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City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
e news. The following is a summary of the latest reports: From the Upper Potomac. Our cavalry forces sent out from General Sheridan have re-occupied Martinsburg. An official dispatch from General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Station. Washington is filled with rumors of coming cabinet changes. One set of reports state that Secretaries Sewar
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
Still later from the North. The Baltimore American of the 11th. received last night. It contains very little news. The following is a summary of the latest reports: From the Upper Potomac. Our cavalry forces sent out from General Sheridan have re-occupied Martinsburg. An official dispatch from General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Stati
Moorefield (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
hington, 9th--12 Mt: A special meeting of the Cabinet was held this afternoon. It is understood that the long- pending quarrel between Mr. Blair and Mr. Stanton culminated on this occasion, and that Mr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in New York is two hundred and fifty-five. Detailed accounts are given of the recent engagement at Moorefield, in Hardy county. They claim that the Confederate forces were completely routed, with the loss of six hundred prisoners; that they fled in great disorder, and were pursued by Averill twenty-five miles. They assert that they captured Bradley Johnson and all his staff, with the colors and ordnance trains of his command, and a large quantity of small arms. McCausland, they affirm, barely escaped by fleeing to the mountains. Johnson, it is said, were no insignia of rank, and was thereby enabled
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
d Mr. Stanton culminated on this occasion, and that Mr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in New York is two hundred and fifty-five. Detailed accounts are given of the recent engagement at Moorefield, in Hardy county. They claim that the Confederate forces were completely routed, with the loss of six hundred prisoners; that they fled in great disorder, and were pursued by Averill twenty-five miles. They assert that they captured Bradley Johnson and all his staff, with the colors and ordnance trains of his command, and a large quantity of small arms. McCausland, they affirm, barely escaped by fleeing to the mountains. Johnson, it is said, were no insignia of rank, and was thereby enabled to effect his escape. Another capture is claimed of thirty-five loaded wagons, said to have been taken from the rebels near Aldie on Sunday last.
rumors of coming cabinet changes. One set of reports state that Secretaries Seward, Welles and Blair have tendered their resignations, whilst another says that Mr. Stanton is to vacate the War Department. The following is a special dispatch to the New York World dated Washington, 9th--12 Mt: A special meeting of the Cabinet was held this afternoon. It is understood that the long- pending quarrel between Mr. Blair and Mr. Stanton culminated on this occasion, and that Mr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in NewMr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in New York is two hundred and fifty-five. Detailed accounts are given of the recent engagement at Moorefield, in Hardy county. They claim that the Confederate forces were completely routed, with the loss of six hundred prisoners; that they fled in great disorder, and were pursued by Averill twenty-five miles. They assert that they
ve re-occupied Martinsburg. An official dispatch from General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. FrGeneral Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Station. Washington is filled with rumors of coming cabinet changes. One set of reports state that Secretaries Seward, Welles and Blair have tendered their resignations, whilst another says that Mr. Stanton is to vacate the War Department. The followin
d Mr. Stanton culminated on this occasion, and that Mr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in New York is two hundred and fifty-five. Detailed accounts are given of the recent engagement at Moorefield, in Hardy county. They claim that the Confederate forces were completely routed, with the loss of six hundred prisoners; that they fled in great disorder, and were pursued by Averill twenty-five miles. They assert that they captured Bradley Johnson and all his staff, with the colors and ordnance trains of his command, and a large quantity of small arms. McCausland, they affirm, barely escaped by fleeing to the mountains. Johnson, it is said, were no insignia of rank, and was thereby enabled to effect his escape. Another capture is claimed of thirty-five loaded wagons, said to have been taken from the rebels near Aldie on Sunday last.
McCausland (search for this): article 3
nd Mr. Stanton culminated on this occasion, and that Mr. Stanton, after a few sharp words with Mr. Blair, tendered his resignation, which was promptly accepted by the President. Miscellaneous. The latest gold quotation in New York is two hundred and fifty-five. Detailed accounts are given of the recent engagement at Moorefield, in Hardy county. They claim that the Confederate forces were completely routed, with the loss of six hundred prisoners; that they fled in great disorder, and were pursued by Averill twenty-five miles. They assert that they captured Bradley Johnson and all his staff, with the colors and ordnance trains of his command, and a large quantity of small arms. McCausland, they affirm, barely escaped by fleeing to the mountains. Johnson, it is said, were no insignia of rank, and was thereby enabled to effect his escape. Another capture is claimed of thirty-five loaded wagons, said to have been taken from the rebels near Aldie on Sunday last.
Still later from the North. The Baltimore American of the 11th. received last night. It contains very little news. The following is a summary of the latest reports: From the Upper Potomac. Our cavalry forces sent out from General Sheridan have re-occupied Martinsburg. An official dispatch from General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. General Sheridan reports his forces moving up the Shenandoah Valley against the enemy, and at 4 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Statio
dnesday) skirmishing was going on ten miles from Winchester. From Grant's army. There is nothing important from the Army of the Potomac. General Grant has returned to City Point. He reports the explosion of an ordnance boat, Tuesday, loaded with ammunition, at the City Point wharf. No details are given. From Florida. General Birney has made a raid in Florida, destroying several bridges and capturing a locomotive and several cars and a quantity of small arms. We now hold Baldwin and Camp Milton. Reported resignation of Secretary Station. Washington is filled with rumors of coming cabinet changes. One set of reports state that Secretaries Seward, Welles and Blair have tendered their resignations, whilst another says that Mr. Stanton is to vacate the War Department. The following is a special dispatch to the New York World dated Washington, 9th--12 Mt: A special meeting of the Cabinet was held this afternoon. It is understood that the long- pend
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