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John B. Hood | 59 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Resaca (Georgia, United States) | 12 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1865., [Electronic resource].
Found 837 total hits in 337 results.
United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
We believe that the evacuation of Charleston and of all our scabbard cities would long ago have added to the strength of the Confederacy.
It is mortifying to give up a city which is the peculiar object of Federal vengeance, and which has been so long and so heroically defended.
But, after a four years resistance to the utmost power of the United States, it loses no honor by the evacuation, which military necessity has compelled.
The Yankees may hold Charleston for a time, as the British did in the Revolution, but the end of the war will restore it to the Confederate flag, and it will enter a new career of prosperity and importance.
Whatever the event of the struggle, Charleston has covered itself with renown, and will long live in history.
Butler (search for this): article 2
Some of General Butler's enemies at the North are making a grand fuss over sundry alleged cotton speculations of his; in which he has defrauded the United States Government.
It is natural that such conduct should excite indignation among the most scrupulous and honest community in the world, but we doubt whether it can be is capable not only of such an abomination, but of the infinitely greater wickedness of being found out. If we have sometimes beheld or fancied something dark in Butler's aspect, we have certainly never perceived anything green.
We refuse to believe any charges of cotton stealing against that exemplary person till we see the evi s proved guilty.
We are slowly coming to the conclusion that being found out is the only crime in the moral code of most politicians.
We do not believe that Butler is likely to be guilty of this crime.
He is neither better nor worse than many other of the large gang of political adventurers to whom he belongs.
It is all ve
Dutch Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Sherman (search for this): article 3
Sidney Smith (search for this): article 3
Simon Suggs (search for this): article 3
1861 AD (search for this): article 4
Spirit of our soldiers.
At a meeting of the Thirty-second Virginia infantry, Corse's brigade, Pickett's division, held in the trenches on the evening of the 13th of February, Sergeant R. A. Sclater was appointed chairman, and Lieutenant A. T. Pettit secretary.
The following preamble and resolutions were adopted with the utmost enthusiasm and without a dissenting voice:
Whereas, we, the men of the Thirty-second Virginia infantry, entered upon this war in 1861 with the intention of preserving our freedom; and whereas, in 1864 we re-enlisted for the war for the same purpose; and whereas, the enemy is still invading our solid with the original purpose of our subjugation or annihilation; therefore.
"Resolved, That we accept the issue, and are determined to resist until our independence shall have been acknowledged or extermination reached.
"Resolved, That we are determined to follow wherever Jeff. Davis directs or General Lee leads.
"Resolved, That as Virgini
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 4
Chairman (search for this): article 4
1864 AD (search for this): article 4