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Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men.

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ment of Alexandria by name, who introduced to the world in his discourses the phrase men and women, or women and men, for he uses both forms. The truth is that Clement was a very learned Greek philosopher, who had gone through a conversion. Tie dearly loved the Greek mythology, in which women take a part so conspicuous; and though he felt bound to preach against that mythology all the time, he could not help dwelling on its picturesque details. To him every woman was a sort of reformed Artemis or Aphrodite, always tempted to relapse into her sins. The vanities of dress especially horrified him, though it surely was not in any undue profusion or variety of costume that the beautiful Greek goddesses chiefly erred. Had he lived in these times, and written for Harper's Bazaar, he would doubtless have entered his protest on every page against the new fashions on the page opposite. But his merit was that he bore his testimony, whether wise or unwise, for the benefit of both sexes al
Aphrodite (search for this): chapter 1
andria by name, who introduced to the world in his discourses the phrase men and women, or women and men, for he uses both forms. The truth is that Clement was a very learned Greek philosopher, who had gone through a conversion. Tie dearly loved the Greek mythology, in which women take a part so conspicuous; and though he felt bound to preach against that mythology all the time, he could not help dwelling on its picturesque details. To him every woman was a sort of reformed Artemis or Aphrodite, always tempted to relapse into her sins. The vanities of dress especially horrified him, though it surely was not in any undue profusion or variety of costume that the beautiful Greek goddesses chiefly erred. Had he lived in these times, and written for Harper's Bazaar, he would doubtless have entered his protest on every page against the new fashions on the page opposite. But his merit was that he bore his testimony, whether wise or unwise, for the benefit of both sexes alike. For wo
Thomas Gisborne (search for this): chapter 1
y of sunlight, and stretching a robust right arm upward after the crown of wisdom. According to the titles of these books it would seem that men have their whole duty to perform as men, while women follow their calling as ladies, a distinction even more confusing than that of the stations on the American railways, whose doors are sometimes tersely labelled Men and Women, while others bear in preference the more fastidious designation Gentlemen and Ladies. It was not till 1797 that the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, having already published his Duties of men, came out with a corresponding volume, Duties of women, which at once superseded all similar works, and instructed the women of England-leaving the ladies to take care of themselves — for fifty years, the fourteenth edition appearing in 1847, and I know not how many others since that day. Since his time men and women have so constantly worked together for the purpose of moral instruction, at least, that we almost forget that the joint phra
Johnny Crowne (search for this): chapter 1
e whole audience as if it were a parliament, or, in the phrase then familiar, a diet: Fair English Diet, then, Senate of ladies, lower house of men, I humbly pray, decree before you go. This was in 1671, the author being little starch Johnny Crowne; as Lord Rochester called him, from his starched neck-cloth. Crowne was born in Nova Scotia; and it is curious that even at that early day this continent should have begun to supply England with the seeds of social heresy on the woman questiCrowne was born in Nova Scotia; and it is curious that even at that early day this continent should have begun to supply England with the seeds of social heresy on the woman question. In these days the joint phrase Men and women has thoroughly established itself, and needs no further vindication; and if I reverse it, putting women first, it is with no revolutionary design, although for a definite purpose. It is all very well, said Danton, in the French Revolution, so long as people cry Danton and Robespierre! It is when they begin to cry Robespierre and Danton! that I must look to my safety. In saying Women and men it is only implied that these papers are addressed
G. J. Danton (search for this): chapter 1
no further vindication; and if I reverse it, putting women first, it is with no revolutionary design, although for a definite purpose. It is all very well, said Danton, in the French Revolution, so long as people cry Danton and Robespierre! It is when they begin to cry Robespierre and Danton! that I must look to my safety. In sDanton and Robespierre! It is when they begin to cry Robespierre and Danton! that I must look to my safety. In saying Women and men it is only implied that these papers are addressed more to the one sex than the other, though exclusively to neither. The interests, tastes, duties, and position of women have come to constitute a separate department of literature, and often a literature by itself. The time has passed when men wrote down to wDanton! that I must look to my safety. In saying Women and men it is only implied that these papers are addressed more to the one sex than the other, though exclusively to neither. The interests, tastes, duties, and position of women have come to constitute a separate department of literature, and often a literature by itself. The time has passed when men wrote down to women; and it was the mile-stone of a new era when the greatest of modern poets put into the hands of woman, at the close of his Faust, the guiding thread of the world's immediate future. Das Ewigweibliche zieht uns hinan, or, as Bayard Taylor translates it, The Woman-soul leadeth us Upward and On.
Poland (Poland) (search for this): chapter 1
that day. Since his time men and women have so constantly worked together for the purpose of moral instruction, at least, that we almost forget that the joint phrase practically originated with St. Clement. But it was the British stage, after all, which took the hint more promptly than the Church; and although at first it would not tolerate women upon its boards, soon addressed to both sexes its prologues and its epilogues. In the epilogue to the old play of Juliana, or tie Princess of Poland, this being spoken in dialogue, as often happened, by an actor of each sex, the woman rebukes the man for addressing the audience as You, gentlemen! She says: You, gentlemen! and why, I pray, to them? What! do the ladies merit no esteem? She then takes his place, and addresses the whole audience as if it were a parliament, or, in the phrase then familiar, a diet: Fair English Diet, then, Senate of ladies, lower house of men, I humbly pray, decree before you go. This was in
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): chapter 1
u, gentlemen! She says: You, gentlemen! and why, I pray, to them? What! do the ladies merit no esteem? She then takes his place, and addresses the whole audience as if it were a parliament, or, in the phrase then familiar, a diet: Fair English Diet, then, Senate of ladies, lower house of men, I humbly pray, decree before you go. This was in 1671, the author being little starch Johnny Crowne; as Lord Rochester called him, from his starched neck-cloth. Crowne was born in Nova Scotia; and it is curious that even at that early day this continent should have begun to supply England with the seeds of social heresy on the woman question. In these days the joint phrase Men and women has thoroughly established itself, and needs no further vindication; and if I reverse it, putting women first, it is with no revolutionary design, although for a definite purpose. It is all very well, said Danton, in the French Revolution, so long as people cry Danton and Robespierre! It i
driven women out of shelter. The linen and the woollen must still be woven and made into garments, but it must be done away from home. Even the few arts of this kind that lingered longest beneath the cottage roof have almost or quite vanished. Hannah is no longer at the window binding shoes, or Delia braiding straw hats. Industry is systematized: Hannah and Delia go to labor at the shop, or at the works, or the factory. They still do in substance what the women did beneath the roof of King Hannah and Delia go to labor at the shop, or at the works, or the factory. They still do in substance what the women did beneath the roof of King Alcinous; but instead of doing it as in those days, in return for home and protection and food, they do it for money. They are no longer under shelter; they are thrown out into the great, busy, bustling world; they make their own contract for wages, and collect these for themselves. They are as far as possible from the condition of perpetual tutelage which was, according to Sir Henry Maine, the recognized position of the Roman woman, following out more systematically the condition of her Gree
II. outside of the shelter. Many years ago, in April, 1859, Harriet Martineau wrote an article on Female industry, in the Edinburgh Review, and stated very forcibly the wholly changed conditions of women's labor since the days when Adam delved and eve span. She called attention to the simple fact that a very large proportion of English women now earn their own bread, and that upon this changed condition the whole question must turn. A social organization, she said, framed for a community of which half staved at home while the other half went out to work cannot answer the purposes of a society of which a quarter remains at home while three-quarters go out to work. She pointed out that while it might formerly leave been true, as a rule, that men supported women, it was also true that this state of things had already ceased to be the general fact. Three millions out of six of adult English women work for subsistence, and two out of the three in independence. With this new cond
Edinburgh Review (search for this): chapter 2
II. outside of the shelter. Many years ago, in April, 1859, Harriet Martineau wrote an article on Female industry, in the Edinburgh Review, and stated very forcibly the wholly changed conditions of women's labor since the days when Adam delved and eve span. She called attention to the simple fact that a very large proportion of English women now earn their own bread, and that upon this changed condition the whole question must turn. A social organization, she said, framed for a community of which half staved at home while the other half went out to work cannot answer the purposes of a society of which a quarter remains at home while three-quarters go out to work. She pointed out that while it might formerly leave been true, as a rule, that men supported women, it was also true that this state of things had already ceased to be the general fact. Three millions out of six of adult English women work for subsistence, and two out of the three in independence. With this new cond
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