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or Dwight, in his appeal to Stonewall Jackson, that he was a major in the Second Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Gordon of Massachusetts, who is, I believe, said the Major, an old friend of yours. Friend of mine, sir? replied old Jack, --he was, sir, once a friend. Major Dwight retired, his request unheeded. As I write these lines, the name of T. J. Jackson, of Virginia, confronts me from a sheet filled with the autographs of my classmates at the Military Academy at West Point, reminding me of that boy companion to whom the dawn of life was as serious as its close,--that honest, dear old Jack, who as Lieutenant-General (Stonewall) Jackson remembered me, in 1862, no longer as a friend. Return now to the main street, through which, towards Martinsburg, moved the main column of our troops. An eager enemy was close upon us; there was no time for any arrangement or defence. Pursuers and pursued were swallowed from view, and the rout roared through every street wi
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): chapter 9
peland! that he should have told the country to blame the Secretary of War for our retreat; for this was given by the President as one of the reasons After Copeland's dismissal from the army, in August, 1862, he sought an interview with Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, at which the following occurred :-- The President replied, Well, sir, I know something about your case, and I'll tell you what I know. You're the man who went to Boston about the time Jackson broke td recommended my promotion to a brigadier-generalslip. The President of the United States in a personal interview informed me that the reason why he did not heed this recommendation was because the Governor of your State protests against it. Mr. Lincoln, at the time of making this reply, held in his hand a paper, from which he assumed to read the protest. On the 4th of June, 1862, Governor Andrew, in acknowledging my application for two surgeons, and informing me that he has sent Doctors H
A. S. Williams (search for this): chapter 9
General Banks thinks that Trimble's flank movement was abandoned because General Williams, our division commander, sent a detachment of cavalry to intercept it. e been 3 killed and 17 wounded. Banks also reported that there were 189 men of Williams's division sick in hospital at Strasburg, and that 125 of them were left in thof the War Department, is assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, General A. S. Williams's division, and will relieve Colonel George H. Gordon, Second Massachuseral N. P. Banks, D. D. Perkins, Major and A. A. A. Gen. By command of General A. S. Williams. Wm. D. Wilkins, Capt. and A. A. S. Official, S. E. Pittman, 1st Lieuled the position asked for him, having been in command of the Third Brigade of Williams's division. The high state of discipline attained by his brigade, together wi. John P. Hatch, Brig.-Gen. Cavalry. S. W. Crawford, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. A. S. Williams, B. G. C. 1st Div. Geo. S. Greene, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. signed by all the
ia, and on the extreme left the Twentyseventh Indiana. Before us, just over the crest of the hill opposite, was the enemy; but he could not show himself without being in sight and range of my command. From one and a half to two miles on my left, on the Front Royal road, Ewell was confronted by Donelly's brigade of three regiments,--the Twenty-eighth New York, Fifth Connecticut, Forty-sixth Pennsylvania, and Best's United States Battery of six smooth-bore brass pieces under command of Lieutenant Crosby. The country in front of Donelly on the south and east is almost level. From this description it will be seen, that, with Winchester as a centre, we occupied at daylight of the 25th a portion of an arc the whole of which was at least two and a half miles in length, or 4,400 yards. We could with our. command occupy only 1,750 yards of the 4,400; for 3,500 men in two ranks will cover no more. In other words, we could extend over a little more than one third of our front. With 16,00
drews then threw out to his right and front his right company, commanded by Captain Savage, as a covering skirmish-line. Soon, however, this company was sent forwardeir batteries, I ordered my gunners to fire upon them; and at the same time Captain Savage, finding the Rebel artillery within good range from his stone-wall, opened upon their gunners. Now Colonel Andrews strengthened Captain Savage by Captain Cary's Company. While the fire from my battery was incessant and effective, the twt on the edge of the ridge; he saw, nearer to his left front, Captains Cary and Savage behind an oblique stone-fence pouring a galling fire upon his gunners that struith canister raking them, General Jackson found that not one inch could he make Savage or Cary turn back, although Cary was knocked over by a flying stone, through a , from the hill. [So the enemy seems to have interpreted the movements of Captains Savage and Cary.] At the same moment another Federal battery began to thunder on
Joln R. Kenly (search for this): chapter 9
s, and men wearied from long marching, fasting, and fighting; also the wounded who had sunk on the ground overpowered, --many such were picked up by the enemy's cavalry; but what else?--what that any commander of even ordinary ability would have done, under similar circumstances? Feeling the necessity of defending him, Dabney or Cooke, or both of them, aver that General Jackson ordered General Steuart to follow with his cavalry and capture us, even as Flournoy had ridden down and captured Kenly on the 23d in his attempt at escape; and that Steuart would not obey, because he was under the immediate command of Ewell, from whom he had received no orders. What man of military fame would not blush at such an excuse? It is with amazement that I, even now, recall that retreat from Winchester. Encumbered with baggage, a wearied, defeated, overworked, and desponding force plods on its foot-march for fifty-four miles to the Potomac, receiving a constant fire of artillery in its rear for t
ckets. This command consisted, as it will be remembered, of a North Carolina brigade under General Trimble, of the First Maryland Regiment, and two batteries (Courtenay's and Brockenbrough's). As Ewtack, nor from any other that the small force Jackson had given Ewell could make. Seeing this, Trimble suggested throwing forward the right and turning Donelly's flank. It was done, and the enemy csult with their batteries. The Federals took a new position nearer the town. The remainder of Trimble's brigade (Sixteenth Mississippi and Fifteenth Alabama regiments) now joined the Twenty-first Georgia; but instead of attacking in front again, General Ewell adopted the suggestion of Trimble, and moved farther to the right, so as to threaten the Federal flank and rear. This manceuvre, combinway. Jackson's Valley Campaign (Allan), pp. 111, 112. In his report General Banks thinks that Trimble's flank movement was abandoned because General Williams, our division commander, sent a detachm
A. H. Quint (search for this): chapter 9
ut; but the enemy was so close upon it that Major Dwight fell into his hands. He could have escaped but for his sympathy with a wounded man, whom he aided into a house. After Major Dwight's capture, a very quiet and peaceable affair (given by Quint in the Second Massachusetts Record ), the Major remained in Winchester, and of course was not inactive. He visited the scene of our fight, reviewed our position, comforted the wounded, and buried our dead. For some required conveniences Major Dre thus saved. But the stores at Front Royal, of which he had no knowledge until his visit to that post on the 21st inst., and those at Winchester, of which a considerable portion was destroyed by our troops, are not embraced in this statement. Quint Chaplain Second Massachusetts, in Record of Second Massachusetts infantry. says, A wagon-train eight miles long lost only fifty wagons, and we brought off all our artillery, losing only one caisson. The enemy's account of his captures is
hirteen miles, but finding that he could not flank or cut us off, halted his infantry and gave up the pursuit to his batteries and cavalry,--and these annoyed us for a time by sending shells, round-shot, and grape into our rear, with destruction to some battery-horses and a few men; but even this was stopped a short distance beyond Martinsburg. After twenty-four miles of mounted pursuit of foot-men, even the cavalry was tired. Where was Steuart with his three cavalry regiments,--Ashby's, Munford's, and Flournoy's,--to oppose General Hatch with less than one (he had, as it will be remembered, less than nine hundred men at Strasburg). Undoubtedly a feeble pursuit by cavalry was made on the Harper's Ferry road and on the railroad, where broken parts of our command were seeking to make their way to Harper's Ferry: many stragglers, and men wearied from long marching, fasting, and fighting; also the wounded who had sunk on the ground overpowered, --many such were picked up by the enemy's
Turner Ashby (search for this): chapter 9
ired. Where was Steuart with his three cavalry regiments,--Ashby's, Munford's, and Flournoy's,--to oppose General Hatch withIt appears that the cavalry failed Jackson because those of Ashby's command had not yet been collected since they scattered fclared, the reach of successful pursuit. With what cavalry Ashby could collect, he moved by way of Berryville to Harper's Fe to these Allan thinks about 40 should be added, to include Ashby's loss, and that in the Louisiana troops at Front Royal, an Southerner, which he was by birth, he volunteered to drive Ashby to Martinsburg in an ambulance: Ashby, it appears, was wounAshby, it appears, was wounded at Front Royal in the shoulder, and could not mount a horse. Following in the rear of our retreating army amid cannonadie reported cruelties, but upon one occasion was directed by Ashby to see if one of our men lying by the road-side was alive. o the adjoining field to prevent mutilation by animals, was Ashby's order. It does not come within the scope of this narra
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