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Michael Farrell (search for this): chapter 12
harpshooters, Maj. James M. Stigler;--and the brigade of Gen. John Adams: Sixth regiment, Col. Robert Lowry; Fourteenth, Lieut.-Col. W. L. Doss; Fifteenth, Col. Michael Farrell; Twentieth, Col. William N. Brown; Twenty-third, Col. Joseph M. Wells; Forty-third, Col. Richard Harrison. In French's division was the brigade of Gen. Clff the enemy and resisted his renewed attacks, without doubt saved the right of the army as Granbury had already done before. On June 9th, at Moore's mill, Colonel Farrell, with the Fifteenth Mississippi and two companies of the Sixth, captured a number of men from an Ohio regiment, whose attack they had repulsed. At Kenesaw Adams was killed, his horse being found lying across the inner line of the enemy's works. Generals Scott, Cockrell, Quarles and Walthall were all disabled. Colonel Farrell, Colonel Brown, Colonel Stephens, Colonel Dyer, Colonel Adair and Major Magee were wounded, and Col. W. W. Witherspoon was killed. Four Mississippi regiment
John B. Hood (search for this): chapter 12
trength of Mississippi had been drawn to the army under Johnston and later under Hood. When General Polk went into north Georgia, where his life was soon to be sacriall's Mississippi brigades were assigned to Gen. T. C. Hindman's division of John B. Hood's corps. Anderson's brigade, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Wm. F. Tucker, and latMississippi batteries of Turner and Shannon. Stanford's battery was attached to Hood's corps, and Darden's battery to the reserve. The Thirty-seventh Mississippi, Cuntain. Walthall's brigade, supported by Tucker's, held position on the left of Hood's corps at Resaca, and maintained their ground under a heavy artillery fire two picuous as the most actively engaged command of this battle, the first after General Hood took command. Col. J. L. Drake, the only field officer with the Thirty-thiremy posted on a hill, exhibiting great gallantry and suffering heavy loss. In Hood's operations against Sherman's communications in north Georgia, Stewart's corps,
T. C. Hindman (search for this): chapter 12
where his life was soon to be sacrificed for the cause of the Confederacy, he took with him the Mississippi infantry which had served theretofore in the defense of the State, and they, added to the brigades which had fought under Bragg, formed a considerable part of the army which wrestled bloodily with Sherman all the way from Dalton to Atlanta in the summer of 1864. In the organization of Johnston's army of Tennessee, Anderson's and Walthall's Mississippi brigades were assigned to Gen. T. C. Hindman's division of John B. Hood's corps. Anderson's brigade, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Wm. F. Tucker, and later by Col. Jacob H. Sharp, included the Seventh Mississippi infantry, Col. Wm. H. Bishop; Ninth, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin F. Johns; Tenth, Lieut.-Col. George B. Myers; Forty-first, Col. J. Byrd Williams; Forty-fourth, Lieut.-Col. R. G. Kelsey; Ninth battalion sharpshooters, Maj. William C. Richards. General Walthall's brigade was made up of the remnants of the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sev
Nathaniel H. Harris (search for this): chapter 12
Capt. W. H. Lewis, Col. T. M. Griffin; Twenty-first, Col. D. N. Moody. In the Third army corps were two other Mississippi brigades; one, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel H. Harris and later by Col. Joseph M. Jayne, in R. H. Anderson's division, later Mahone's, included the Twelfth regiment, Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas; Sixteenth, Cxth, Col. A. E. Reynolds; Fortyond, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Nelson; and the Fifty-fifth North Carolina. In the fight of May 12th at the bloody angle, Spottsylvania, Harris' brigade charged and regained a portion of the captured works, which they held under an enfilading fire from 7 a. m. on the 12th until 3:30 of the next day, exposmentioned for conspicuous bravery. Gen. Samuel McGowan, part of whose brigade got into a portion of the trenches, reported that his men found in the trenches General Harris and what remained of his gallant brigade, and they (Mississippians and Carolinians), mingled together, made one of the most gallant and stubborn defenses reco
munition, but some escaped death at this work, defying a fire that cut down and hewed to splinters trees 22 inches in diameter. Courier A. W. Hancock and Private F. Dolan, of the Forty-eighth, were particularly distinguished in this service. The brigade lost some of its most valuable officers, including the gallant Colonel Baker, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Feltus, Adjt. D. B. L. Lowe and Ensign Mixon of the Sixteenth; Colonel Hardin and Adjutant Peel, of the Nineteenth; Captains McAfee, Davis and Reynhardt of the Forty-eighth, and Lieutenant Bew of the Twelfth. Maj. E. C. Councell (afterward promoted colonel and killed), Capt. Harry Smith and Private Edward Perault of the Sixteenth; Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas of the Twelfth, and Courier Charles Weil were mentioned for conspicuous bravery. Gen. Samuel McGowan, part of whose brigade got into a portion of the trenches, reported that his men found in the trenches General Harris and what remained of his gallant brigade, and they (Mississippians an
Samuel E. Baker (search for this): chapter 12
orps were two other Mississippi brigades; one, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel H. Harris and later by Col. Joseph M. Jayne, in R. H. Anderson's division, later Mahone's, included the Twelfth regiment, Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas; Sixteenth, Col. Samuel E. Baker; Nineteenth, Col. Thomas J. Hardin, Col. R. W. Phipps: Forty-eighth, Lieut.-Col. Thomas B. Manlove. One, under Brig.-Gen. Joseph R. Davis, was assigned to Heth's division, and was composed of the Second regiment, Col. J. M. Stone; Eleventhand hewed to splinters trees 22 inches in diameter. Courier A. W. Hancock and Private F. Dolan, of the Forty-eighth, were particularly distinguished in this service. The brigade lost some of its most valuable officers, including the gallant Colonel Baker, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Feltus, Adjt. D. B. L. Lowe and Ensign Mixon of the Sixteenth; Colonel Hardin and Adjutant Peel, of the Nineteenth; Captains McAfee, Davis and Reynhardt of the Forty-eighth, and Lieutenant Bew of the Twelfth. Maj. E. C. Cou
urt House, and subsequently fought with its division, commanded by General Kershaw. The brigade still included the Thirteenth Mississippi, Maj. G. L. Donald, Lieut.-Col. A. G. O'Brien; Seventeenth, Capt. J. C. Cochrane in command; Eighteenth, Capt. W. H. Lewis, Col. T. M. Griffin; Twenty-first, Col. D. N. Moody. In the Third army corps were two other Mississippi brigades; one, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel H. Harris and later by Col. Joseph M. Jayne, in R. H. Anderson's division, later Mahone's, included the Twelfth regiment, Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas; Sixteenth, Col. Samuel E. Baker; Nineteenth, Col. Thomas J. Hardin, Col. R. W. Phipps: Forty-eighth, Lieut.-Col. Thomas B. Manlove. One, under Brig.-Gen. Joseph R. Davis, was assigned to Heth's division, and was composed of the Second regiment, Col. J. M. Stone; Eleventh, Lieut.-Col. Wm. B. Lowry; Twenty-sixth, Col. A. E. Reynolds; Fortyond, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Nelson; and the Fifty-fifth North Carolina. In the fight of May 12th a
his work, defying a fire that cut down and hewed to splinters trees 22 inches in diameter. Courier A. W. Hancock and Private F. Dolan, of the Forty-eighth, were particularly distinguished in this service. The brigade lost some of its most valuable officers, including the gallant Colonel Baker, Lieut.-Col. A. M. Feltus, Adjt. D. B. L. Lowe and Ensign Mixon of the Sixteenth; Colonel Hardin and Adjutant Peel, of the Nineteenth; Captains McAfee, Davis and Reynhardt of the Forty-eighth, and Lieutenant Bew of the Twelfth. Maj. E. C. Councell (afterward promoted colonel and killed), Capt. Harry Smith and Private Edward Perault of the Sixteenth; Lieut.-Col. S. B. Thomas of the Twelfth, and Courier Charles Weil were mentioned for conspicuous bravery. Gen. Samuel McGowan, part of whose brigade got into a portion of the trenches, reported that his men found in the trenches General Harris and what remained of his gallant brigade, and they (Mississippians and Carolinians), mingled together, made
John C. Wilkinson (search for this): chapter 12
Williams; Forty-fourth, Lieut.-Col. R. G. Kelsey; Ninth battalion sharpshooters, Maj. William C. Richards. General Walthall's brigade was made up of the remnants of the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh regiments, consolidated under Col. R. P. McKelvaine, the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth under Col. William F. Brantly, and the Thirty-fourth under Col. Samuel Benton. Hardee's corps included in Jackson's brigade, Walker's division, the Fifth Mississippi, Col. John Weir, and the Eighth, Col. John C. Wilkinson; and in Brig.-Gen. Mark P. Lowrey's brigade of Cleburne's division were the Thirty-second, Col. William H. H. Tison, and Forty-fifth, Col. Aaron B. Hardcastle. Col. Melancthon Smith was in command of Hardee's artillery, in which were included the Mississippi batteries of Turner and Shannon. Stanford's battery was attached to Hood's corps, and Darden's battery to the reserve. The Thirty-seventh Mississippi, Col. Orlando S. Holland, from the department of the Gulf, was attached to Ge
William C. Richards (search for this): chapter 12
Johnston's army of Tennessee, Anderson's and Walthall's Mississippi brigades were assigned to Gen. T. C. Hindman's division of John B. Hood's corps. Anderson's brigade, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Wm. F. Tucker, and later by Col. Jacob H. Sharp, included the Seventh Mississippi infantry, Col. Wm. H. Bishop; Ninth, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin F. Johns; Tenth, Lieut.-Col. George B. Myers; Forty-first, Col. J. Byrd Williams; Forty-fourth, Lieut.-Col. R. G. Kelsey; Ninth battalion sharpshooters, Maj. William C. Richards. General Walthall's brigade was made up of the remnants of the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh regiments, consolidated under Col. R. P. McKelvaine, the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth under Col. William F. Brantly, and the Thirty-fourth under Col. Samuel Benton. Hardee's corps included in Jackson's brigade, Walker's division, the Fifth Mississippi, Col. John Weir, and the Eighth, Col. John C. Wilkinson; and in Brig.-Gen. Mark P. Lowrey's brigade of Cleburne's division were the Thirt
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