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Jefferson Davis 100 6 Browse Search
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Rufus Choate 82 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley).

Found 2,913 total hits in 1,147 results.

... 110 111 112 113 114 115
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 99
ration of139 Independence, Southern Association for265 Ireland, The Case of294 Johnson, Reverdy42 Johnson, Dr., his Favorite Toast329 Lord, President3, 319 Lawrence, Abbot25 Ludovico, Father54 Lincoln, Abraham181, 384 Letcher, Governor340 Mason, John Y13, 24 Mitchel, John20, 50 Matthews, of Virginia, on Education92 Montgomery, The Muddle at181 Morse, Samuel and Sidney186 Meredith, J. W., his Private Battery141 McMahon, T. W., his Pamphlet214 Monroe, Mayor, of New Orleans234 Malcolm, Dr., on Slavery248 Maryland, The Union Party in260 Mallory, Secretary280 McClellan, General, as a Pacificator370 Mercury, The Charleston399 Netherlands, Deacon17 North, Southern Notions of the144 Olivieri, The Abbe, on Negro Education56 Pierce, Franklin29 Pollard, Mr., his Mammy 63 Palfrey, General, in Boston73 Perham, Josiah, his Invitation97 Parker, E. G., his Life of Choate108 Patents Granted in the South134 P
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 99
tary280 McClellan, General, as a Pacificator370 Mercury, The Charleston399 Netherlands, Deacon17 North, Southern Notions of the144 Olivieri, The Abbe, on Negro Education56 Pierce, Franklin29 Pollard, Mr., his Mammy 63 Palfrey, General, in Boston73 Perham, Josiah, his Invitation97 Parker, E. G., his Life of Choate108 Patents Granted in the South134 Polk, Bishop172 Parties, Extemporizing242 Platform Novelties in Boston247 Paley, Dr., on Slavery808 Pitt, William, an Abolitionist329 Rogersville, the Great Flogging in16 Roundheads and Cavaliers151 Russell, William H158, 187 Repudiation of Northern Debts162 Red Bill, a New Orleans Patriarch318 Romilly, Sir Samuel828 Robertson, Dr., on Slavery803 Screws, Benjamin, Negro Broker8, 88 Society for Promoting National Unity186 Stevens, Alexander H148 Secession, The Ordinance of178 Slidell, Miss204 Secessionists, The Dissensions of219 St. Domingo, The Argument
Greenville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 99
4, 279, 282, 283, 288, 380, 388, 346 Diarist, A Southern124 Dargan, Chancellor160 Dahomey, the Original of the Confederacy175 De Bow on Confederate Manufactures230 Debt, The Confederate285 Everett, Edward45, 181 Fielder, Herbert, his Pamphlet46 Fillmore, Millard116 Floyd, John B162 Fortescue on Slavery303 Free States, Southern Opinion of316 Freedmen, Probable Vices of362 Franklin on British Policy366 Fast Day, Mr. Davis's377 Gregory, M. P.163 Greenville, Lord, on Emancipation329 Goethe on the Future of America808 Greatness, Historical856 Hamilton, Alexander, on the Union297 Hawks, Dr., his Twelve Questions305 Independence, Declaration of139 Independence, Southern Association for265 Ireland, The Case of294 Johnson, Reverdy42 Johnson, Dr., his Favorite Toast329 Lord, President3, 319 Lawrence, Abbot25 Ludovico, Father54 Lincoln, Abraham181, 384 Letcher, Governor340 Mason, John Y13, 24 Mitchel,
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 99
, Father54 Lincoln, Abraham181, 384 Letcher, Governor340 Mason, John Y13, 24 Mitchel, John20, 50 Matthews, of Virginia, on Education92 Montgomery, The Muddle at181 Morse, Samuel and Sidney186 Meredith, J. W., his Private Battery141 McMahon, T. W., his Pamphlet214 Monroe, Mayor, of New Orleans234 Malcolm, Dr., on Slavery248 Maryland, The Union Party in260 Mallory, Secretary280 McClellan, General, as a Pacificator370 Mercury, The Charleston399 Netherlands, Deacon17 North, Southern Notions of the144 Olivieri, The Abbe, on Negro Education56 Pierce, Franklin29 Pollard, Mr., his Mammy 63 Palfrey, General, in Boston73 Perham, Josiah, his Invitation97 Parker, E. G., his Life of Choate108 Patents Granted in the South134 Polk, Bishop172 Parties, Extemporizing242 Platform Novelties in Boston247 Paley, Dr., on Slavery808 Pitt, William, an Abolitionist329 Rogersville, the Great Flogging in16 Roundheads and
Benin (Benin) (search for this): chapter 99
Choate, Rufus45, 58, 84 Choate, Rufus Scrambles of his Biographers102 Cumberland Presbyterian Church68 Cumberland Presbyterian Newspaper79 Columbia (S. C.), Bell-Ringing in125 Commons, House of, on Gregory's Motion168 Colleges, Southern172 Cotton, Moral Influence of201 Congress, The Confederate222, 238 Clergymen, Second--Hand224 Carlyle, Thomas323 Davis, Jefferson42, 274, 279, 282, 283, 288, 380, 388, 346 Diarist, A Southern124 Dargan, Chancellor160 Dahomey, the Original of the Confederacy175 De Bow on Confederate Manufactures230 Debt, The Confederate285 Everett, Edward45, 181 Fielder, Herbert, his Pamphlet46 Fillmore, Millard116 Floyd, John B162 Fortescue on Slavery303 Free States, Southern Opinion of316 Freedmen, Probable Vices of362 Franklin on British Policy366 Fast Day, Mr. Davis's377 Gregory, M. P.163 Greenville, Lord, on Emancipation329 Goethe on the Future of America808 Greatness, Historical
Van Buren, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 99
51 Russell, William H158, 187 Repudiation of Northern Debts162 Red Bill, a New Orleans Patriarch318 Romilly, Sir Samuel828 Robertson, Dr., on Slavery803 Screws, Benjamin, Negro Broker8, 88 Society for Promoting National Unity186 Stevens, Alexander H148 Secession, The Ordinance of178 Slidell, Miss204 Secessionists, The Dissensions of219 St. Domingo, The Argument from326 Saulsbury, Senator334, 351 Tyler, John, his Diagnosis128 Times, The London158, 177, 309, 366, 374 Toombs, General, his Trials269 Thirty-Five, The Council of273 Taliaferro, Mr., his Defalcation316 Thugs in New Orleans318 University, a Southern Wanted61 Utopia, A. Slaveholding300 Van Buren, John44 Virginia, Democracy in185 Wise, Henry A.2, 95, 135, 155 Walker, William, his Letter to General Cass33, 35 Winslow, Hubbard136 Williams, Commander206 Winthrop, Robert C.248 Wood, Benjamin379, 383 Yeadon, Richard8 Young, Brigham358, 392
Rodgersville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 99
icator370 Mercury, The Charleston399 Netherlands, Deacon17 North, Southern Notions of the144 Olivieri, The Abbe, on Negro Education56 Pierce, Franklin29 Pollard, Mr., his Mammy 63 Palfrey, General, in Boston73 Perham, Josiah, his Invitation97 Parker, E. G., his Life of Choate108 Patents Granted in the South134 Polk, Bishop172 Parties, Extemporizing242 Platform Novelties in Boston247 Paley, Dr., on Slavery808 Pitt, William, an Abolitionist329 Rogersville, the Great Flogging in16 Roundheads and Cavaliers151 Russell, William H158, 187 Repudiation of Northern Debts162 Red Bill, a New Orleans Patriarch318 Romilly, Sir Samuel828 Robertson, Dr., on Slavery803 Screws, Benjamin, Negro Broker8, 88 Society for Promoting National Unity186 Stevens, Alexander H148 Secession, The Ordinance of178 Slidell, Miss204 Secessionists, The Dissensions of219 St. Domingo, The Argument from326 Saulsbury, Senator334, 351
... 110 111 112 113 114 115