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France (France) (search for this): article 9
ers for Mrs. Ryves, preparatory to her case coming on in November next, in the Probate Court, I accidentally found, among other manuscripts, the following: London, January 3, 1772. Lord Chatham hereby agrees to indemnify Doctor James Wilmot may be subject to in the continuation of the "Letters of Junius." Authorizing the payment of £170 to J. W., on account of printing and publishing the work. [Signed] Chatham. From recent statistical returns of the mineral riches of France, it appears that the number of coal mines worked is four hundred and ninety, and of iron mines two hundred and two. Of other substances there are two hundred and forty-seven mines; comprising graphite, bitumen, rock- salt, antimony, manganese, lead, silver, copper, tin and zine, isolated or in combination. The concessions of coal mines extend over five thousand two hundred and twenty-six square kilometres (each two hundred and forty-seven acres) in forty-seven different departments. The m
Dangerfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 9
ve fund of fifty per cent. on its proposed capital. Mrs. Theresa Yelverton advertises in the second column of the Times that, finding it impossible, even with the aid of an amanuensis, to answer the numerous letters of sympathy and assistance addressed to her by entire strangers, she begs they will not construe her silence to any want of appreciation of their kindness, but accept this expression of her grateful and sincere thanks. In the work of deepening a well in Boscawen street, Truro, Scotland, the laborers have come upon some stones of grey spray. The specimens contain copper and lead, and crystals of what is called white iron. They have been brought from a depth of between five and six fathoms. It is understood that a scientific examination of the ground will be made. The English papers exult over the accession of a valuable picture to the National Portrait Gallery of London. It is the portrait of S. T. Coleridge, painted by the American artist, Washington All
Hamburg, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 9
A committee for the erection of a statue of Beranger, in Paris, has been formed, consisting of writers and journalists of all kinds, among whom are Havin, Guerrilla, Leonce Dupont, Dalloz, Fournier, Castille, Second, Lachamhaudic, Sardou, &c. Baron Taylor is the President, with E. Legouve as Vice-President. The Star (London) says: "Mr. Dickens is at his country house; Mr. Wilkie Collins is on a yachting excursion; Mr. Anthony Trollope is at the English Lakes; Mr. Elmore, R. A., is at Hamburg; Mr. Leech is at Schwalbach, and Mr. Millais is in Scotland. " The Record says: "We rejoice to hear that the Bible Society's agent at Constantinople has informed the committee that the recent repressive measures there were taken without the knowledge of the Sultan, and all is now set right." M. Rouher, the French Minister of State, with his family, has recently been at Milan. At the house of Count Vimercati, at Mirabellino, he had an interview with Prince Humbert. The Swiss
Scotland (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 9
to her by entire strangers, she begs they will not construe her silence to any want of appreciation of their kindness, but accept this expression of her grateful and sincere thanks. In the work of deepening a well in Boscawen street, Truro, Scotland, the laborers have come upon some stones of grey spray. The specimens contain copper and lead, and crystals of what is called white iron. They have been brought from a depth of between five and six fathoms. It is understood that a scientific . The Star (London) says: "Mr. Dickens is at his country house; Mr. Wilkie Collins is on a yachting excursion; Mr. Anthony Trollope is at the English Lakes; Mr. Elmore, R. A., is at Hamburg; Mr. Leech is at Schwalbach, and Mr. Millais is in Scotland. " The Record says: "We rejoice to hear that the Bible Society's agent at Constantinople has informed the committee that the recent repressive measures there were taken without the knowledge of the Sultan, and all is now set right." M.
Aberdeen (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 9
nd. " The Record says: "We rejoice to hear that the Bible Society's agent at Constantinople has informed the committee that the recent repressive measures there were taken without the knowledge of the Sultan, and all is now set right." M. Rouher, the French Minister of State, with his family, has recently been at Milan. At the house of Count Vimercati, at Mirabellino, he had an interview with Prince Humbert. The Swiss journals state that M. Rouher recently ascended the Righi, in company with Lady Russell, (?) Baron de Rothschild, of London, and the Prince de Furstemberg. One hundred thousand pounds is said to have been lately offered for the London Tavern, a striking illustration of the value of property in the city of London. Five acres of land have been purchased at Oxford for the erection of a Roman Catholic college and church. Meerschaum has been found in a red sandstone quarry near Aberdeen. Mr. Sothern has been making a visit to Baden-Baden.
Milan, Sullivan County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 9
Collins is on a yachting excursion; Mr. Anthony Trollope is at the English Lakes; Mr. Elmore, R. A., is at Hamburg; Mr. Leech is at Schwalbach, and Mr. Millais is in Scotland. " The Record says: "We rejoice to hear that the Bible Society's agent at Constantinople has informed the committee that the recent repressive measures there were taken without the knowledge of the Sultan, and all is now set right." M. Rouher, the French Minister of State, with his family, has recently been at Milan. At the house of Count Vimercati, at Mirabellino, he had an interview with Prince Humbert. The Swiss journals state that M. Rouher recently ascended the Righi, in company with Lady Russell, (?) Baron de Rothschild, of London, and the Prince de Furstemberg. One hundred thousand pounds is said to have been lately offered for the London Tavern, a striking illustration of the value of property in the city of London. Five acres of land have been purchased at Oxford for the erectio
Brussels (Belgium) (search for this): article 9
y Wordsworth and other friends of the poet the most satisfactory likeness that ever was painted of him. The following advertisement appears in the London papers: If you want to enjoy a luxury have your hair brushed by machinery at --'s model establishment. Hair cutting and brushing by patent machinery, 3d.; shampooing, ditto, 3d. The ne plus ultra of luxury is to be shampooed by --'s new shampooing apparatus. M. Mocquard has addressed the following letter to the Independence, of Brussels: Vichy, July 30.--The Independence of the 23d, which I have not seen until this day, states that M. Mocquard has assumed the title of Baron. I have never taken any such title, and I request you to rectify this error of your Paris correspondent. Accept, &c., Mocquard. A committee for the erection of a statue of Beranger, in Paris, has been formed, consisting of writers and journalists of all kinds, among whom are Havin, Guerrilla, Leonce Dupont, Dalloz, Fournier, Castille
Chatham (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 9
interesting to many of your readers to know that, whilst arranging some papers for Mrs. Ryves, preparatory to her case coming on in November next, in the Probate Court, I accidentally found, among other manuscripts, the following: London, January 3, 1772. Lord Chatham hereby agrees to indemnify Doctor James Wilmot may be subject to in the continuation of the "Letters of Junius." Authorizing the payment of £170 to J. W., on account of printing and publishing the work. [Signed] Chatham. From recent statistical returns of the mineral riches of France, it appears that the number of coal mines worked is four hundred and ninety, and of iron mines two hundred and two. Of other substances there are two hundred and forty-seven mines; comprising graphite, bitumen, rock- salt, antimony, manganese, lead, silver, copper, tin and zine, isolated or in combination. The concessions of coal mines extend over five thousand two hundred and twenty-six square kilometres (each two
Baden (Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) (search for this): article 9
d. " The Record says: "We rejoice to hear that the Bible Society's agent at Constantinople has informed the committee that the recent repressive measures there were taken without the knowledge of the Sultan, and all is now set right." M. Rouher, the French Minister of State, with his family, has recently been at Milan. At the house of Count Vimercati, at Mirabellino, he had an interview with Prince Humbert. The Swiss journals state that M. Rouher recently ascended the Righi, in company with Lady Russell, (?) Baron de Rothschild, of London, and the Prince de Furstemberg. One hundred thousand pounds is said to have been lately offered for the London Tavern, a striking illustration of the value of property in the city of London. Five acres of land have been purchased at Oxford for the erection of a Roman Catholic college and church. Meerschaum has been found in a red sandstone quarry near Aberdeen. Mr. Sothern has been making a visit to Baden-Baden.
James Wilmot (search for this): article 9
4½-inch plates, but not the backing; but the shot and shell of the Armstrong gun shattered the target to pieces. Mr. H. Coleby writes to the London Telegraph: It may not be uninteresting to many of your readers to know that, whilst arranging some papers for Mrs. Ryves, preparatory to her case coming on in November next, in the Probate Court, I accidentally found, among other manuscripts, the following: London, January 3, 1772. Lord Chatham hereby agrees to indemnify Doctor James Wilmot may be subject to in the continuation of the "Letters of Junius." Authorizing the payment of £170 to J. W., on account of printing and publishing the work. [Signed] Chatham. From recent statistical returns of the mineral riches of France, it appears that the number of coal mines worked is four hundred and ninety, and of iron mines two hundred and two. Of other substances there are two hundred and forty-seven mines; comprising graphite, bitumen, rock- salt, antimony, manga
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