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March 7th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 135
n form as good an idea of affairs below as I can. I shall not believe in the safety of the Indianola until I see her. The firing of the heavy guns may have been a ruse to entice some more of our gunboats down there, but it won't succeed. Brown may be there and out of coal, and I am afraid to set a coal-barge adrift for fear the ram might pick it up and be enabled to cut around with it, for they have a short supply now. D. D. Porter. Richmond Examiner account. Richmond, Va., March 7, 1863. In the early part of the war, the Southern Confederacy was much diverted with the Yankee fright at masked batteries, little thinking the day would soon come for them to turn the tables on us and join in a general guffaw over our panic at gunboats. During the summer of 1862, the newspapers (believed by the immense Conrad) pleaded earnestly for the fortification of coasts, harbors, and rivers, and endeavored to prepare the public mind for the disasters which would inevitably ensue as
Doc. 125.-destruction of the Indianola. Rear-Admiral Porter's despatch. U. S. Mississippi Squadron, Yazoo River, March 10, via Memphis and Louisville, March 13th. The Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: I have been pretty well assured for some time past that the Indianola had been blown up, in consequence of the appearance of a wooden imitation mortar, which the enemy sunk with their batteries. The mortar was a valuable aid to us. It forced away the Queen of the West, and caused the blowing up of the Indianola. The following is an account of the affair, taken from the Vicksburgh Whig of the fifth instant: destruction of the Indianola.--We stated a day or two since that we would not enlighten our readers in regard to a matter which was puzzling them very much. We alluded to the loss of the gunboat Indianola, recently captured from the enemy. We were loth to acknowledge she had been destroyed, but such is the case. The Yankee barge sent down the river la
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