hamilton of Texas, also spoke. A letter was read from Siegel endorsing the emancipation proclamation the Butler code, and Monroe doctrine, and going for the war all and all. The Retribution has captured the Emily Fisher, off the Bahamas, and after taking 210 hogsheads of sugar, bounded her and let her go. The Herald says the preliminary campaign has begun. Its expects noon to hear of decisive battle and "nothing but stupidity," it adds, "can prevent Jeff Davis from being a prisoner in three months, and the relation subdued." Burnside l
Latest from Europe and the North. Confederate Leans Negotiated in Paris and London — a note Addressed to the Czar by England and France, &c., &c. We have received the New York Herald, of the 21st lost, containing European news by the Norwegian, to the 6th inst. We give a summary of what it contains: Mr. Slidell has had an interview with Drouyn Dinhuys in which be did not concer his surprise at the loss that the South could ever send representatives to the Congress at Washington. The Confederate Government has contracted a loan in Paris for 60,000.000 franc. A Confederate loan for 2,000.000 has been taken in 2 per cents in England, at 77. Thirteen thousand five hundred citizens of Birmingham England have waited on Mr. Adams, at London, and presented him an address approving Lincoln's policy. Lord Shalherdon's motion has not yet been called up in the House of Lords, for recognizing the South when France is ready. In reply to a question in
ida to have achieved wonderful results. Burnside's army is expected there. A good deal of skirmishing seems to belong on near Murfreesboro and Franklin, Tenn. Jack Morgch's soon throw the Nashville train off near Richland station on the 19th. The "cut off" at Vicksburg is said to be progressing finely. The troop sure and to be enthusiastic for a fight. A great Union League meeting was held in New York on the 20th John Cochrane presided and me is a speech Roseco Conkling, Seashington on the 20th for Fortress Monroe, to take his new command. Persons quitting Yankee Doodledum for Europe have to give bonds to go in service if drafted, or furnish substitutes. Seward went to the theatre for the last time, on the 19th, in Washington. John Andrew is organizing a negro regiment in Massachusetts. Recruits for it from Pennsylvania passed through New York on the 20th. Gold closed in New York on the 20th at 151½ exchange 171 The Herald has the followi
ce if drafted, or furnish substitutes. Seward went to the theatre for the last time, on the 19th, in Washington. John Andrew is organizing a negro regiment in Massachusetts. Recruits for it from Pennsylvania passed through New York on the 20th. Gold closed in New York on the 20th at 151½ exchange 171 The Herald has the following "astounding" paragraph: Important news reaches us from San Francisco to the effect that the schooner Chapman, when leaving for Mexico on the 15th, was boarded by the government officials, and taken in charge as a privateer. About twenty Secessionists were captured aboard, well armed, and six brass Dahlgren guns, with carriages suitable for use on ships. Correspondence on the persons of the prisoners identified them with the party recently negotiating for the steamer Victoria for a privateer. The prisoners taken on board confessed that the Chapman intended to take in a full compliment of men at some point on the coast, and that it wa
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