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Nathaniel P. Banks (search for this): article 4
round that Lincoln's proclamation had made her amenable to the penalties inflicted on the whites. Lo, the poor negro! Greeley, in a speech at Gosper Institute last week, said that be was not sure that another President would be elected. Two U. S. captains were arrested in Washington last week as deserters. Major Isaac Graham, the Western pioneer, died in Sun Francisco on the 7th inst. He was a native of Botetourt county, Va. He was present at the death of the famous Daniel Boone. The late Major-General Buford's "last words," as reported in the Northern press, were not very complimentary to his troops. He said: "Pot guards on all the roads, and don't let the men run back in the rear." Gen. Banks was publicly received by the Mexicans in Brownsville. One old Mexican said: "Ah, Senor, the Americans are not what they were at Pain Alto. I remember them well there; their horses were larger than elephants, and the head of a mounted American reached the heavens."
Cleveland (search for this): article 4
and Bridgeport. Contracts for the bridges of the former (Tuscumbia and Decatur) were given out some few weeks ago, amounting to $600,000, and twelve large saw mills in Southern Illinois are engaged day and night in sawing out the materials. Bouts have lately passed up over Muscle Shoals, some of which will remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant also holds the railroad triangle formed by Chattanooga, Dalton, and Cleveland, and will repair and rebuild the bridges of that important district between this and February, after which he will be in readiness to advance slowly on Atlanta, and refix the railroad as he passes onward. Then, by early spring, he will be in excellent condition to march his veteran legions into Central Georgia, and have a final settlement of all matters in dispute with the oligarchs of the accursed rebellion. The railroads and rivers in his rear will have piled up all necessary supplies,
d his loss will be severely felt. A brisk guerilla war is maintained against, the invaders; but that will never turn them aside from their purpose of conquest. Altogether, the prospect for Mexico is sad, and that for the French very good. The song of New England. The "Sons of New England" held their annual celebration of the landing of the "Pilgrim Fathers" at Plymouth Rock. Gens Burnside, Sickles Dix, Senator Sale, (just convicted of taking a $3000 bribe,) Henry Ward Beecher, Mayor Opdyke, and others, were present. The New York News has an account of the proceedings, from which we extract the following: Once a year at least the "Sons of New England" take a firm hold of their lower garments, and exalt themselves amazingly. It is a curious custom, peculiar to that people, and accounts satisfactorily for the remarkable failure of their trowsers to reach the tops of their socks, as is always seen in the prints representing this strange race of men. --This year, in this
Robert Howard (search for this): article 4
last grand campaign." General Dodge, in command of the 2d division, still remains at Pulaski, Tennessee, with nearly 10,000 troops. This morning the train was laden with detachments from his command, going home to Illinois and Iowa on recruiting service. The Cincinnati Commercial has a special dispatch from Chattanooga which says, during the march of our troops from Chattanooga against Longstreet, at Knoxville, Granger's corps got in advance of Longstreet's ammunition train, while Howard's corps was in the rear. There being no escape for the train, forty car-loads of ammunition and two locomotives were run into the river. A portion of the force sent to Knoxville has returned to Chattanooga. The situation at Chattanooga is unchanged. The army will soon be in winter quarters. Experience of prisoners at Richmond. Capt. N. T. Anderson, of the 51st Indiana, and Lieut. J. T. Skelton, of the 17th Iowa, who escaped from the Libby prison, have reached Baltimore. A lette
Henry A. Hurlbut (search for this): article 4
ir idiosyncrasy, there were of course no ladies present. In fact, no male person was admitted unless he had a card, which was considered a guarantee either that he could perform the feat himself or applaud its performance by others. Mr. Henry A. Hurlbut, who presided, arose after the feast and commenced the ceremony, in which he returned his "most warmest" thanks for the honor conferred on him in electing him to the presidency of the society. Continuing at some length, Mr. Hurlbut referrMr. Hurlbut referred to some of the distinguished sons of New England, and actually referred to the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. In reply to "the day we celebrate," Rev. Mr. Hitchcock said: The Puritan element in our American character cannot be ignored. The noblest distinction of our forefathers was not in their political success, but in their probity and fear of God. The Puritan prayed with his knee on the neck of tyrants, but not so intent on choking the tyrants as to intermit prayer. The Puri
J. J. Elwall (search for this): article 4
s captain. He brought her out of Charleston harbor more than a year ago, running under the guns of Sumter, Moultrie, and the other, defences of that stronghold. He is an excellent pilot, of undoubted bravery, and in every respect worthy of the position. This is due him as a proper recognition of his heroism and services. The present captain is a coward, though a white man. Dismiss him, therefore, and give the steamer to this brave, blank Saxon. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. J. Elwall, Chief Quartermaster's Department South. The above order was immediately approved by Gen. Gillmore. Miscellaneous. Hon. Ben Wood's organize the New York News announces that gentleman will not, while be holds a seat in Congress, votes one dollar or one man to carry on the present war. Elizabeth Butler, a negro woman, carried away from Alabama by the Yankees, has been tried in St. Louis for vagrancy and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. The Court took the ground
Comonfort (search for this): article 4
de Potosi, the present seat of the National Government, an important city in the State of Michoacan. Gen. Bazaine was marching upon Guanajuato, the capital of the State of which Doblado is Governor, and anticipated an easy conquest, and the city of Guadalajara was besieged by the Mexican allies of the French. It is also reported that Vidaurri, one of the ablest leaders of the Liberal party, and at present Governor of the States of Nuevo Leon and Coahuilb, has gone over to the French. Gen. Comonfort, the best and most reliable General in the Mexican service, is dead, and his loss will be severely felt. A brisk guerilla war is maintained against, the invaders; but that will never turn them aside from their purpose of conquest. Altogether, the prospect for Mexico is sad, and that for the French very good. The song of New England. The "Sons of New England" held their annual celebration of the landing of the "Pilgrim Fathers" at Plymouth Rock. Gens Burnside, Sickles Dix, Sen
Gen Burnside (search for this): article 4
ers was not in their political success, but in their probity and fear of God. The Puritan prayed with his knee on the neck of tyrants, but not so intent on choking the tyrants as to intermit prayer. The Puritan must fight his way on to universal liberty. It was an easy thing to criticise the old Puritans.--God Almighty never launched a hero into history but that there could be always found some poor critic to carp at him. We should not get too near to heroes. (The speaker here slapped Gen Burnside on the shoulder, as much as to say, "I have made a big point."] The speaker had been in college, and there was a man ahead of him there.--Beecher was ahead of him there. We had fallen upon grave times. Our fathers found this continent a wilderness. The speaker continued in a rambling manner, now referring to the landing of the Pilgrims, now to his experiences in college, and now jumping like a lively intellectual squired into the war, out of the war, and travelling all around the war.
in charge of the United States transport Planter as captain. He brought her out of Charleston harbor more than a year ago, running under the guns of Sumter, Moultrie, and the other, defences of that stronghold. He is an excellent pilot, of undoubted bravery, and in every respect worthy of the position. This is due him as a proper recognition of his heroism and services. The present captain is a coward, though a white man. Dismiss him, therefore, and give the steamer to this brave, blank Saxon. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. J. Elwall, Chief Quartermaster's Department South. The above order was immediately approved by Gen. Gillmore. Miscellaneous. Hon. Ben Wood's organize the New York News announces that gentleman will not, while be holds a seat in Congress, votes one dollar or one man to carry on the present war. Elizabeth Butler, a negro woman, carried away from Alabama by the Yankees, has been tried in St. Louis for vagrancy and sentenced to five y
A. T. Dunton (search for this): article 4
paced up and down by the Park Barracks wondering, perhaps, if there was even one in the queer assemblage at the Astor who thought of him at the post of duty while they drank and rioted. The Nigger and the Tanker. Robert Small, the negro who ran off the steamer Planter from Charleston harbor two years ago, has been put in command of her under circumstances illustrative of the bravery of the Yankee nation: Office of Carry Quartermaster, Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 26, 1863. Capt. A. T. Dunton, Chief Assistant Quartermaster, Folly and Morris Islands: Sir --You will please place Robert Small in charge of the United States transport Planter as captain. He brought her out of Charleston harbor more than a year ago, running under the guns of Sumter, Moultrie, and the other, defences of that stronghold. He is an excellent pilot, of undoubted bravery, and in every respect worthy of the position. This is due him as a proper recognition of his heroism and services. The pres
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