Found 874 total hits in 486 results.
5; asks for leave of absence, 155, 156; sails for Europe, 157; asks for further leave of absence, 157, 158; the Spanish Student, 162; returns home, 162; anti-slavery poems, 163-165; abolitionists on, 166; Irish abolitionist on, 167; intimacy with Lowell, 169; announces his engagement and marriage to Frances Appleton, 171, 172; aided in Poets and Poetry of Europe, 173; in the class room, 176-179; letters about college work, 179-183; letter about elective system, 182, 183; finds college work monotto, 46, 47; Mary S. P. Longfellow's letter to, about European trip, 88-97; H. W. L.'s letter to, 97, 98.
Longfellow family, 60.
Longfellow Memorial Association, 121.
Louis the Sixteenth, 47.
Lover's Seat, the, cited, 143 note.
Lowell, John A., 182.
Lowell, James R., 1, 6, 57, 59, 82, 146, 192, 197, 211, 223, 228, 248, 251, 271, 273, 285, 294; intimacy with Longfellow, 168, 169; on Longfellow's Dante translations, 227; expresses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; l
, 294; his Twice-Told Tales, mentioned, 72, 130; on Voices of the Night, 141; married, 162; suggests Evangeline to Longfellow, 194,195; on Kavanagh, 199.
Healy, George P. A., 223.
Heard, Tom, 131.
Heath, Mr., Book of Beauty, mentioned, 121.
Heidelberg, 111, 113, 128.
Herwegh, Georg, 161.
Hiawatha, 187, 221, 258; commenced, 208; newspapers on, 209.
Hillard, George S., 168, 284.
Hilliard, Gray & Co., 69.
Hingham, Mass., 61.
Hirm, Me., 12.
Holm, Saxe, 122.
Holmes, Dr., Oliver Wendell, 1, 6, 57, 68, 146, 197, 273, 285, 294; on Evangeline, 194; on Longfellow, 287.
Home Circle, the, quoted, 279.
Homer, 5, 235.
Hook, Theodore, 10.
Horace, 19, 45.
Howe, Dr. Samuel G., 284.
Howe family, 214.
Howells, William D., 126, 198; on Kavanagh, 200.
Hudson River, 132, 248.
Hughes, Mr., 96.
Hugo, Victor, 3, 5,
Humphreys, David, 23.
Hunt, Helen, 122.
Huron, Lake, 209.
Hyperion, 55, 112, 113, 127, 134, 137-139, 171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70;
Packard, Prof., Alpheus, 61.
Paris, 46-48, 63, 158, 161, 223.
Parker, Theodore, 285.
Parsons, Theophilus, 23, 27.
Parsons, Thomas W., 209, 214, 215.
Paul, Jean, 199, 289.
Payne, John, 131.
Peabody, Rev. O. W. B., 70.
Percival, James Gates, 19, 23, 27, 145.
Pfizer, Ludwig, his Junggesell, mentioned, 149.
Philadelphia, Pa., 22, 51, 132, 164, 166, 192, 193, 264.
Phillips, Wendell, 285.
Pierce, Mrs. Anne (Longfellow), 91, 92, 100.
Pierce, George W., 81, 91, 99,112.
Pierpont, Rev., John, 145.
Platen, Count von, 191.
Pliny, 54.
Plymouth, Mass., 12.
Poe, Edgar A., 6, 10, 142-144, 168, 259, 267, 269, 276; admiration of Longfellow, 141; influence of, 268.
Pope, Alexander, 40.
Portland, Me., 11, 13, 14, 19, 57, 60,
61, 87, 98, 106, 172, 189.
Portland Academy, 15-17.
Portland Gazette, the, 22.
Potomac River, 116.
Potter, Anne (Storer), 60.
Potter, Hon., Barrett, 60, 63; Longfellow's letter to, about his wife's death, 107-111.
Potter, Eliza A., 10
shmataha, 79.
Quincy, Edmund, 285.
Quincy, Josiah, 122, 178; his letter to Longfellow offering professorship, 84, 85; Longfellow's letters to, 85-87, 155, 157, 158; his letter to Longfellow about absence, 159, 160.
Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 133, 158.
Quincy, Miss, 158.
Racine, Jean, 65, 176.
Raleigh, Va., 82.
Raynes, Capt., 131.
Reboul, of Nimes, 191.
Reed, E. J., 224.
Revolution, American, the, 12,117.
Rhine River, 131, 170, 193.
Richter, Jean Paul, 64, 112, 113, 127.
Riddle, George, 290.
Riedesel, Baroness, 117.
Robert College, 3.
Robinson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 161.
Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern Painters, quoted, 237.
Russia, 43.
Russia, steamer, 219.
Sachs, Hans, 234.
Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207.
Sailly, Madame de, 47.
St. Go
rge R., 127; his Longfellow, cited, 127 note, 166 note.
Carter, Mr. (Longfellow's teacher), 15,17.
Carter, James G., 23.
Cervantes, Miguel de, 188.
Chamberlain Collection of Autographs, 139 note.
Channing, W. Ellery, 271.
Channing, Rev. William E., 11, 164.
Chantrey, Sir, Francis, 90.
Charles River, 116, 118.
Chasles, Prof., Philarete, 195; describes Longfellow, 196,197.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 249.
Chelsea, Eng., 90.
Chivers, Dr. Thomas H., 145; his Eonchs of Ruby, mentioned, 1f Nimes, 191.
Reed, E. J., 224.
Revolution, American, the, 12,117.
Rhine River, 131, 170, 193.
Richter, Jean Paul, 64, 112, 113, 127.
Riddle, George, 290.
Riedesel, Baroness, 117.
Robert College, 3.
Robinson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 161.
Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern
., Barrett, 142; his Literary History of America, cited, 142 note.
Wesselhoeft, Dr., Robert, 161.
West Point, N. Y., 18.
Westminster Abbey, service of commemoration for Longfellow at, 248-257.
Weston, Miss Anne W., 167.
Weston Mss., cited, 167 note.
White Mountains, 51, 132.
Whitman, Walt, 6, 10, 276.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1, 6, 68, 134, 168, 258, 265, 267, 285, 294; thanks Longfellow for his antislavery poems, 167; his literary position, 259; relations with Longfellow, 271.
Wijk, Mr., 101-103.
Wijk, Mrs., 102, 103.
Wilcox, Carlos, 145.
Wilde, Oscar, 292.
Wilkins, Mary, 198.
Willis, Nathaniel P., 8, 19, 89, 90, 247.
Windsor Castle, 221.
Winter, William, on Longfellow's unpublished poems, 276.
Winthrop, R. C., 222.
Wiseman, Cardinal, on Longfellow, 281.
Worcester, Joseph E., 121.
Worcester, Noah, 63, 64.
Worcester, Mass., 118 note.
Wordsworth, William, 7-10, 80, 266.
York Cathedral, 224.
Yorkshire County, Eng., 11.
Zedlitz, Joseph C., 161.