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Brownsville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 4
ound that Lincoln's proclamation had made her amenable to the penalties inflicted on the whites. Lo, the poor negro! Greeley, in a speech at Gosper Institute last week, said that be was not sure that another President would be elected. Two U. S. captains were arrested in Washington last week as deserters. Major Isaac Graham, the Western pioneer, died in Sun Francisco on the 7th inst. He was a native of Botetourt county, Va. He was present at the death of the famous Daniel Boone. The late Major-General Buford's "last words," as reported in the Northern press, were not very complimentary to his troops. He said: "Pot guards on all the roads, and don't let the men run back in the rear." Gen. Banks was publicly received by the Mexicans in Brownsville. One old Mexican said: "Ah, Senor, the Americans are not what they were at Pain Alto. I remember them well there; their horses were larger than elephants, and the head of a mounted American reached the heavens."
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 4
as to afford but little protection. Thus they are exposed to the cold winds and wet sand, and must suffer intensely, apart from the scarcity of provisions. Mexico. The latest advices from Mexico are not very favorable to the National cause: Queretaro, the capital of the State of that name, was occupied by Gen. MejMexico are not very favorable to the National cause: Queretaro, the capital of the State of that name, was occupied by Gen. Mejia, in the interest of the French, on the 15th of November, and Mejia, with the French General Donal, was to advance upon San Luis de Potosi, the present seat of the National Government, an important city in the State of Michoacan. Gen. Bazaine was marching upon Guanajuato, the capital of the State of which Doblado is Governor, afelt. A brisk guerilla war is maintained against, the invaders; but that will never turn them aside from their purpose of conquest. Altogether, the prospect for Mexico is sad, and that for the French very good. The song of New England. The "Sons of New England" held their annual celebration of the landing of the "Pilgri
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
s of Whiteside and Bridgeport. Contracts for the bridges of the former (Tuscumbia and Decatur) were given out some few weeks ago, amounting to $600,000, and twelve large saw mills in Southern Illinois are engaged day and night in sawing out the materials. Bouts have lately passed up over Muscle Shoals, some of which will remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant also holds the railroad triangle formed by Chattanooga, Dalton, and Cleveland, and will repair and rebuild the bridges of that important district between this and February, after which he will be in readiness to advance slowly on Atlanta, and refix the railroad as he passes onward. Then, by early spring, he will be in excellent condition to march his veteran legions into Central Georgia, and have a final settlement of all matters in dispute with the oligarchs of the accursed rebellion. The railroads and rivers in his rear will have piled up all necess
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
mills in Southern Illinois are engaged day and night in sawing out the materials. Bouts have lately passed up over Muscle Shoals, some of which will remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant also holds the railroad triangle formed by Chattanooga, Dalton, and Cleveland, and will repair and rebuild the bridges of that important district between this and February, after which he will be in readiness to advance slowly on Atlanta, and refix the railroad as he passes onward. Then, by early spring, he will be in excellent condition to march his veteran legions into Central Georgia, and have a final settlement of all matters in dispute with the oligarchs of the accursed rebellion. The railroads and rivers in his rear will have piled up all necessary supplies, mountains high, at the great stronghold of Chattanooga; his splendid army will have been rested and filled up with new recruits, and then the battle tocain will
Belle Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
t they had to give. Apart from this the conduct of the rebel officers and guards had been generally kind, though there may have been individual cases of harsh and perhaps cruel treatment. So far, however, as their own experience goes, they feel it due to say that there has been much exaggeration. The supplies of food sent from here and from the North were most timely, and doubtless there would have been more intense suffering but for such relief. The condition of our prisoners on Belle Island, these officers say, is far worse than those in Libby prison. At least 1,500 of our poor fellows there are without shelter of any kind, and most of the tents are so worn and threadbare as to afford but little protection. Thus they are exposed to the cold winds and wet sand, and must suffer intensely, apart from the scarcity of provisions. Mexico. The latest advices from Mexico are not very favorable to the National cause: Queretaro, the capital of the State of that name,
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant also holds the railroad triangle formed by Chattanooga, Dalton, and Cleveland, and will repair and rebuild the bridges of that important district between this and February, after which he will be in readiness to advance slowly on Atlanta, and refix the railroad as he passes onward. Then, by early spring, he will be in excellent condition to march his veteran legions into Central Georgia, and have a final settlement of all matters in dispute with the oligarchs of the accursed rebellion. The railroads and rivers in his rear will have piled up all necessary supplies, mountains high, at the great stronghold of Chattanooga; his splendid army will have been rested and filled up with new recruits, and then the battle tocain will sound along his extended lines, "Sweep forward, my brave do your duty as heretofore, and this shall be your last grand campaign." General Dodge
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 4
eady, only waiting the completion of the important bridges of Whiteside and Bridgeport. Contracts for the bridges of the former (Tuscumbia and Decatur) were given out some few weeks ago, amounting to $600,000, and twelve large saw mills in Southern Illinois are engaged day and night in sawing out the materials. Bouts have lately passed up over Muscle Shoals, some of which will remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant ae, and this shall be your last grand campaign." General Dodge, in command of the 2d division, still remains at Pulaski, Tennessee, with nearly 10,000 troops. This morning the train was laden with detachments from his command, going home to Illinois and Iowa on recruiting service. The Cincinnati Commercial has a special dispatch from Chattanooga which says, during the march of our troops from Chattanooga against Longstreet, at Knoxville, Granger's corps got in advance of Longstreet's am
Mexico (Mexico) (search for this): article 4
ound that Lincoln's proclamation had made her amenable to the penalties inflicted on the whites. Lo, the poor negro! Greeley, in a speech at Gosper Institute last week, said that be was not sure that another President would be elected. Two U. S. captains were arrested in Washington last week as deserters. Major Isaac Graham, the Western pioneer, died in Sun Francisco on the 7th inst. He was a native of Botetourt county, Va. He was present at the death of the famous Daniel Boone. The late Major-General Buford's "last words," as reported in the Northern press, were not very complimentary to his troops. He said: "Pot guards on all the roads, and don't let the men run back in the rear." Gen. Banks was publicly received by the Mexicans in Brownsville. One old Mexican said: "Ah, Senor, the Americans are not what they were at Pain Alto. I remember them well there; their horses were larger than elephants, and the head of a mounted American reached the heavens."
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 4
gh a white man. Dismiss him, therefore, and give the steamer to this brave, blank Saxon. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. J. Elwall, Chief Quartermaster's Department South. The above order was immediately approved by Gen. Gillmore. Miscellaneous. Hon. Ben Wood's organize the New York News announces that gentleman will not, while be holds a seat in Congress, votes one dollar or one man to carry on the present war. Elizabeth Butler, a negro woman, carried away from Alabama by the Yankees, has been tried in St. Louis for vagrancy and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. The Court took the ground that Lincoln's proclamation had made her amenable to the penalties inflicted on the whites. Lo, the poor negro! Greeley, in a speech at Gosper Institute last week, said that be was not sure that another President would be elected. Two U. S. captains were arrested in Washington last week as deserters. Major Isaac Graham, the Western pioneer, died
Decatur (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 4
ons of Gen. Grant's army. A letter from Nashville says: Gen. Grant has the repairs of the Memphis and Charleston railroad in most earnest progress, especially that portion on the south side of the Tennessee river, between Tuscumbia and Decatur, around Muscle Shoals, and that between Bridgeport and Chattanooga. The latter is nearly ready, only waiting the completion of the important bridges of Whiteside and Bridgeport. Contracts for the bridges of the former (Tuscumbia and Decatur) wDecatur) were given out some few weeks ago, amounting to $600,000, and twelve large saw mills in Southern Illinois are engaged day and night in sawing out the materials. Bouts have lately passed up over Muscle Shoals, some of which will remain on the Upper Tennessee, to carry supplies to Chattanooga, Knoxville, and all intervening points. Grant also holds the railroad triangle formed by Chattanooga, Dalton, and Cleveland, and will repair and rebuild the bridges of that important district between t
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