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Milford Station (Canada) (search for this): article 3
in the town. Neither do I know of any historical or romantic associations that attach themselves to the village. In former times, however, it was inhabited by a number of sporting gentlemen, who raised and raced fine horses, and had a singular fondness for cock- fighting. Situated in the Court house yard, and visible from my hotel windows, is the remains of a cock-pit, where in times gone by these ardent sportsmen matched their mains and staked large sums upon them. I venture to say the old hotel, in which I am now writing, has many a time rung with excited disputes and arguments over a day's sport, and has concocted many a cool mint julep for thirsty betters. Milford station is three miles from here, and at that place we take the cars. The down train passes at twelve and before the night comes, D. V., our journey will end at its starting point, Richmond. At any rate here ends my record of the trip, and once more my pen glides into silence from the signature. Bohemian.
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
a comfortable country hotel, the quiet rooms of which brought up pleasant recollections of peace times in the past, mingled with hopes for the future "when this cruel war is over." Of the village of Bowling Green there is little to say. It is the county-seat of Caroline, and contains a court-house, jail, church, thirty or forty residences strung along in a rambling style upon either side of the road. Perhaps this town has suffered less from the war than any in Virginia north of the James river. The Yankees have been here but few times, and then spent but a few hours in the town. Neither do I know of any historical or romantic associations that attach themselves to the village. In former times, however, it was inhabited by a number of sporting gentlemen, who raised and raced fine horses, and had a singular fondness for cock- fighting. Situated in the Court house yard, and visible from my hotel windows, is the remains of a cock-pit, where in times gone by these ardent sportsm
Bowling Green (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 3
Close of the Gunboat Raid--defeat of the effort to destroy the steamers — Brisk Cannonading,&c.[correspondence of Richmond Dispatch.] "Bowling Green Hotel," Caroline county, Sept. 5, 1863. For two days after dropping our anchors at Port Royal we were very busy in landing the machinery of the Satellite and Reliance, ande schooners destroyed. The boats were once more put upon wheels, and after a three weeks trip we started for "home." Riding ahead of the party, I reached Bowling Green at dark and took quarters in a comfortable country hotel, the quiet rooms of which brought up pleasant recollections of peace times in the past, mingled with hopes for the future "when this cruel war is over." Of the village of Bowling Green there is little to say. It is the county-seat of Caroline, and contains a court-house, jail, church, thirty or forty residences strung along in a rambling style upon either side of the road. Perhaps this town has suffered less from the war than
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 3
Dispatch.] "Bowling Green Hotel," Caroline county, Sept. 5, 1863. For two days after dropping our anchors at Port Royal we were very busy in landing the machinery of the Satellite and Reliance, and the cargoes of the two prizes. On the laening it became cool and pleasant, and I determined to go ashore to enjoy a twilight walk through the desolated town of Port Royal. After over forty- eight hours confinement to the hard and heated decks the turf felt unusually pleasant, and I saunteure enough, the Yankees had come--two regiments of cavalry being there visible. All our troops had been withdrawn from Port Royal but one regiment — the 48th Alabama. From this about one hundred men had been sent across the river to protect commisseful sentinel of the woods. Early Wednesday morning, before the first line of daylight was visible, I went over to Port Royal to procure some necessaries in case of an action. The place was entirely deserted, Col. Hardwicke, with commendable in
Caroline (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
Close of the Gunboat Raid--defeat of the effort to destroy the steamers — Brisk Cannonading,&c.[correspondence of Richmond Dispatch.] "Bowling Green Hotel," Caroline county, Sept. 5, 1863. For two days after dropping our anchors at Port Royal we were very busy in landing the machinery of the Satellite and Reliance, and the cargoes of the two prizes. On the latter were many very fine anchors, of different sizes and shapes, from the small grapnel and boat kedge to the heavy ship's anchor, weighing near eight thousand pounds. From the spars of the schooners purchases were rigged, and with these the heavy weights were swung out of the hold and floated ashore upon lighters. At the end of two days very little was left upon any of the vessels that would be of service to us in Richmond, the bare hulls only remaining.--From the troops on shore we had frequent intimation of an advance on the part of the Yankees, and fearing they might come upon us before the work was completed, t
Milford, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 3
during the bombardment — not a man was injured. The Satellite had some fifteen or twenty shots in her, but none of them injured the machinery in any way or did any damage to the hull. The wheelhouse was somewhat splintered, and the Captain's room was riddled; otherwise she was in no way the worse for the fight. Had she been in motion I doubt if she would have been struck at all. After a few hours rest the men again loaded the wagons with the material on shore and started them on to Milford. The coolness of both officers and men during this day's work was a little remarkable. Some of them had never been under fire before. Lt. Hudgins was in command, as I have previously remarked, and the guns were fought by Midshipmen Gardner, Goodwyn, and Cook. The men obeyed orders with alacrity, manning their guns, in a very exposed position, in the face of a heavy fire. On Thursday Col. Wood came up from Richmond, bringing a train of transportation wagons. The work then went on r
otherwise she was in no way the worse for the fight. Had she been in motion I doubt if she would have been struck at all. After a few hours rest the men again loaded the wagons with the material on shore and started them on to Milford. The coolness of both officers and men during this day's work was a little remarkable. Some of them had never been under fire before. Lt. Hudgins was in command, as I have previously remarked, and the guns were fought by Midshipmen Gardner, Goodwyn, and Cook. The men obeyed orders with alacrity, manning their guns, in a very exposed position, in the face of a heavy fire. On Thursday Col. Wood came up from Richmond, bringing a train of transportation wagons. The work then went on rapidly, the men, although much fatigued, working well when his eye was upon them. The enemy did not return, and the trains were loaded unmolested Friday everything was removed, and in the evening the steamers were scuttled and burned and the schooners destroyed.
s riddled; otherwise she was in no way the worse for the fight. Had she been in motion I doubt if she would have been struck at all. After a few hours rest the men again loaded the wagons with the material on shore and started them on to Milford. The coolness of both officers and men during this day's work was a little remarkable. Some of them had never been under fire before. Lt. Hudgins was in command, as I have previously remarked, and the guns were fought by Midshipmen Gardner, Goodwyn, and Cook. The men obeyed orders with alacrity, manning their guns, in a very exposed position, in the face of a heavy fire. On Thursday Col. Wood came up from Richmond, bringing a train of transportation wagons. The work then went on rapidly, the men, although much fatigued, working well when his eye was upon them. The enemy did not return, and the trains were loaded unmolested Friday everything was removed, and in the evening the steamers were scuttled and burned and the schooners
a mile. This challenge was promptly responded to by Lieut. Hudgins, who returned two shots with admirable aim, the shells exploding exactly at the enemy's guns. These shots are said to have done more damage than all the rest during the day's firing. If the report of a citizen be true, a staff officer was killed, a man wounded, a gun injured, and one horse disabled. Afterwards the firing became general, the Yankees opening with four other pieces. Unfortunately, our best gun, a splendid Parrott, was thrown down after the first shot, and could be used no more; for it was impossible to remount it under the heavy fire of rifle shell and spherical case poured in upon us. The two smaller guns remained, and these replied leisurely to the rapid shots of the enemy. Probably perceiving their fire had no effect, the Yankees moved down abreast of us, at a distance of about twelve hundred yards. Here they fired at least two shell a minute for a hour, Lieut. Hudgins firing half a dozen, p
Hardwicke (search for this): article 3
the 48th Alabama. From this about one hundred men had been sent across the river to protect commissary trains foraging in King George. With this small force Col. Hardwicke immediately engaged the enemy, holding him in check until the wagons could be crossed and the boats free to receive his men. Protected by a small patch of woods and firing rapidly, Col. Hardwicke probably deceived the Yankees as to his numbers, for he kept them back until nearly dark, and then safely embarked his men at the ferry. While in the boat they received a volley from a squadron of cavalry; but, strange to say, not a man was injured. Our loss amounted to one private and two q, before the first line of daylight was visible, I went over to Port Royal to procure some necessaries in case of an action. The place was entirely deserted, Col. Hardwicke, with commendable industry, having removed every family the night previous. There was nothing to be had and I turned back again to our boats. The firing com
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