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W. H. Lewis (search for this): chapter 12
ississippians did their full share of the desperate fighting. Humphreys brigade, after spending the winter and early spring amid great privations in East Tennessee and sharing the military operations in that region, joined Lee's army at Orange Court House, and subsequently fought with its division, commanded by General Kershaw. The brigade still included the Thirteenth Mississippi, Maj. G. L. Donald, Lieut.-Col. A. G. O'Brien; Seventeenth, Capt. J. C. Cochrane in command; Eighteenth, Capt. W. H. Lewis, Col. T. M. Griffin; Twenty-first, Col. D. N. Moody. In the Third army corps were two other Mississippi brigades; one, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel H. Harris and later by Col. Joseph M. Jayne, in R. H. Anderson's division, later Mahone's, included the Twelfth regiment, Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas; Sixteenth, Col. Samuel E. Baker; Nineteenth, Col. Thomas J. Hardin, Col. R. W. Phipps: Forty-eighth, Lieut.-Col. Thomas B. Manlove. One, under Brig.-Gen. Joseph R. Davis, was assigned to H
John Adams (search for this): chapter 12
llace B. Colbert; First battalion sharpshooters, Maj. James M. Stigler;--and the brigade of Gen. John Adams: Sixth regiment, Col. Robert Lowry; Fourteenth, Lieut.-Col. W. L. Doss; Fifteenth, Col. Micr, behaved with great coolness and courage, defeating the enemy's attacks. The skirmish line of Adams' brigade, Colonel Lowry's Sixth regiment, was equally distinguished in repulsing a heavy attack ee hundred yards to a sheltered position, which they held till night, when they were withdrawn. Adams' brigade was on picket duty, but joined the division after dark. French's division was held in r the battle of the 28th, with Featherston's division, in which were the Mississippi brigades of Adams and Barry. The enemy brought their skirmish line up within sixty yards, and mounted a cannon wig, French and Walthall was over 2,000, including many of the best officers and bravest men. Gen. John Adams was killed, his horse being found lying across the inner line of the enemy's works. Genera
A. P. Stewart (search for this): chapter 12
In the army of Mississippi, commanded after the death of Polk by W. W. Loring, and then by A. P. Stewart, were found in Loring's division the brigade of Gen. W. S. Featherston: Third regiment, Col.uffering heavy loss. In Hood's operations against Sherman's communications in north Georgia, Stewart's corps, the old army of Mississippi, took the most conspicuous part, and it was French's divisher than their defeat there, is a matter of wonder. The Mississippi brigades of Cheatham's and Stewart's corps went forward in the general assault. The enemy was driven from his outer works and fieite side of Harpeth. The men, however, pressed forward again and again with dauntless courage, Stewart reported, to the ditch around the inner line of works, which they failed to carry, but where maush of the exulting enemy. This was gallantly and successfully done by this fine division, General Stewart reported. Brigadier-General Sears late in the day lost a leg and was captured. On the nex
William S. Barry (search for this): chapter 12
Michael Farrell; Twentieth, Col. William N. Brown; Twenty-third, Col. Joseph M. Wells; Forty-third, Col. Richard Harrison. In French's division was the brigade of Gen. Claudius W. Sears: Fourth regiment, Col. Thomas N. Adaire; Thirty-fifth, Col. W. S. Barry; Thirty-sixth, Col. W. W. Witherspoon; Thirty-ninth, Lieut.-Col. W. E. Ross; Forty-sixth, Col. William H. Clark; and the Seventh battalion, Capt. W. A. Trotter. The Mississippi batteries of Cowan, Hoskins and Yates were attached. The cav Dyer, behaved with great coolness and courage, defeating the enemy's attacks. The skirmish line of Adams' brigade, Colonel Lowry's Sixth regiment, was equally distinguished in repulsing a heavy attack in the morning. Sears' brigade, under Col. W. S. Barry, also had a creditable part in this memorable defeat of Sherman. General French asserted, regarding this battle, that whatever credit is due for the complete repulse of the assaulting column at Little Kenesaw belonged exclusively to the bri
in the charge and displaying the highest qualities of a true soldier. Col. T. A. Mellon, Third regiment, and Maj. M. A. Oatis, Twenty-second, were both severely wounded after gallantly leading their commands to the enemy's first line of works. The same misfortune befell Col. J. W. Drane, commanding the Thirty-first; Maj. F. M. Gillespie, next commanding the Thirty-first, was killed; and in the Fortieth, Lieut.-Col. George P. Wallace, commanding, was severely wounded, losing an arm, and Maj. W. McD. Gibbens was killed. Indeed, every regimental commander but one was killed or wounded. Adjt. W. J. Van de Graaf, Thirty-first, seized the colors of his regiment after two or three color-bearers had fallen, and bore them till he also was shot down with the colors in his hand. Adjt. C. V. H. Davis lost his life in the same gallant duty with the colors of the Twentysec-ond regiment. The Thirty-first regiment in this fatal assault lost every field officer and captain killed or wounded, l
T. A. Mellon (search for this): chapter 12
uently in Major-General Walthall's division. In the army of Mississippi, commanded after the death of Polk by W. W. Loring, and then by A. P. Stewart, were found in Loring's division the brigade of Gen. W. S. Featherston: Third regiment, Col. T. A. Mellon; Twenty-second, Maj. M. A. Oatis; Thirty-first, Col. M. D. L. Stephens; Thirty-third, Col. Jabez L. Drake; Fortieth, Col. Wallace B. Colbert; First battalion sharpshooters, Maj. James M. Stigler;--and the brigade of Gen. John Adams: Sixth rrake, the only field officer with the Thirty-third, a gallant and excellent officer, Featherston wrote, fell beyond the enemy's first line of works, leading his regiment in the charge and displaying the highest qualities of a true soldier. Col. T. A. Mellon, Third regiment, and Maj. M. A. Oatis, Twenty-second, were both severely wounded after gallantly leading their commands to the enemy's first line of works. The same misfortune befell Col. J. W. Drane, commanding the Thirty-first; Maj. F.
Courier A. W. Hancock (search for this): chapter 12
portion of the captured works, which they held under an enfilading fire from 7 a. m. on the 12th until 3:30 of the next day, exposed to a constant and destructive fire of musketry and artillery, both from the front and flank. To add to their discomfiture, a cold, drenching rain filled the trenches. Man after man was shot down in the effort to bring them ammunition, but some escaped death at this work, defying a fire that cut down and hewed to splinters trees 22 inches in diameter. Courier A. W. Hancock and Private F. Dolan, of the Forty-eighth, were particularly distinguished in this service. The brigade lost some of its most valuable officers, including the gallant Colonel Baker, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Feltus, Adjt. D. B. L. Lowe and Ensign Mixon of the Sixteenth; Colonel Hardin and Adjutant Peel, of the Nineteenth; Captains McAfee, Davis and Reynhardt of the Forty-eighth, and Lieutenant Bew of the Twelfth. Maj. E. C. Councell (afterward promoted colonel and killed), Capt. Harry Smith
Thomas J. Stanford (search for this): chapter 12
rantly, and the Thirty-fourth under Col. Samuel Benton. Hardee's corps included in Jackson's brigade, Walker's division, the Fifth Mississippi, Col. John Weir, and the Eighth, Col. John C. Wilkinson; and in Brig.-Gen. Mark P. Lowrey's brigade of Cleburne's division were the Thirty-second, Col. William H. H. Tison, and Forty-fifth, Col. Aaron B. Hardcastle. Col. Melancthon Smith was in command of Hardee's artillery, in which were included the Mississippi batteries of Turner and Shannon. Stanford's battery was attached to Hood's corps, and Darden's battery to the reserve. The Thirty-seventh Mississippi, Col. Orlando S. Holland, from the department of the Gulf, was attached to General Cantey's command, subsequently in Major-General Walthall's division. In the army of Mississippi, commanded after the death of Polk by W. W. Loring, and then by A. P. Stewart, were found in Loring's division the brigade of Gen. W. S. Featherston: Third regiment, Col. T. A. Mellon; Twenty-second, Maj.
W. L. Walker (search for this): chapter 12
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh regiments, consolidated under Col. R. P. McKelvaine, the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth under Col. William F. Brantly, and the Thirty-fourth under Col. Samuel Benton. Hardee's corps included in Jackson's brigade, Walker's division, the Fifth Mississippi, Col. John Weir, and the Eighth, Col. John C. Wilkinson; and in Brig.-Gen. Mark P. Lowrey's brigade of Cleburne's division were the Thirty-second, Col. William H. H. Tison, and Forty-fifth, Col. Aaron B. Hardcast; Ballentine's regiment, Lieut.-Col. W. L. Maxwell; while in Ferguson's brigade were the Ninth Mississippi cavalry, Col. H. H. Miller; Eleventh, Col. Robert O. Perrin; Twelfth battalion, Col. Wm. M. Inge. The Mississippians under Cleburne and Walker gallantly took part in the opening struggle of the campaign at Rocky Face mountain. Walthall's brigade, supported by Tucker's, held position on the left of Hood's corps at Resaca, and maintained their ground under a heavy artillery fire two days
A. H. Chalmers (search for this): chapter 12
opportunity to destroy Thomas' army was missed by the infantry, Chalmers' and Jackson's men, aided by Cleburne, pressed the enemy vigorously, after which Jackson struck the retreating column near its head and without support fought all night. The cavalry served effectively at Franklin, and afterward captured many Federal posts and invested Murfreesboro. They held back all the Federal cavalry, defeating the enemy at Richland creek, King's hill and Sugar creek. During much of the time General Chalmers had practically independent command of a large part of the cavalry, and after Buford was wounded had charge of that division as well as his own. Armstrong's Mississippi brigade lost more heavily than any other cavalry command, its total casualties being 147. Let us turn now to that desperate struggle in Virginia, in which the army of the immortal Robert E. Lee had held the vastly superior numbers of Grant always in its front, from the Rapidan to the James, until they filed off exhaus
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