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M. Lampo'nius a Lucanian, was one of the principal captains of the Italians in the war of the allies with Rome, B. C. 90-88. He commanded in his native province at the breaking out of the war, since he drove P. Licinius Crassus [CRASSUS, LICINIUS, No. 14] with great loss into Grumentum. (Frontin. Strat. 2.4, 16.) In the last war with Sulla, B. C. 83-2, when the Samnites and Lucanians had become the allies of the Marian party at Rome, Lamponius was the companion of Pontius of Telesia in his march upon the capital. After victory finally declared for Sulla at the Colline gate, Lamponius disappeared with the herd of fugitives. (Appian, App. BC 1.40, 41, 90, 93; Plut. Sull. 29; Flor. 3.21; Eutrop. 5.8.) *)Apw/nios in Diodorus (xxxvii. Eclog. i.) is a misreading for Lamponius. [W.B.D]
ployed himself on astrology, and he was one of the dupes of this supposed science. His chief master in this art was Thrasyllus, who predicted that he would be emperor. (Tac. Ann. 6.21.) Augustus had not been very ready to allow Tiberius to retire to Rhodes, and he was not willing to let him come back; but, at the instance of Caius Caesar, Tiberius was allowed to return, A. D. 2. He was relieved from one trouble during his absence, for his wife Julia was banished to the island of Pandataria (B. C. 2), and he never saw her again. (D. C. 55.10.) Suetonius says that Tiberius, by letter, entreated the emperor to let Julia keep whatever he had given her. Tiberius was employed in public affairs until the death of L. Caesar (A. D. 2). which was followed by the death of C. Caesar (A. D. 4). Augustus, now being without a successor of his own blood, adopted Tiberius, the son of his wife Livia, with the view of leaving to him the power that he had himself acquired; and at the same time he requi
Silva'nus, Plau'tius 2. M. Plautius Silvanus, M. F. A. N., was consul B. C. 2. He afterwards served with great distinction under Tiberius in the Pannonian and Illyrican wars, and obtained in consequence, as we learn from an inscription, the triumphal ornaments (Vell. 2.112; D. C. 55.34, 56.12 ; Gruter, p. 452. 6).
Sci'pio 7. L. Cornelius Scipio, also son of No. 5, was consul in B. C. 2.59, with C. Aquillius Florus. He drove the Carthaginians out of Sardinia and Corsica, defeating Hanno, the Carthaginian commander, and obtained a triumph in consequence. The epitaph on his tomb records that " he took Corsica and the city of Aleria." In the Fasti he appears as censor in B. C. 258, with C. Duilius, and his epitaph calls him " Consul, Censor, Aedilis." (Liv. Ep. 17; Oros. 4.7; Eutrop. 2.20; Flor. 2.2; Zonar. 8.11; V. Max. 5.1.2; Orelli, Inscr. No. 552.)
ompelled by her father to marry the aged Agrippa, and her sons, Caius and Lucius Caesar, were raised to the dignity of principes juventutis. At the death of Agrippa, in B. C. 12, Tiberius was obliged to divorce his wife, Vipsania, and, contrary to his own will, to marry Julia. Dissatisfied with her conduct and the elevation of her sons, he went, in B. C. 6, to Rhodes, where he spent eight years, to avoid living with Julia. Augustus, who became at last disgusted with her conduct, sent her in B. C. 2 into exile in the island of Pandataria, near the coast of Campania, whither she was followed by her mother, Scribonia. The children of Julia, Julia the Younger and Agrippa Postumus, were likewise banished. The grief of Augustus was increased by the deaths of his friend Maecenas, in B. C. 8, and of his two grandsons, Caius and Lucius Caesar, who are said to have fallen victims to the ambitious designs of Livia, who wished to make room for her own son, Tiberius, whom the deluded emperor was p
of the Arsacidae, established on the throne of Armenia by his brother, Mithridates Arsaces [ARSACES VI.] king of the Parthians. --B. C. 127. Arsaces or Arshag I., his son.--B. C. 114. Artaces, Artaxes, or Ardashes I., his son.--B. C. 89. Tigranes or Dikran I. (II.), his son.--B. C. 36. Artavasdes or Artawazt I., his son.--B. C. 30. Artaxes II., his son.--B. C. 20. Tigranes II., brother of Artaxes II.--B. C. .... Tigranes III.--B. C. 6. Artavasdes II.--B. C. 5. Tigranes III. reestablished.--B. C. 2. Erato, queen. A. D. 2. Ariobarzanes, a Parthian prince, established by the Romans.--A. D. 4. Artavasdes III. or Artabases, his Son.--A. D. 5. Erato re-established ; death uncertain.-- .... Interregnum.--A. D. 16. Vonones.--A. D. 17. Interregnum.--A. D. 18. Zeno of Pontus, surnamed Artaxias.--... Tigranes IV., son of Alexander Herodes.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.--A. D. 52. Tiridates I.--A. D. 60. Tigranes V. of the race of H
d. The latter assertion, too, is not indisputable. There are no means of fixing the dates of several of his pieces; and El. 4.6, which alludes to Caius and Lucius, the grandsons of Augustus (1. 82), was probably written considerably after B. C. 15. (Clinton, F. H. B. C. 26.) With regard to Masson's second reason, the passages in the Ars Am. by no means show that Propertius was dead; and even if they did, it would be a strange method of proving a man defunct in B. C. 15, because he was so in B. C. 2, Masson's own date for the publication of that poem ! Propertius resided on the Esquiline, near the gardens of Maecenas. He seems to have cultivated the friendship of his brother poets, as Ponticus, Bassus, Ovid, and others. He mentions Virgil (2.34. 63) in a way that shows he had heard parts of the Aeneid privately recited. But though he belonged to the circle of Maecenas, he never once mentions Horace. He is equally silent about Tibullus. His not mentioning Ovid is best explained by the
Anto'nius 19. JULUS ANTONIUS, M. F. M. N., the younger son of the triumvir by Fulvia, was brought up by his step-mother Octavia at Rome, and after his father's death (B. C. 30) received great marks of favour from Augustus, through the influence of Octavia. (Plut. Ant. 87; D. C. 51.15.) Augustus married him to Marcella, the daughter of Octavia by her first husband, C. Marcellus, conferred upon him the praetorship in B. C. 13, and the consulship in B. C. 10. (Vell. 2.100 ; D. C. 54.26, 36; Suet. Cl. 2.) In consequence of his adulterous intercourse with Julia, the daughter of Augustus, he was condemned to death by the emperor in B. C. 2, but seems to have anticipated his execution by a voluntary death. He was also accused of aiming at the empire. (D. C. 55.10; Senec. de Brevit. Vit. 5; Tac. Ann. 4.44, 3.18; Plin. Nat. 7.46; Vell. Pat. l.c.) Antonius was a poet, as we learn from one of Horace's odes (4.2), which is addressed to him.
which last he extended to the river Tanais, and destroyed the city of that name, which had ventured to throw off his yoke (Strab. xi. pp. 493, 4.95, 499.) But having engaged in an expedition against the barbarian tribe of the Aspurgians (who inhabited the mountains above Phanagoria) he was not only defeated by them, but taken prisoner, and immediately put to death. (Id. xi. p. 495, xii. p. 556.) The date of this event is unknown; but it appears from an inscription that he must have been still on the throne as late as B. C. 2. (Böckh, Corp. Inscr. vol. ii. No. 3524; Eckhel, vol. ii. p. 369.) Polemon had been twice married: first to Dynamis, a daughter of Pharnaces, and grand-daughter of Mithridates the Great, by whom he appears to have had no children. (D. C. 54.24); and secondly to PYTHODORIS, who succeeded him on the throne. By her he left two sons, Polemon II., and Zenon king of Armenia, and one daughter who was married to Cotys king of Thrace. (Strab. xii. p.556; Tac. Ann. 2.56.
Go'rdius a Cappadocian by birth, the instrument of Mithridates Eupator VI. in his attempts to annex Cappadocia to Pontus. Gordius was employed by him, in B. C. 96, to murder Ariarathes VI. king of Cappadocia [ARIARATHES, No. 6]. He was afterwards tutor of a son of Mithridates. whom, after the murder of Ariarathes VII. he made king of Cappadocia. Gordius was sent as the envoy of Mithridates to Rome, and afterwards employed by him to engage Tigranes, king of Armenia, to attack Cappadocia, and expel Ariobarzanes I., whom the Romans made king of that country in B. C. 93. Sulla restored Ariobarzanes in the following year, and drove Gordius out of Cappadocia. Gordius was opposed to Muraena on the banks of the Halys, B. C. 83-2. (Justin, 38.1-3; App. Mith. 66; Plut. Sull. 5.) [W.B.D]
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