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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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McClellan (search for this): article 1
rent of the public mind. We give below such news as we were enabled to gather: From the front. It appears that all the reports of the fight at Riddle's Shop, on Monday, were incorrect, and that, instead of driving our troops, the Yankees were finally themselves driven by our infantry several miles. We still hold the Malvern Heights, and Grant is reported to have gone to Wesfever, full thirty miles from Richmond by the road, in Charles City county. This is near the point to which McClellan retreated after he was whipped away from the front of Richmond. The reports of the demoralization of the Federal army are apparently well grounded, and it may be that he has sought this locality which, under the protection of the gunboats, he can recuperate his shattered strength, and get the courage of his men up to the fighting point; though the more probable supposition is that he design is crossing to the Southside, somewhere in the vicinity of City Point. The following dispatch,
the enemy's cavalry near Trevillian's, with heavy loss, capturing five hundred prisoners, besides the wounded. The enemy retreated in confusion, apparently, by the route he came, leaving his dead and wounded on the field. At daylight this morning, it was discovered that the army of Gen. Grant had left our front. Our skirmishers were advanced between one and two miles, but failing to discover the enemy, were withdrawn. A body of cavalry and some infantry, from long Bridge, advanced to Riddle's shop and were driven back this evening nearly two miles, after some sharp skirmishing. Respectfully, R. E. Lee, General. [from our own Correspondent] Army of Northern Virginia,June 14th 5 P. M. The enemy are still moving, it is supposed for the purpose of crossing the James river near City Point. The main body of their force is believed to be moving still on the north side of the Chickahominy. The force which they sent across the Chickahominy yesterday at Long Bridge, an
espondent] Army of Northern Virginia,June 14th 5 P. M. The enemy are still moving, it is supposed for the purpose of crossing the James river near City Point. The main body of their force is believed to be moving still on the north side of the Chickahominy. The force which they sent across the Chickahominy yesterday at Long Bridge, and which advanced up the Charles City road about three miles above Riddle's Shop and the road leading to Malvern Hill, until checked and driven back by Mahone and Wilcox, consisted of two picked divisions of Yankee infantry from the 5th corps, a division of cavalry, and a battery of artillery. This force came across merely to divert our attention, and with no purpose of seizing Malven Hill. They quickly, and almost without resistance, gave back when our infantry came up, retiring some four or five miles, and as seen as night came on they began moving down the south sine of the Chickahominy towards the James. In this fight we lost some eight
R. E. Lee (search for this): article 1
courage of his men up to the fighting point; though the more probable supposition is that he design is crossing to the Southside, somewhere in the vicinity of City Point. The following dispatch, received yesterday at the War Department from Gen. Lee, officially confirms our account of the rout of Sheridan's raiders by our cavalry under Gen. Hampton: Headq'rs Army Northern Va.,June 13, 1864--10 P. M. Hon Secretary of War. A dispatch just received from Major Gen. Hampton, states nd two miles, but failing to discover the enemy, were withdrawn. A body of cavalry and some infantry, from long Bridge, advanced to Riddle's shop and were driven back this evening nearly two miles, after some sharp skirmishing. Respectfully, R. E. Lee, General. [from our own Correspondent] Army of Northern Virginia,June 14th 5 P. M. The enemy are still moving, it is supposed for the purpose of crossing the James river near City Point. The main body of their force is believed t
rom Amherst last night. Burned the Depot and Commissary buildings at this place, and also a train of cars loaded with blacksmith tools and machinery, belonging to the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company. No private property of any consequence was injured. The railroad and telegraph damages are repaired. The enemy left here at day break and went to Campbell C. H., which was not burned up to 8 o'clock this morning, when their main body had left, professedly for Danville. This force is estimated at three hundred. Gen. Longstreet who was at the Court House is safe. The enemy have numerous small raiding parties out in the vicinity of Lynchburg. Averill, or a portion of his command, was near Buford's Depot, on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad yesterday evening, and probably have tapped the road by this time. it is believed the enemy will not attack our entrenchments at Lynchburg until their reinforcements come up. Hunter is reported advancing via Lexington. B.
ast, by the Orange road, and returned the same evening at 8 o'clock. When the train went down, a gentleman named Dowdy, who had a hundred unarmed men with him, took the responsibility of seizing an equal number of muskets that were on the train, armed his men, and got off at Tye River Bridge, with the avowed purpose of defending it to the last extremity. There is no confirmation of the report that this bridge was destroyed by the enemy. [from our own Correspondent.] Lynchburg, June 12, 5 P M. Affairs are becoming decidedly interesting in this locality. Yesterday evening, about 6 o'clock, a force of the enemy, numbers not stated, reached Arrington Depot, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, in Nelson county, twenty-four miles from this city, and burned the buildings at that place, and several small treatle bridges near by. About 300 of the party look the road leading from Arrington to Bent Creek, on James river, twenty miles below this place. The main body then kept
Trevillian (search for this): article 1
ough the more probable supposition is that he design is crossing to the Southside, somewhere in the vicinity of City Point. The following dispatch, received yesterday at the War Department from Gen. Lee, officially confirms our account of the rout of Sheridan's raiders by our cavalry under Gen. Hampton: Headq'rs Army Northern Va.,June 13, 1864--10 P. M. Hon Secretary of War. A dispatch just received from Major Gen. Hampton, states that he defeated the enemy's cavalry near Trevillian's, with heavy loss, capturing five hundred prisoners, besides the wounded. The enemy retreated in confusion, apparently, by the route he came, leaving his dead and wounded on the field. At daylight this morning, it was discovered that the army of Gen. Grant had left our front. Our skirmishers were advanced between one and two miles, but failing to discover the enemy, were withdrawn. A body of cavalry and some infantry, from long Bridge, advanced to Riddle's shop and were driven bac
June 12th (search for this): article 1
noon last, by the Orange road, and returned the same evening at 8 o'clock. When the train went down, a gentleman named Dowdy, who had a hundred unarmed men with him, took the responsibility of seizing an equal number of muskets that were on the train, armed his men, and got off at Tye River Bridge, with the avowed purpose of defending it to the last extremity. There is no confirmation of the report that this bridge was destroyed by the enemy. [from our own Correspondent.] Lynchburg, June 12, 5 P M. Affairs are becoming decidedly interesting in this locality. Yesterday evening, about 6 o'clock, a force of the enemy, numbers not stated, reached Arrington Depot, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, in Nelson county, twenty-four miles from this city, and burned the buildings at that place, and several small treatle bridges near by. About 300 of the party look the road leading from Arrington to Bent Creek, on James river, twenty miles below this place. The main body then
June 15th (search for this): article 1
city and Charlottesville, escaped capture, but it is ascertained that a small wagon train, containing medical stores, commissary stores, and some other articles, was captured and destroyed near Arrington Depot. The loss, however, was trifling, as there were only some ten or twelve wagons in the train. 7 P. M.--Another scout just in. Enemy at MeKeever's--seven miles from the city and five miles from our entrenchments — and still advancing, cautiously. B. [by telegraph] Concord, June 15. The raiding party of the enemy crossed James river from Amherst last night. Burned the Depot and Commissary buildings at this place, and also a train of cars loaded with blacksmith tools and machinery, belonging to the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company. No private property of any consequence was injured. The railroad and telegraph damages are repaired. The enemy left here at day break and went to Campbell C. H., which was not burned up to 8 o'clock this morning, when th
side, but at what point is as yet not exactly known to us. X. From the Southside. Nothing worthy of special note has recently occurred along our lines in Chesterfield county. There is apparently some movement going on among the Yankees, but what it portends has not yet been definitely ascertained. They have elevated their observatory on the Bermuda Hundred Peninsula to the height of over one hundred feet, and it now towers above the highest trees in its vicinity. It is situated on Cobb's farm, and commands a complete view of the surrounding country. A few days ago a piece of artillery was placed in a position to play upon this observatory, and, it is reported, succeeded in striking it once or twice, but before much damage could be done the enemy's batteries compelled a removal of the gun. On Monday a body of the enemy's cavalry made a sudden dash on the City Point road and captured two of our pickets. Graham's battery, being in position, opened upon them vigorously,
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