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Brunswick, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 6
of the Yankee cavalry, by a Confederate officer and six citizens, armed with shot guns only: On the evening of Wednesday, the 22d instant, a party of Yankee cavalry, numbering thirty-two men, passed through the neighborhood of Red Oak, in Brunswick, and stopped at Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home on furlough in consequence of a dangerous wound, received while gallantly leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt Whiteave kindly supplied him with as fine horses as any in the State, we may soon expect to hear more of the gallant exploits of this deserving young officer. He and the six Dixie boys, who shared with him the honors of this most extraordinary capture, deserve the thanks of the State, and especially of this section. But for this timely arrest the thirty- two vandals would have inflicted incalculable damage upon many of the unarmed people of Brunswick, and perhaps of Lunenburg and other counties.
Lunenburg, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 6
quad if they were ever liberated. But no one fears their threats. They are ere this all safely shipped to Georgia, where I hope they will have time allowed them for further repentance. This successful little affair happened most opportunely for the brave Captain White, who had so far recovered from his wound that he had determined again to return to the army. For several weeks he has been endeavoring to purchase horses, but could not find suitable ones. Now, however, since the Yankees have kindly supplied him with as fine horses as any in the State, we may soon expect to hear more of the gallant exploits of this deserving young officer. He and the six Dixie boys, who shared with him the honors of this most extraordinary capture, deserve the thanks of the State, and especially of this section. But for this timely arrest the thirty- two vandals would have inflicted incalculable damage upon many of the unarmed people of Brunswick, and perhaps of Lunenburg and other counties.
Brunswick County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
A gallant Exploit. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Burntville, Brunswick county, June 30th, gives the following account of the capture of a Lieutenant and thirty-one privates of the Yankee cavalry, by a Confederate officer and six citizens, armed with shot guns only: On the evening of Wednesday, the 22d instant, a party of Yankee cavalry, numbering thirty-two men, passed through the neighborhood of Red Oak, in Brunswick, and stopped at Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home on furlough in consequence of a dangerous wound, received while gallantly leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along with them as their prisoner; but not having a spare horse, the Lieutenant in command (a scamp named Brooks, and a renegade from Halifax county, Va.,) gave
Halifax county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
y Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home on furlough in consequence of a dangerous wound, received while gallantly leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along with them as their prisoner; but not having a spare horse, the Lieutenant in command (a scamp named Brooks, and a renegade from Halifax county, Va.,) gave him a verbal parole, which Captain White said he would not regard, and which he did not, as the sequel will show. This party of roving Yankees, camped that night a few miles from Mrs Mason's, and early next morning Capt White collected six of the neighbors and went in pursuit of the marauders. He followed them some distance unperceived, and finally they halted at Mr James Elmore's to feed their horses, as well as themselves. While the Yankees were awaiting a breakfas
Red Oak (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 6
A gallant Exploit. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Burntville, Brunswick county, June 30th, gives the following account of the capture of a Lieutenant and thirty-one privates of the Yankee cavalry, by a Confederate officer and six citizens, armed with shot guns only: On the evening of Wednesday, the 22d instant, a party of Yankee cavalry, numbering thirty-two men, passed through the neighborhood of Red Oak, in Brunswick, and stopped at Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home on furlough in consequence of a dangerous wound, received while gallantly leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along with them as their prisoner; but not having a spare horse, the Lieutenant in command (a scamp named Brooks, and a renegade from Halifax county, Va.,) gav
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 6
ched the balance by first gaining access to their carbines and pistols. The situation of affairs was seen at a glance.--They had been outgeneraled, and the only after native was to submit. The commanding officer shed tears, (I hope they were tears of bitter repentance for the invasion of his native State,) and the ireful Yankees threatened vengeance to Capt White and his little squad if they were ever liberated. But no one fears their threats. They are ere this all safely shipped to Georgia, where I hope they will have time allowed them for further repentance. This successful little affair happened most opportunely for the brave Captain White, who had so far recovered from his wound that he had determined again to return to the army. For several weeks he has been endeavoring to purchase horses, but could not find suitable ones. Now, however, since the Yankees have kindly supplied him with as fine horses as any in the State, we may soon expect to hear more of the gallant
White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along with them as their prisoner; but not having a spare horse, the Lieutenant in command (a scamp named Brooks, and a renegade from Halifax county, Va.,) gave him a verbal parole, which Captain White said he would not regard, and which he did not, as the sequel will show. This party of roving Yankees, camped that night a few miles from Mrs Mason's, aked for time to consult his men. Capt White replied that there was no time for parley. He would not grant a moment, but that they must stack arms in the road, and march immediately up to the Dixie boys, or the Dixie boys would march to them. Lieut Brooks immediately compiled, and stacking arms marched up to Capt White's formidable body of cavalry.--Upon finding that they had surrendered to six citizens, armed only with double-barrel shot guns, their mortification was great, but it was too lat
Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along winty, Va.,) gave him a verbal parole, which Captain White said he would not regard, and which he didles from Mrs Mason's, and early next morning Capt White collected six of the neighbors and went in poked as appearances would seem to indicate. Capt White then made a circuit so as to avoid being seent Brooks asked for time to consult his men. Capt White replied that there was no time for parley. tune. They were so far from their arms that Capt White and his men, being mounted, could have killed the ireful Yankees threatened vengeance to Capt White and his little squad if they were ever liberir happened most opportunely for the brave Captain White, who had so far recovered from his wound t[2 more...]
Nancy Mason (search for this): article 6
g of Wednesday, the 22d instant, a party of Yankee cavalry, numbering thirty-two men, passed through the neighborhood of Red Oak, in Brunswick, and stopped at Mrs Nancy Mason's. Here they found Captain G D White, of the Boydton cavalry, who has been at home on furlough in consequence of a dangerous wound, received while gallantly leading his men in the right at Gettysburg. Capt White was on a visit to Mrs Mason, who is his grandmother. The Yankees called Captain White from the house, and threatened to take him along with them as their prisoner; but not having a spare horse, the Lieutenant in command (a scamp named Brooks, and a renegade from Halifax chich Captain White said he would not regard, and which he did not, as the sequel will show. This party of roving Yankees, camped that night a few miles from Mrs Mason's, and early next morning Capt White collected six of the neighbors and went in pursuit of the marauders. He followed them some distance unperceived, and finall
James Elmore (search for this): article 6
of roving Yankees, camped that night a few miles from Mrs Mason's, and early next morning Capt White collected six of the neighbors and went in pursuit of the marauders. He followed them some distance unperceived, and finally they halted at Mr James Elmore's to feed their horses, as well as themselves. While the Yankees were awaiting a breakfast which they had ordered Mr Elmore to cook, Capt White was in sight, maturing his plans for their surprise and capture. He stationed his company oMr Elmore to cook, Capt White was in sight, maturing his plans for their surprise and capture. He stationed his company of six mounted men several hundred yards off in a lane, at the further slope of an eminence, and in such a manner as to present the appearance of a front rank of cavalry force. They were two abreast, and really looked as appearances would seem to indicate. Capt White then made a circuit so as to avoid being seen by the enemy, and dashing boldly up to the party defiantly ordered a surrender, or he would cut them to pieces in a moment, at the same time pointing to the head of what seemed to be a
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